Baby In a Manger
About the Song
2007 Christmas Card Carol

This extremely simple little Christmas lullaby was written for my first grandson, Damien, when he was just two weeks old. He appreciated it then–babies like music–and I’m sure he’ll appreciate it when he’s 50 or so. In between, well…
In the SSA arrangement, I gave the melody to the altos all the way through–a natural consequence of practicing “Still, Still, Still” as an alto and nearly dying of boredom.
SSA 2 uses the same vocal harmonies, but it’s accompanied by guitar, which is what you hear in the recording. The measure numbers don’t match up with the flute obbligato (since we didn’t include it), so if you want to try using it you’ll need to adjust that.
Sheet Music Downloads
(Also included in the “My Heart Sings”elementary piano book.)
Personal Composer:
Transpose/resize .pc files using the Personal Composer Demo. (Help)
Spotify, Soundcloud (inc. free downloads)
Click the to download the free track for personal use.
Recording featuring vocals by Allyse Smith Taylor:
Guitar by Kevin Cookson
Accompaniment track:
Guitar by Kevin Cookson
Apple Music, Amazon
These files may be copied/shared in any quantity in any physical format unless otherwise noted. They may not be re-sold or offered for download.
(Video provided to YouTube by outside parties may contain ads that may be skipped after a few seconds.)
Baby in a manger ‘ere the break of day
Baby in a manger sleeping on the hay
Hear the angels singing, joyful at thy birth
“Gloria! Gloria! Peace on earth.”
Baby in a manger, legions gather nigh
Heaven’s song re-echoes ‘neath the starry sky
Hear the angels singing, joyful at thy birth
“Gloria! Gloria! Peace on earth.”
Baby in a manger, heaven’s host proclaims,
“This is the Messiah! Jesus is His name.”
Hear the angels singing, joyful at thy birth
“Gloria! Gloria! Peace on earth.”
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Essa música é maravilhosa!
Vou cantá-la com meu coral aqui no Brasil.
Você tem a letra traduzida para o português? É possível compartilhar, por gentileza?
Thank you so uch for your beautiful music! I cannot tell you how many times I have played or sung your songs. You are so kind to share your talents like you do. I think you are an amazing woman!
If there were only 2 singers, which part on the 3rd vs would be best to drop?
Or would it even still sound good if u drop one of the descants?
Sally, Is this song doable with piano and guitar accompaniment together? The audio sounded like it might be. Thanks
Is there somewhere you can get the guitar tab to the song?
I’ve used this “Baby in a Manger” several times in Primary and YW. I just love it! Thank you so much for blessing so many of us with your beautiful music! I just wish I had known about using your tool to change the key. This piece is a little low for my Primary kids. But it’s perfect for me!!
I just want to say that I have used your music for nearly 20 years when it was introduced to me. I have accompanied and sung many of them, as have my daughters. Thank you so much for making these songs available for no charge. It is absolutely amazing! What a special talent.
Heard this for the first time sung by the Primary at a ward party. It was beautiful. The children knew all 3 verses equally well and sang like angels. When I talked to the accompanist after, she told me they just love it. Would recommend it to anybody.
Thank you, Sally for making such a beautiful song available to us.
Hi Sally, I love your music and have performed various pieces with my choir. For Baby in a Manger I have a German translation. You can use it, if you want to.
Kindlein in der Wiege, alles macht es neu
Kindlein in der Wiege, schläft im warmen Heu
Hört die Engel singen, freudig gute Mär:
„Gloria! Gloria! Fried auf Erd.“
Kindlein in der Wiege, einigt diese Welt
Himmelsklang ertönet unterm Sternenzelt
Hört die Engel singen, freudig gute Mär:
„Gloria! Gloria! Fried auf Erd.“
Kindlein in der Wiege, hört der Kunde Klang,
„Das ist der Messias! Jesus ist sein Nam“
Hört die Engel singen, freudig gute Mär:
„Gloria! Gloria! Fried auf Erd.“
Hi Sally,
Thank you for sharing all your beautiful music. My three girls (11,10 & 8) sang your Baby In A Manger in three part harmony this Christmas. I have loved hearing your music fill my home. Thank you for your kindness and talent. Merry Christmas.
– Louisa
Awwww…. angels indeed! 🙂
Hi Sally I just want to say ty so much for having your beautiful music available we have sung a couple of your songs at our branch meetings and we all loved them you are a champion for giving your beautiful music free ty again I love your music
Thank you so much for this beautiful song. I have loved Still, Still, Still growing up and this song’s Alto part moves me as that song has. So wonderful. I am excited to have my primary sing it.
Thank you for this beautiful song. I was listening to it on the computer, and trying to decide if I wanted to have the primary kids learn it, when my 8 year old suddenly appeared next to me, and excitedly asked if we were going to sing it in primary. There is a power in it that grabs you from the first line. They want to sing it all year long.
Thank you for your lovely spirit singing through your music. I am grateful for the opportunity to use the beautiful musical paintings you share.