And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful

This song weaves Isaiah’s well-loved verse into a modern lyric, keeping the verse intact and in order, though omitting “and the government shall be upon his shoulder.” I figured only Handel can do justice to that phrase. My apologies… “called” is only one syllable in this selection–I’m sure many a choir member will try to make it two. A big “Thank You!” to Kurt Bestor for providing his arrangement of this song for free download. Thank him next time you see him! 😉
Sheet Music Downloads
Spotify, Soundcloud (inc. free downloads)

Accompaniment track:
Recording featuring vocals by Laura Patillo:
Recording featuring vocals by James Loynes:
Accompaniment track:
Recording featuring vocals by Heather Prusse:
Piano track (High Voice):
Apple Music, Amazon
These files may be copied/shared in any quantity in any physical format unless otherwise noted. They may not be re-sold or offered for download.
Apple Music: And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful (feat. Allyse Smith Taylor)
Apple Music: And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful (Accompaniment Track)
Apple Music: And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful (feat. Heather Prusse)
Apple Music: And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful (Piano Track – High Voice)
Amazon: And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful (feat. Allyse Taylor)
Amazon: And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful (Accompaniment Track)
Amazon: And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful (feat. Heather Prusse)
Amazon: And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful (Piano Track – High Voice)
(Video provided to YouTube by outside parties may contain ads that may be skipped after a few seconds.)
Unto us on this holy night
Unto us beneath a new star’s light
Unto us where the lambs have fed
Gently laid in a manger bed
Unto us a child is born
Unto us a son is given
And his name shall be called Wonderful
For the world will be healed by his power
He will be our unfailing Counselor In each uncertain hour
The Mighty God of heaven above
So meekly comes to earth
The Everlasting Father
This child of lowly birth
Tell his name, sing his praise in all the world
Till all the world believes
Till every voice is lifted up
To praise the Prince of Peace
Unto us ‘mid the angel song
Unto us, the gift awaited long
Unto us wrapped in swaddling bands
Hushed to sleep at the Virgin’s hands
Unto us a child is born
Unto us a son is given
(Repeat chorus)
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Beautiful lyric. We’re singing prelude this Sunday. So fitting. Pianists are unavailable so we really appreciate the accompaniment.
Happy New Year xx
Our choir is so ready to sing this song. They sound wonderful! But….we just been singing along to the YouTube video with Allyse as I’ve been unable to nail down a pianist that can handle the 4 sharps.
Do you have a more simple version? I’d like to try transposing but would honestly be my first time
Hello, Sally..
Thank you for your beautiful gift of music. I would love to know if you have this song in a lower key and also if you have an accompaniment track without the violin. Looking forward to hearing back from you.
Cynthia Hoff Mancini
My K-5th grades are singing this beautiful arrangement at our Christmas concert this year! We can’t wait to share it with parents, grandparents, and friends. I love how tenderly this arrangement guides us to the look at the Baby in the manger as our healer, Counselor, mighty Lord, and ultimately, Prince of Peace. Thank you!!
I am so grateful for all the wonderful music you provide (at no charge). You must have your chart in heaven filled with gold stars for all the special music you write! THANK YOU.
Our ward choir is singing And His Name Shall be Called Wonderful Dec 24 and just last night we found a violinist. But, as I check for the SATB arrangement, I am confused about the violin part. Could you help me? I see the violin part for a soloist, will that work with SATB also? Thank you for your help.
I am looking for this beautiful song for a voice student in the key of C and can’t find it anywhere! How do I get my hands on it in C?
This is a beautiful song, especially the expressive piano intro. I’m a Quaker who plays for the lessons and carols service at my wife’s Episcopal church. I particularly like your songs that incorporate a violin obbligato, which I play on the chromatic harmonica.
Thank you so much for sharing your priceless talents.
Is there a Violin Obligato for the SATB version of this song? Would love to utilize it with this song for our Christmas program.
