Guard Him, Joseph
About the Song
We have been blessed with four babies in our family–though they’re certainly not babies anymore! It was during the times when they actually were babies that I learned to appreciate their dad the most. He was so patient with them and with me, spending as many hours up with them at night as I did… probably more. I was thankful for the help, and even more thankful for his obvious love for them.
How grateful Mary must have been for the support and care of her husband Joseph, who was called on to act as the earthly father of the Savior, and to love the Child as his own. That thought prompted the lyrics of this simple song one day as I was Christmas shopping and listening to Pachelbel’s “Canon in D” on the store’s muzak system. The first two lines of harmonic pattern and melody are loosely based on that canon, and the tenor/bass duet accompaniment and obbligato borrow from it.
Sheet Music Downloads
Spotify, Soundcloud (inc. free downloads)
Click the to download the free track for personal use.
Recording featuring vocals by Allyse Smith Taylor:
Accompaniment track:
Recording featuring vocals by James Loynes:
Accompaniment track:
Apple Music, Amazon
These files may be copied/shared in any quantity in any physical format unless otherwise noted. They may not be re-sold or offered for download.
Apple Music: Guard Him, Joseph (feat. Allyse Smith Taylor)
Apple Music: Guard Him, Joseph (Accompaniment Track)
Amazon: Guard Him, Joseph (feat. Allyse Smith Taylor)
Amazon: Guard Him, Joseph (Accompaniment Track)
(Video provided to YouTube by outside parties may contain ads that may be skipped after a few seconds.)
Guard him, Joseph, as He slumbers,
There behind the stable doors
Let no errant sound distress Him,
Tread thou softly on the floor
Linger watchful round the manger;
Hush thy voice and still the beasts
For thou hast within thy keeping
Christ, the infant Prince of Peace
Guard Him, Joseph, through the darkness;
Watching o’er Him till the dawn
Bid the shepherds enter meekly,
Stand in wonder, gaze in awe
Trim thy lamp and shield thy candle;
See they burn all through the night
For thou hast within thy keeping
Christ, the everlasting Light
Guard Him, Joseph, from all danger;
Keep thy vigil nigh His bed
Let no harm nor grief befall Him;
Stand thou in a father’s stead
When his mother’s arms be weary,
Hold Him gently as thine own
For thou hast within thy keeping
God’s own well-beloved Son.
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My apologies – we’re looking for the version for low solo voice with flute, in the key of C.
We have a “Low Voice Solo w/opt. flute” version, with 2 sharps, that we have played for many years – but we’ve lost the flute part. Is there a way to get a copy of this version again?
Thank you!
Hi there! This is such a lovely simple piece. My choir is basking in it right now. However, I need the flute part as a .pdf. I have no way to open the format here. Is that possible?
How can I get the choral version of Guard Him, Joseph? Is there also a SA version with the more elaborate accompaniment?
Dear Talented and Generous Sally DeFord! Truly you are an angel on earth. Thank you for this beautiful song.
Our ward choir – consisting of about 1/4 cute kids – sang this for the Christmas Program. It was so perfect and
brought such a sweet Spirit to our meeting. We tied it all in with the theme of “Assignments” and how it must
have been overwhelming for poor Joseph to try to fulfill his assignment as the Earthly Father of the Savior.
I know this song’s been around for awhile and we’ve sung it before (some of us), but it never fails to touch me.
Thank you for living in such a way that the Lord can use you as HIs instrument and voice. Music is such a great
gift and you are doing a great work. Thank seems inadequate – but it’s all I can think to say. God bless you.
p.s. I am reading the comments below – is there a Spanish version??
Years ago, as a ward choir director, I got this in SA and we sang it in Relief Society and then during the Sacrament Meeting Christmas Program. I have a beautiful picture of Joseph holding the Baby Jesus up. However, it is in storage currently, and I would love another copy. Do you remember the name of the artist? This picture depicted Joseph raising the child to heaven and accepting Him to raise as his own.
