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Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming (Piano Solo)

About the Song

Traditional German carol, arranged for intermediate piano.

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  (Video provided to YouTube by outside parties may contain ads that may be skipped after a few seconds.)


Es ist ein Ros entsprungen,
aus einer Wurzel zart,
wie uns die Alten sungen,
von Jesse war die Art
Und hat ein Blümlein bracht
mitten im kalten Winter,
wohl zu der halben Nacht.

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    Is there a way i can print in the key of F

  2. Bill Rutledge

    What a gorgeous arrangement! I was looking for a flute & piano arrangement of this hymn for our Christmas Eve Service, but this is so beautiful, I think I will write a flute part to go with is.

    • Ruth Meyers

      Bill, did you write a flute part? Any chance I could get a copy?

  3. Stephen Jackson

    Sally, Thank you again for writing such beautiful, elegant and stylistically idiomatic arrangements for piano! I am honored to include your arrangement of Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming as the piano prelude for (one of) my Christmas Eve services, Bright blessings for this season and the coming years!


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