I thought I remembered singing a SSA arrangement of this several years ago. I could be mistaken, but is there an arrangement for women?
Do you have or could you make the violin obigato to go with the original SATB version of “And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful”
If you download the transposer Sister DeFord offers, you can transpose all of her songs into whatever key you wish to sing it. It’s very easy and was likely done by the person who gave you the copy in G you now have. Good luck!
Sister DeFord,
I love this song and have accompanied numerous soloist who have used both versions and choirs with the original. Is it possible for you to write Kurt Bestor’s arrangement for choir? I love Handel’s Messiah and really like how Bestor merged yours and Handel’s together.
Oh my! I love this song! It really touched my soul. I am a beginner ward chior director and ny first Christmas in this calling. I pray we can bring out the beauty in this song. Bridgerland park 2nd ward Logan Cache west stake thanks you from the bottom of our hearts.
A lovely calming song for Christmas. I found this in January 2023. I’ve often found Christmas to be somewhat melancholy, for various reasons, not least the fact that it happens in winter. The only thing I really enjoy about it is the church part of it, the carol singing etc.,as I have been in a choir. In 2022 I was too ill to go to the Christmas Day service, but recovered enough to go the following Sunday. So it was nice on the 7th of January to find this song, which was inspired by one of the most beautiful phrases in the Bible. Thanks for sharing it here.
I’m wondering where the solo for med. high voice is (that starts in the key of G). I have a copy of it that I’ve sung a few times over the years and went to print one for my most recent accompanist, but ended up having to photocopy what I have. I love it and wish it was still on the website!
I have a solo arrangement of And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful that is in the key of G . It is not the Kurt Bestor Arrangement. I cannot find it on this website I noticed she has an SATB arrangement in the key of G. I’d like the solo arangement in the key of G. I am arranging it for SSAA .
Looking for a nice Christmas anthem for satb or sab choir.
I absolutely love the Kurt Bestor arrangement of this song. Can you tell me if the original SATB voices would match up with the Kurt Bestor accompaniment? Thank you!
Hi Sally, I really love the arrangement that James Loynes sang, and I have been able to find the key (E min) to update in Personal Composer, but I noticed the final repeat isn’t included in the music. I wanted to see if I could add in the repeat of the key change to the end, just like James Loyne sang.
Hello, do you have an MP3 of the accompaniment only that you would be willing to share or sell? I love this song!
As I listened to “And his Name Shall be Called Wonderful” I kept hearing a duet in the mix. I have 2 men that I would like to sing this hymn for our stake music fireside. Have you considered composing this as a duet also? I would love it if you would.
Thank you for creating such beautiful music!!! You have used your gifts and talents to flood the world with songs of peace, love, and about our Savior! I have been in so many congregations that have used your music. You have made them available to everyone! Thank u!
Does someone have a recording on CD that I can purchase? This music is so beautiful. A family sang it at our Sacrament Meeting Christmas program and the mother played the violin. Thank you for sharing your talent.
Our choir just sang this at our stake Christmas fireside in Canada! Such a beautiful message! Thankyou for sharing your talent. You have blessed our church meetings for many years! We transposed the violin part as well. It was a nice touch! Thanks again.
It would be so helpful to have a piano accompaniment track for And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful in the key of 4 sharps, as the original version is written. I don’t have access to accomplished pianists, and the ones I do have access to won’t tackle those sharps. It’s frustrating, because that key is perfect for my voice. The accompaniments I’ve found on your website area a third higher and just don’t work for my voice. If I’ve missed something, please let me know. I love your music so much! Thank you for sharing so freely!
Hello, are there any accompaniment tracks for the SATB version?
This is a beautiful song! I convinced my entire family (husband, 4 kids and a son-in-law, plus me) to sing this in Sacrament before my oldest son left on his mission last month. We recorded it, for posterity’s sake and I wanted to share it. Thanks for all you do and allowing us to use your music for free! Love it!
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing this video!
