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Come, Lord Jesus

About the Song

The SSATB accompaniment includes piano, organ (optional), and two flutes (optional). The Hymn version omits the bridge (which looks like verse three… but it really is a bridge) because the words don’t fit. 🙂

Church Music Contest: Hymn Text division–Award of Distinction 1996

This song is part of the “In Him We Live” cantata.

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Come, Lord Jesus
Thou who bought us with thy blood and with thy pain
Thou who suffered to redeem us
Come unto thine own to reign
Make an end of war among us
Bid all strife amid us cease
Come, Lord Jesus,
Come, and welcome, Prince of Peace

Come, Lord Jesus
Thou hast taught us of thy kingdom that shall be
When our sorrows shall be vanquished
Thus in hope we yearn for thee
Fill our longing with thy presence
Wipe away our every tear
Come, Lord Jesus,
Answer all our hearts’ desire

Come, Lord Jesus,
Thou who loved us with a love that has no end
Come release us from the weakness
And the griefs of mortal men
Bid the blind behold thy glory,
Bid the lame in strength arise
Bid the grave yield up our lost ones
Unto never-ending life

Come, Lord Jesus,
To thy people who await the promised hour
Come amid the clouds of heaven
In thy majesty and power
We shall bow before thee gladly,
And with one accord shall sing
Blessed Jesus, thou art Lord and God and King!

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  1. Pat

    Please make a recording of this beautiful song.

  2. Erica L. Van Katwyk

    You’re my go-to where I first head for choir selections. I used this for our christmas sacrament meeting last month. As always, a beautiful piece and our choir loves learning your pieces. I hope you able to keep new ones coming our way. thanks so much.

  3. Diane Wilde

    I am so thankful that you share your incredible talents so willingly. I have been directing your pieces in ward and stake choirs for years, and words cannot express my gratitude for your musical prowess, and the sweet testimony of your lyrics. You are such a blessing in my life and throughout the Church. Thank you for all you do!


  4. Diane Bennett

    Is there anywhere this song is played so I can hear it

  5. Kathryn Kartchner

    Dear Sister Deford –

    I am a senior missionary in the Philippines serving with my husband. I have started teaching the Conducting/Keyboard Course in several of the districts and wards and am in the process of finding teachers to help me. However, I want to challenge my older “conducting” students to have a choir in their ward – even if temporarily. Can you suggest some of your songs that would be a little easier for people to read parts or even unison? Also songs they would love and even may be familiar. Most wards do not have piano players but possibly we could play the music from your website.

    My husband and I purchased a printer so I can print off some of your beautiful music.

    Thank you,
    Sister Kartchner


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