Fill the Well Within
About the Song
Church Music Contest: Relief Society division–2nd place 1990
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In each passing mortal hour
All around me there is need
There are hearts that yearn, and tears that fall
And hungry souls to feed
I must seek the Spirit’s wisdom
Learn compassion’s gentle art
For I cannot give with empty hands
Nor love with barren heart
If I would bear my brother’s burden
If I would share my sister’s grief
Extend the hand of sweet compassion
Offer the weary ones relief
If I would ease the thirst of strangers
And serve His children heart and hand
I must drink of heaven’s wells o’erflowing
I must learn to fill the well within
I will serve my Savior gladly
Seek His little lambs who stray
But if I would lead them safely home
I must know the way
I must seek for understanding
That I may serve His children well
If I seek to fill the soul athirst
I must first be filled
(Repeat chorus)
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I have just started helping to promote my local Ruby’s Pantry and your words here are truly filling my soul as I reach out to my community and try to let others know that they don’t have to choose between laundry and milk with budget extending help around the corner. I feel like your song is the Lord reminding me I’m in the right place to pick up the burden, share the load and even share the Good Word. I’m finally where I need to be! Thank you for this glorious music. I have sung “Gethsemane” before and I combined your, “Angels came to sing” with “Away in a Manager” one Christmas when my oldest was born and sang acapella holding him.
Our Relief Sisters have been singing your beautiful music. Thank you thank you.
My favorites Let me be a Light, and Fill the Well.
The Sally music are just beautiful. My wife and I have sang some duets from this origin. We have sang in our church.
This is absolutely beautiful!! We have had to go with 2 ladies because of Covid …and you have saved us by supplying us with your beautiful arrangements!! We appreciate your gift so much — we are a rather small DOC Christian Church with a limited budget ….your gifts to our congregation are appreciated!! Jim Kindall, music director
Hi sally,
Is there a backing track available for this? I thought I’d seen one a couple of years back, but can’t locate it now.
So so grateful for the music Sally had created and chosen to share. It touches hearts and fills the singer’s soul. Thank you.
Terry Wasden
In rediscovering this piece 9 years after I first heard it I was reminded once more of the power of your writing and the effect it has had on my spiritual life.
In those 9 years I forgot the name but never did I forget the feeling I felt when I heard it, and after going through all the scores in alphabetical order I immediately recognized the feeling in me as I read the notes of the score.
I discovered your music through my church who’s children’s choir recorded “If I planted a garden” and I’ve been a feeding on the fruits of your labour ever since.
Thank you for sharing.