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Silent Night (Christmas Cantata)

A Christmas Cantata for Choir, Narrator, Soloists and Flute (optional); and organ and congregation. This program is designed to be very easy for choirs to learn, though you’ll need a good pianist. Two optional obbligatos for flute are included. These might also be performed easily on violin, or other C instrument.

The program lasts 25-30 minutes.

All solos may be assigned to sections of the choir if desired. All sectional passages may be assigned to soloists if desired.

The narration for this program consists entirely of excerpts from Matthew 1 and Luke 2, KJV, each followed by a single verse of “Silent Night” sung solo. Feel free to substitute from other scriptural versions or to use a simple retelling.

Very few dynamic markings are included for the interludes, or for the final number with the congregation, as the dynamics for these passages will be determined by your acoustics, amplification, choir/congregation size, etc.

For the “Silent Night” choir/congregation finale, the congregation sings the standard hymn version (1985 LDS Hymns #204). The choir and organ use the score included.


Sheet Music Downloads


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List of Songs Included in the Program

The titles included in the cantata are listed below. Linked titles are available separately. If a title is not linked, it is only available by downloading the complete program. A few titles have audio demos available–they are marked with a “*”. The performers’ interpretations may differ from the printed score.

Silent Night (Interlude 1)
Peace, Peace, Peace*
Silent Night (Interlude 2)
As Shepherds Kept Their Lonely Vigil*
Silent Night (Interlude 3)
Jesus, Lord, at Thy Birth*
Silent Night (Choir and Congregation)

Note: Where both solo and choir scores exist, both are included.  Use one or the other, as you choose.


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  1. Oliver

    Sally, you are an angel and have blessed my life and so many others with your inspiring sweet music. I have used it for solos and choirs and it always touches my heart. Thanks for being so kind as to do this gratis to bless all of us. May God bless you for sharing your great spirit through this music.

  2. Estela

    A very nice song
    I enjoyed much listening to it

  3. Teressa Gamble

    I am looking for a program for Christmas for my little Church. We have a very small church and choir. We have a only 10 to 12 most in or Choir. We are big on God and that’s what counts. I am trying to add the Christmas story from the bible to songs do you have anything that can help

  4. Pithang Telien

    Great music

  5. Sugaluopea Fiefia

    I truly adore and love this Cantata. I’ve taught it 3 times throughout my years and this year I am urging my ward to do it. Every time I change wards, I always want to make sure we do it. That’s how much I love this. Thanks so much for sharing it.

  6. Carike

    I am excited to use this for my choir this year. I was wondering if there is maybe a score available with only the voice parts showing (minus accompaniment)?

  7. Sherry Dixon

    Thank you so very much for having this available at no cost! You are an angel! I have a small, older choir that loves to sing and has sung together for many years. Unfortunately their voices are not what they used to be nor is their ability to read music like they used to. For the past couple of years, I have been putting together my own versions of easier cantatas pulling from several sources. I appreciate having this and being able to download so easily and use freely with my choir of 13, as well as having participation from the congregation during the finale. Again, thank you.

  8. Bettie B French

    Is there a cantata book/score and Practice CD available for purchase
    This is just perfect for my small (yet very talented) choir!
    Thanks so very much

    • Dennis DeFord

      The score is available for free at the ‘Sheet Music Downloads’ tab just above your comment on this page. Click on the small plus sign (+) to download the sheet music pdf document. You can print as many copies as you like subject to the copyright notice at the bottom of each page.

      There is no practice CD available but there are free recordings available for several of the individual songs. Click on the small plus sign (+) in the ‘List of Songs Included in the Program’ tab above to find links to the individual song pages. Most individual song pages include links to download audio recording from several different audio sites.

      Good luck!

  9. Cheryl Karlson

    We are performing this beautiful cantata this year for our Christmas program. Thank you for making such an amazing musical composition available to us. I personally purchase all of my church’s musical programs and having such a beautiful one available at no cost is very much appreciated.

