My Heavenly Father Loves Me (Piano Duet)
About the Song
Words & Music by C.W. McMaster, used by permission.
Arranged by Sally DeFord
To me (and almost everyone else I know) this song will always be “Whenever I Hear the Song of a Bird,” whatever they may choose to call it. This arrangement is based on the melody as it originally appeared in the old “Sing With Me,” not the new modified melody (which is more suited to the modern lack of range) in “The Children’s Songbook.” I arranged this to play with one of my piano students–the primo is fairly easy, the secondo is more advanced.
Church Music Contest: Instrumental division–Award of Merit 1993.
Sheet Music Downloads
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Piano duet:
Whenever I hear the song of a bird
Or look at the blue, blue sky,
Whenever I feel the rain on my face
Or the wind as it rushes by,
Whenever I touch a velvet rose
Or walk by our lilac tree,
I’m glad that I live in this beautiful world
Heav’nly Father created for me.
He gave me my eyes that I might see
The color of butterfly wings.
He gave me my ears that I might hear
The magical sound of things.
He gave me my life, my mind, my heart:
I thank him rev’rently
For all his creations, of which I’m a part.
Yes, I know Heav’nly Father loves me.
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Hi, somewhat unrelated question to your version but you might be someone with experience on this topic. I am trying to do a bit of arranging to make a medley of the primary song book version of this song and another song that appeared in the friend and my husband was wondering about the legality of arranging and preforming songs with a copyright. Do you know what is allowed? I would like to put something together but I don’t want to violate copyright laws by any means! Any knowledge you have about this would be appreciated!
Dear Sally, thank you so much for this simplicity of the melody, which is yet lovely sounding and pleasing to our ears. Ironically, I can feel the Lord loving us so much, creating all beautiful things for us to enjoy, and of course, Sally, who shares your talent unconditionally. This song interprets God’s grace as so simple – we just need to quiet down ourselves and stay close to Him. God bless you.
I love this duet so much. Right now I’m preparing to play it in a modified form with an 8 year old beginner student. We’re playing just 2/3 of it. She plays just the melody on the beginning then hurries around the bench and ays the second half on the bass end of the piano. Shehsdworkef very hard and it’s just beautiful.
Do you have this duet for children to play simplified for a primary program
I am a piano teacher. My student who is Big Note level wants to learn a duet Gethsemane that she can play with her mom. I can’t find this song in duet form.
I noticed you have a piano duet My Heavenly Father Loves Me.
Do you think you would be publishing anymore primary song duets.
By the way thank you for sharing your talent.
I love your arrangements!
Such a nice arrangement thanks for sharing !!
This may be one of your most beautiful arrangements!! Fabulous!!
Played this with my daughter in sacrament meeting. So beautiful! Thank you!
I wish this was not in a minor key, it’s such a happy song! In Spring, when hope is alive and things are new. Though it is beautiful, it just doesn’t match the energy of the message.
Thank you for making the world more beautiful as you share your gift!
I do so love your music….I am choir director and have the joy of going through your music. Thank you!!
Do you know if there is a choir arrangement of “Whenever I hear the sound of a bird”?
There is one available on the church website. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/bc/content/shared/content/english/pdf/music/submitted/molgard_my_heavenly_father_loves_me_eng.pdf?download=true
Or this one is available for purchase from Jackman music. They also have an SSA arrangement.
This was played in our ward on Easter Sunday. It was beautiful! I had to ask where they got it. I want my kids to learn it and play it at home. Thank you for your beautiful music!
Lovely arrangement. Works nicely with organ/piano!
can I get a Midi of this music? the demo does not allow me to export to midi.
This beautiful arrangement moves me to tears every time I hear it! I’m so grateful for the talents you share so freely with us all.
Beautiful arrangement! Am wondering if it this could be used for a harp and piano?
I played this in church as well. Beautiful arrangement of a primary song we all know by heart.
Thank you so much for publishing your music.
I just played this in church!! like 10 minutes ago and it was awesome!!! Thank you for the beautiful music that you provide!
I love this arrangement! I will be playing this in church with a friend and I am so excited to use this arrangement!
THANK-YOU for all you do! I love your music and am so grateful you share your talents so freely. What a role model!