Good Day, I’m planning on performing this piece next week but just noticed the version you have for download is in a lower key than what James Loynes sung it in. Could you please tell me what key that is so I can sing it in a range more suitable for my voice (tenor). If you could email it to me that way I don’t have to fiddle with transposing; that would be awesome? I’m kind of in a time crunch and would like to get it to my accompanist asap. Thank you for all your inspired music; I’ve been singing it for years. Best regards,
Never mind. I figured it out with the composer demo. Thanks!
Thank you for this song! My husband loves loves LOVES the Hallelujah Chorus so this makes him happy that there is a version I can sing of it!
Is it available as a solo?
Yes there are different solo versions under the sheet music tab.
Although I am considered by some to be a fairly decent piano player (and I play solo with Worship Team at church), I do not read music notation very well. It would be very helpful to someone like myself if chords were included above the notated music. Is it possible, without a ton of effort, to be able to provide that for “And His Name Will Be Called Wonderful”? If not, I certainly understand and will try to have someone else attempt to do that for me. Keep up the wonderful work you do with the talent He has given to you. Thanks much.
Sally, thank you so much for your beautiful music! I absolutely love this song and am so excited to share it with my ward this year.
I have one question: I transposed the violin part into the key of the SATB version and I am just wondering before we dive into it if the violin part will sound OK with the SATB version of this song?
Thank you from someone who knows nothing about instrumentation!
I would love to use the violin part with the SATB. Would you mind sharing your transposed version with me?
I too would love a copy of the transposed violin in the same key as the SATB song. I have a Mac so I can’t transpose it.
WOW, what a beautiful song. Our ward choir is singing it for our Christmas sacrament mtg. It is so powerful. I feel the spirit every time we sing it. It’s one of those songs that gets stuck in my head and carries me through the week. Thank you.
And absolutely beautiful song that holds so much power and full of the spirit. “Unto us the gift awaited long” the gift the father gave us, his son, so we might return unto him. “Unto us a child is born” beautiful innocent children sent to us from heaven, given to us by our heavenly father. And “unto us a son is given” heavenly father gave us his only begotten son that we may return unto him and live with him forever. This is a beautiful song with so much meaning, and I want to say thankyou for making it free, I am sing in it for a seminary choir, and there are people comming who have lost their children and have children who have disabilities and mental disease’s they will truly feel its power thank you.
Just beautiful!!!
God Bless You!’
I need this song in a lower key. How can I find this or have it transposed?
What key is it written in?
My Relief Society presidency has asked me to play “And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful” on my guitar for a RS Christmas dinner. I’m not a good enough musician to transpose piano music into guitar chords. Is there any chance that you have and are willing to share the guitar chords for this song? (Douglasville, GA)
Thank you for all the wonderful arrangements you have written. I have used many of them. I am now in a very small branch and I am so grateful for the resource your music is.
Do you have a CD of the accompaniment on sale?
I love all the songs in this site.Thank you for sharing your gift to us.
We’re singing this for our Christmas program. It is absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing your music with us! We are grateful!
Can we have a violin part that matches the key for the SATB version?
Do you have the violin part that shows up on the Men’s Voices?
Hi. I just love your site! Thank you so much for all your hard work and for sharing it with all of us!!!!
I would like to use the men’s version of “And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful” for our Christmas program this year. I would like to include the violin obligato. The trouble I’m having is that the violin part seems to be messed up on that version. It starts out with its own line, but then there is never a part where it continues, that is labeled. There is a part later in the music that looks like it could be the violin part but it also seems to continue as one of the voice parts. Can you clarify this for me, pretty please?
Thanks again for everything!
Hmmm…. that score was messed up! I’ve replaced it, so you should re-download and print it. (You may need to hit “refresh” in your browser for the new file to show up.) Thanks!
I am always in love with this very special song about our Beloved LORD JESUS CHRIST!! It is always bring joy in my heart that one day our Beloved Prince of Peace will be reunited with us forever more Amen and Amen!!!❤️🌹💖💞🌺💐⭐💝⭐✝️🙏