  10. Paulette Campbell

    I would like to have this cantata but I’m not familiar with some of the songs are there any other suggestions

  11. Diana

    Is there a flute part for the other songs besides Peace, Peace, Peace?

  12. Elijah Washington

    I would like to have a copy of your church Cantata program as our church is trying to plan our first one.

  13. Chernoville Torres Momo

    Hello, ma’am! You are truly an inspiration. I wonder if I may use this Silent Night (Christmas Cantata) for our program this coming December. I know our pupils, parents, the congregation in our church will be blessed.

    Thank you very much! God bless you more!

  14. Cherry A

    Hello Sally,

    Good day!

    Where can I get the complete program. We would like to use this for our first ever Church Cantata. Thank you so much.

  15. Marma Urbano

    Hello! I would like to use “Silent Night (A Christmas Cantata)” for our Congregation’s Christmas celebration this Christmas 2023. It might be a little late to just start rehearsals but we would give it our best. We would appreciate instructions on how to access all your resources pertinent to the cantata (music sheet, accompaniment, etc.) THANK YOU!

  16. Dennis DeFord

    Alice, no additional requests or permission is needed. The narration is printed (in a very small font) above each staff in the interlude scores. For example, the opening narration (“Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise…”) is printed above measure 5 of Interlude 1 on the first page of the program score.

    Hope this helps and good luck with your program!

  17. Dennis DeFord

    Kaye, accompaniments and recordings are available for several of the songs in this program. Click on the plus sign (+) in the “List of Songs Included in the Program” box immediately above the “Leave me a comment!” section of this webpage. You’ll see a list of the webpages for the individual songs in the program. Click on the song title to access any available recording or accompaniment score.

    Hope this helps!

  18. Dennis DeFord

    Mary, you may freely download, print, copy and use this program in your church (large or small) or for any other non-commercial purpose. (This is true for all of Sally’s sheet music on this website.) This permission is stated in the copyright notice at the bottom of the first page of each song in this program.

    To download the program, click on the plus sign (+) in the “Sheet Music Downloads” box immediately above the “Leave me a comment!” section of this page. Then click on the “Silent Night – Cantata (PDF)” link to view the 33-page program on your computer. You may then freely save, print, copy and use the program.

    This reply also applies to several of the usage questions in other comments below.

  19. Mary George

    another person asked the same thing. I would like to use this for my church, it is small, so how do I get the complete program

  20. Kaye

    Do you have a accompaniment and minus one for these masterpiece?

  21. Debbie

    Thank you very much!

  22. Alice Pounders

    Hello. I have accessed the download and the website. I would like to see about using this cantata this year, if possible. Do I need to request anything else? Is there more narration or anything missing from the sheet music downloads?

    Thank you so much for this website.

  23. Bea Rasgo

    Hello! We would like to ask permission to use these for our Cantata this coming December! Thank you!

  24. Tommie Stafford

    i love this catata how do i get it

  25. Annie davis

    I eould like this cantata for my church. How do i get it

  26. John Paul Ssenkubuge

    Thanks dear

  27. Merly Viernes

    Thank You and God bless.

  28. Gary Decker

    I have been a fan of yours for some time now. Can’t believe I am just now getting the chance to have a choir perform your Christmas cantata in its entirety. I am so excited. Thank you for all the beautiful music you produce! All I need tell my bishop is that it is a Sally Deford piece, and it is immediately approved. 🙂

  29. Bettie French

    This looks great for my VERY small choir
    How can I acquire the script and music



  31. Ruby Rose Omaya

    Good day maam,
    I would like to have your choir piece for our Christmas cantata this coming christmas celebration this December.
    I really appreciate your kindness maam

  32. Jeanie Pierson

    You have hit the mark again. Silent Night cantata has been a tradition for our ward choir for many years, as well as Jesus, Once of Humble Birth at Easter time.
    Hearts are touched and testimonies are strengthened. A few years ago, after our Easter presentation, I received a text from a woman whose husband has served several tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. His PTSD was off the charts. He sang with us and later told his wife that he felt the spirit for the first time in 10 years.
    Such is the power of your inspired music. It cuts through the fog of doubt and confusion, testifying of Christ.