We just love your music. We will be singing some of your beautiful Christmas songs at our family Christmas Eve dinner tomorrow. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talents with us.
Is there a cello accompaniment for the SATB version? I see you have it for the solo in the key of C….. but would love to have our cellist play with our choir and piano accompanist. I love your music! I use all of your arrangements! Bless you!
Hello Sally, I am hoping to find a vocal recording of the duet for Guard him Joseph. It is so beautiful! I would like to teach it to my youth choir. We have a young pianist and it helps to have a vocal recording to practice along with occasionally. Thanks
I would love a copy of the Spanish version!
Is Guard Him Joseph available in parts for two male voices as recorded by James Loynes?
Hello Ms. Sally, can we request for a copy of the SATB accompaniment for Guard Him, Joseph? We are planning to use it for our concert. Here is my gmail account. Thank you so much. Our concert is on October 23, 2021, hoping that you will respond! God bless.
I love this song…one of my favorites, but why don’t all versions of Guard Him, Joseph have the beautiful Canon in D intro. ,bridges, and ending? Why only the solo version??
Thank you for writing beautiful hymns/songs for Christian communities 🙂
love this song its so amazing sally deford is truly a really good artist for music!
Sally,thankyou for your sweet emphasis of Joseph’s vital role in God’s plan for Christ’s earthly life. This little song is
precious ! It fills my longing to have Joseph recognized as being completely trusted by Heavenly Father to be the perfect role model for the Savior! Our relief Society sisters, are preparing it to sing in sacrament meeting on Dec.8th
The ” highlight of the # ” I feel, will be the second verse . “Mary,” holding her newborn son, will implore ” Joseph,”[standing by them] to watch o’er Him thru the darkness, with ready lamp and candle.She asks him to host the quiet visit of the shepherds. acknowledging the tiny Prince of Peace. Recently, the main actor in this “musical spotlight”
was given his earthly name & blessing by his daddy. [Joseph] His mommy [Mary]had styled & knit his teeny blue cap & sweater ! These 3,will don humble appropriate nativity outfits, for ” mother’s debut as soloist.” Daddy will hold the wee one throughout the 3rd verse. When I called to ask this favor of “Mary,” she was thrilled & so was I.
The true spirit of Christmas will be felt, I am sure, through our simple harmonious rendition of your sweet song.Our sincere love and thanks to you Sally. “Happy Christmas” from us all here in Lethbridge Alberta Canada !
and thanks to you Sally. “Happy Christmas” dear girl.
I absolutely love this song! I have it on repeat over and over, and have been waiting this whole year to use it (I found it too late in the season last year). I had thought I saw a version for only men singing, but on looking closer must have mistaken the vocal for the sheet music. I’m preparing our Stake Christmas Fireside, and I would loved to have a men’s chorus sing this. Is there already one you have arranged that others have used, or will one be released for this upcoming Christmas 2019 Season? Thank you so much for your talents and that you share them freely with us to use, you are such a blessing to bring such beautiful music filled with the spirit!
Canada here. We are not LDS but have used many of your songs in our worship, this one especially for my husband (a minister in the United Church of Canada, as well as pastoring in a Disciples of Christ Congregation) to sing together. Two of our granddaughters are singing ” If I Had Been in Bethlehem ” at a fundraiser for the homeless shelter in our town. We have also used that song in a Christmas Eve drama. Thank you for transcending denominations with your lovely music. Praise to God knows no boundaries.
Thank you so much, and amen! Happy Christmas!
Help! I am trying to find a TB or TTBB Christmas piece for our ward social in less than two weeks. I hear the TB duet of this song on the “Listen”, but I don’t see a TB Duet on the Downloads. Do you have a TB Duet download for this song or any other Christmas songs? I only see female/baritone. Thanks!
Like others, I would like a men’s trio or even a duet to sing Guard Him, Joseph at our Christmas sacrament meeting program. I have printed 4 of the arrangements, but they all seem quite difficult to make into all men’s voices. Do you have any suggestions as to the one that might work best?
