The Shepherd and the Lamb
“Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.”
Luke 15:6 KJV

About the Song
Words by Toni Thomas
Music by Sally DeFord
I was thrilled when Toni asked me to set her delightful text about repentance to music for children. In it, we are compared to the lost sheep that Jesus seeks — and finds. A comforting thought indeed!
This was a really fun one to write. There isn’t an MP3 demo for this one, only the YouTube video below, so it isn’t downloadable. It’s worth watching — these kids are amazing. The video is an excerpt from the February 2019 Church Music Festival, and you can see (and download) the whole video here: https://www.lds.org/media-library/video/musical-broadcasts?lang=eng#
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(Video provided to YouTube by outside parties may contain ads that may be skipped after a few seconds.)
A little lamb went wandering;
Its path grew dark and cold.
The lamb was lost and, fearful, cried
in longing for its fold.
Be glad to know a shepherd true,
Who loved that little lamb,
Searched high and low, each rock and hole,
And found and carried it home.
Sing allelu, allelujah!
He found and carried it home.
If I choose wrong and make mistakes
Or some time go astray,
I know the Savior’s always near
To help me find the way.
For Jesus is my shepherd true,
And I, His little lamb;
When I repent, my sin is cleansed,
And I am happy again!
Sing allelu, allelujah!
For I am happy again!
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