  33. Gloriewil

    Thank you so much

  34. Alpha B. Tabay

    This is Alpha B. Tabay. Can I have a copy of this cantata piece? I will use this in December during the worship service. My email is alphajesith@gmail.com

    Sheet music and list of songs included in the program

    Thank you so much!

    Alpha B. Tabay

    • Sally DeFord

      Of course! Just click the PDF link in the “Sheet Music Downloads” tab above.

  35. Esther

    Thank you very much!

  36. Eva O. De Domingo

    Thank you so much for sharing this. We will try this cantata in our mission church this coming December,2021. God bless you.

  37. Victoria

    We presented this Cantata for our Christmas program 2018 in the Hawaii Kai ward in the Honolulu Stake. We also shared this at our local retirement center. Sally, thanks so much for making your music available to us. You light the world.

  38. Julie Sibucao

    Thank you for your generosity! God bless you!

  39. Jangthailung Panmei

    Is there any way I can get Accompany Music Tracks for this (Silent Night)…? It will be very helpful if I can.

  40. Judy Linton

    The sheet music for the finale says: Choir, Congregation, Piano, Flute and Organ. (We will be having a violin instead of flute.) The directions above say that the Choir and Organ use the score provided here. Am I missing something? Are we to have either the piano or organ play from the hymnal?

  41. Shahna Peal

    Where do I find the narration for the Silent Night Christmas Cantata?

    • Judy Linton

      The narration is printed with the score that the piano plays for the interlude.

  42. Neil Patrick

    Thank you for this, Ms. Sally DeFord. God bless you!

  43. hussien

    Thanks Mrs. Sally for sharing your cantata. We’ll sing it here in Bangkok on December 6, 2015.

  44. Carole

    This is my first time as ward choir director and we are doing this cantata for Christmas. I added Immanuel because I love that one so much too. We just performed My Grateful Spirit Sings for November and it went very well. We all love your music. It is easy to learn and yet brings the spirit so quickly. Thank you for sharing your amazing talents!

  45. Fara

    Bonjour! J’ai utilisé ce programme dans une pièce théatrale. Que de bons souvenirs et de belles chanson. Nous avons tous ressentie l’esprit de noel

  46. Niry

    Hi Sally!!
    thanks for the christmas cantata!! this sheet music will help our young women and young men for the christmas program here in Madagascar, thanks for sharing!!!

  47. BeckyB

    My choir is singing this and they love it. Thank you so much! Do you have an idea of the total running time of this program from beginning to end?

  48. Kimberly

    What is the approximate running time of this cantata? 25 minutes?
    Thank you for ALL your beautiful and inspired music!

    • Kimberly

      OOPS! Sorry – just saw the running time of 25-30 minutes

  49. Sheryl Martinez

    Hello Miss Sally,

    Thank you so much for these…been looking for free Christmas music scores for our Christmas Cantata.
    This is such a BIG HELP!

    God bless you more!

    – Sheryl

  50. Mike

    Thank you for all the work you do in publishing these scores. It makes my life easier when I can go home and print the sheets we are practicing from. This Cantata is great for our Christmas performance.

  51. Elder William Simon

    This is an ideal cantata for a small branch choir and the arrangements are simple but beautiful and easily mastered. We began our rehearsal yesterday (Nov 3) and it was a treat to have a somewhat unfamiliar hymn included (As Shepherds Kept Their Lonely Vigil)–it became a favorite in the first rehearsal.
    Thank-you for making this cantata available for our use!

  52. Erica

    I absolutely love this arrangement! I have been in three different wards and used this for each one as our Christmas program.


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