Hello Sally, I was a choir leader some years ago in northern CA. I wrote several times to you then for help. We had moved back to AZ after retirement and have a had several calling since that move. I have now been called again to be the choir leader and am working on the upcoming Christmas program.
I have downloaded the Personal Composer but just can’t seem to figure out how to get the music for Guard Him Joseph into a duet for men. Have you been asked about doing this song for men only to sing? Or do you have something on file you can share with me. Don’t lose any sleep over this! Just wanting to know if you do have something ready, or would it be easy for you to do it.
Love your music and your willingness to share it with all of the world. Thank You in advance for your help!
Margie Fowler
I just love you… Ryan is playing accompaniment on this piece New Years Eve Sacrament meeting. We miss you.
Miss you back! <3
I’ve been playing your “Guard Him Joseph” arrangement that was in the Ensign YEARS ago. My copy is so worn and my eyes are so worn that I can hardly read it. I can’t find that simple Treble, Bass clef arrangement anywhere? Only the ensign copy on LDS.org seems to exist and when I print it, it is BLURRY!!
If a good clean copy of that version exists somewhere can you please tell me where? All 8+ versions on your site are different arrangements for vocal and instrument numbers.
I LOVE THIS SONG with all my soul. Thank you for writing it and sharing your talent for so many years for all of us. I LOVE your music.
Hi Laura. The version you want is marked “Simplified Solo”, and it’s linked up there in the “Sheet Music Downloads” section. 🙂
I love this song, but wish there were a TTBB arrangement for a men’s small group choir to sing at Christmas. Any chance you could throw that together?
I’m with Valerie on this one. I’d like to see a TTBB arrangement. What a beautiful song and what a tribute to Joseph.
Yes! I’d love to see a bass solo arrangement for it too. That would be amazing!
I am looking for a TTBB arrangement also. Even just a TB. Any chance it is to be found this year? I look elsewhere for arrangements as our ward choir director but keep getting brought back here. You have such a gift. Thank you for sharing so freely.
I first sang this song with our stake choir in Guatemala City in Spanish and it was awesome! I’m not sure if someone translated the words but I have in hand, a copy of your sheet music with the vocals printed in Spanish. Is a Spanish copy available on your website?
Do you have violin accompaniment to Guard Him Joseph? This is one of my favorite Christmas songs and I am planning on singing it in church in December!
Oftentimes the flute arrangement works just as well for violins since they are both C instruments. I think it would sound lovely!
I am hitting a problem with the SATP pdf version . On page 4 the top line ends abruptly, like it is missing a measure. The line goes “For thou hast within they keeping, Christ the Everlasting” then it goes into the accompanyment instead of giving the lyric “light”. Can you help me? We want to sing this for our ward choir. THANKS
All fixed. Thanks!
Thank You!
I wanted to thank you for sharing your talent with all of us. Our new ward choir director just picked this for us, and I simply love the music and lyrics. It is such a joy to play and sing your music. I am always happy when I look at new music in choir and it has your name on it.
Would it be OK for our ward choir to slightly change the presentation of the 3rd verse of “Guard Him Joseph” (the arrangement that is adapted from “Canon in D”)? Instead of “oohing,” we would have the sopranos sing the melody with the altos, using the “oohed” note. I wanted to make sure this change would fall under the “adapting” for choirs explanation under FAQS.
Oh goodness yes… you are very conscientious! Good luck with it. 🙂
Just wondering if there is the Cannon in D version in pdf? I just have an old paper copy.
To GOD be the glory! For this wonderful song…. I am not a musician nor a singer but through the Holy Spirit I was able to embrace the music and its message…
I love this music!!! I would like to sing it as a solo for high female voice… I love the words, it sounds like Mary asking Josef all those things for keeping Jesus safe…
This song is beautiful. The YW in our ward are going to sing it for our Christmas program.