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I Know My Father Loves Me

“He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.”

Psalms 147:4 KJV

About the Song

In March of 2011 this beautiful baby girl was born. Her mommy and daddy named her “Lyric” and she is hands down the most beautiful baby girl in the world. She also looks like a miniature copy of her brother, which means that he was the most beautiful baby boy in the world. Objectively speaking, of course.

I try to write songs for each of my kids and grandkids, so after I had spent some time getting to know baby Lyric, I began thinking about a song for her… and I thought and thought… and thought… and a year later I finally finished. Funny how the simplest things can sometimes be the hardest.

As I thought about the first time I held baby Lyric, and marveled at how very tiny she was, I realized that I wanted her to know that her Heavenly Father cares for all of His creations however small they may be. He counts the stars, He knows the sparrows, and He knows and loves every little child.

The YouTube video for this song uses illustrations by Natasha Nashadka, a wonderful artist and friend. All the beautiful art in the video is her work, and you can see more on her website — http://nashadka.com. To do the drawings justice, you’ll want to watch the video in full-screen, at the highest resolution your connection will handle.

Spotify, Soundcloud (inc. free downloads)

Click the Soundcloud download icon to download the free track for personal use.

Recording featuring vocals by Allyse Smith Taylor:

Flute by Mara Riley

Accompaniment track:

Flute by Mara Riley

Recording featuring vocals by Annabelle Smith:

Accompaniment track:

Apple Music, Amazon

These files may be copied/shared in any quantity in any physical format unless otherwise noted. They may not be re-sold or offered for download.


  (Video provided to YouTube by outside parties may contain ads that may be skipped after a few seconds.)


He numbers the stars and He calls them by name
He watches the sparrow, and the nest whence it came
He cares for the lilies, so lovely to see
Because He loves them so, I know He loves me

He watches the lambs in the fold where they sleep
He cares for the shepherd watching over His sheep
He knows His creations, where e’er they may be
Because He loves them so, I know He loves me

He numbers the stars, and our tears and our smiles
He knows every sparrow, and He knows every child
And when I see starlight, or birds on the wing
I know my Father loves me, and my heart sings .

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  1. Laurie Crookston

    This song means a great deal to our entire family. Grandchildren sang it for their great grandfather’s funeral 1 1/2 years ago. His widow listened to it again and again for many weeks afterward. We will be singing it again at her graveside this week.

  2. Linda Flynn

    I have played so many many of your songs and loved them. This Sunday, three of us will be performing I Know My Father Loves Me – piano, flute and vocal. Oh my goodness, how I love this hymn! I can never thank you enough for all the music. I just cannot thank you enough for the songs of the spirit that you share with us. This song, I Know My Father Loves Me, with flute and voice and piano, makes my spirit soar.
    Thank you with all my heart.

  3. Natalie Ward

    Thank you for reminding me of the small and simple ways He sows me that He lives me! Thanks for making my heart sing and sure many others!

  4. eleonor reyes

    I love this song…we are trying to memorise this song for my 7 year old daughter to sing for an offering…

  5. Bonnie

    I was wondering if there is an mp3 accompaniment track for the one page version (3 flats) of “I Know my Father Loves Me”?

  6. Linda Pierce

    I love this song! We are going to sing it for Father’s Day this year as a women’s ensemble. Thank you for sharing your talent!

  7. Estee Ragsdale

    Hello Sally,

    My 8 year old daughter just sang this lovely song for a baptism service! I am the primary chorister and I would love to add this song into the program this year – but – it’s a little low voiced for kids. My daughter was totally bottomed out. Is there any way you could shift the key up a bit to be more friendly for young little voices?

  8. Karen Doxey

    Today was the Dungeness Ward (Sequim, WA) Primary Program. A highlight of the meeting was the Senior Primary children singing your beautiful song, “I Know My Heavenly Father Loves Me.” The girls sang the first verse. The boys then sang the second and third verses while the girls sang the harmony. The children sang like angels, quite magnificent. Thank you for generously sharing your incomparable talent.

  9. Shelly Vargas-Hammers

    Hi Sally! Thank you so much for being so generous. I can use your music to render a Special Music in our church. I love all your songs. May God richly bless you. Please keep writing and making music because you’re inspiring many people, including me. 🙂

  10. Lola B

    This is such a beautiful song! I just really love it! It pops into my mind often and just plays over and over. Thank you for writing and sharing it!

  11. Jennie

    I have been so blessed by your music for the past year and have loved all of the songs I have listend to. My pianist and I have recently started working with I Know My Father Loves Me. We shared it today at a nursing home where we sang “love songs” because of Valentine’s Day coming up and everybody loved this piece. We’ve shared “Believer’s Prayer” with them as well and they loved that piece too. I just want to say “Thank You” so much Sally for sharing your gift with us. There is nobody else that I have found who is as generous as you are and I am so grateful that I found your site. May God bless you for your selflessness and may He continue to give you the words and music that sing praises to Him and allow us to share those with others who may not know Him but are interested in knowing Him because of your music! Thank you, thank you, thank you! God bless!

  12. Amanda Tännler

    Dear Sally

    Our Lord has sent you to help us proclaim his word. I cannot say, may he bless you abundantly, because it’s cristyl clear that he has blessed you already. He has chosen you to spread his word upon song and that song will transend and touch everyone’s hearts and souls who sings and hears it. It has touched my heart and soul deeply and cleared my understanding,even more so, to know that I am a child of God and that our dear Heavely Father has Loved us, even before time began….and his Love is greater than Eternity! His love trancsends all known love found here on earth. He loves us…. more than we can begin to comprehend.

    Thank you

  13. Edna Nikolov

    I am your new fan Sally Deford. I am inlove with your music and I am so blessed and thankful to God for this wonderful gift He has bestowed upon you. May God will guide you tremendously as you continue to write music that will inspire others. God bless

  14. Kami

    I love this song–thank you! I’m teaching it to a group of girls to sing in sacrament meeting. I think the Children’s version with a few additions (adding the “Ooo” harmony on the 2nd verse and repeating the last line with harmony at the end) will be just perfect! thank you for sharing your talents!

  15. Teresa Hodge

    Sally, this is one of the most beautiful songs I’ve every heard – the lyrics as well as the accompaniment. I’m the Primary Chorister and the Ward Music Leader and have used it for our Primary Presentatuin (the children and leaders fell in love with it), and am planning on singing it with a small group with flute for our ward this month. Thank you for all you do and allowing us to use your music. Your site is always at the top of my list in finding beautiful and appropriate music.


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