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Everywhere I Go

About the Song

This song is my contribution in support of the Youth Theme for 2010:

“Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”

Joshua 1:9

Courage is an undervalued value. One of my favorite quotes is from C.S. Lewis (of course), who said, “Courage is the form of every virtue at the testing point.” I so admire the young people with whom I associate, who courageously face so many challenges and tests that never entered my imagination back in the dark ages when I was young. As I look at the choices they make, the excercise of their strength and courage is necessary almost every moment of every day, and I am so impressed by their hope, their cheerfulness, their goodness… so many things about them! Their values are under constant assault, but they continue strong and courageous.

The promise of the Lord to be with us “whithersoever thou goest” is a beautiful thing. (It’s not a very singable phrase though, so it became “Everywhere I Go” instead.) It reminds me of this passage from one of my favorite children’s books:

“..there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart… I’ll always be with you..”

Christopher Robin… er… AA Milne

Spotify, Soundcloud (inc. free downloads)

Click the Soundcloud download icon to download the free track for personal use.

Recording featuring vocals by James Loynes:

Accompaniment track:


  (Video provided to YouTube by outside parties may contain ads that may be skipped after a few seconds.)


This is my journey, like Israel of old
I travel through the wilderness so far away from home
Though dangers surround me, though the night is long
The Lord is my light, my beacon and guide
My strength and my song

And I will be strong
I will walk unafraid
With the Lord as my companion every step along the way
Then come what may, I’ll live with courage in my heart
Because I know
He is with me everywhere I go

This is my journey, like Israel of old
I need not wander lost, nor seek to find my way alone
His presence before me is all that I require
The Lord is my light, my beacon and guide
My pillar of fire

(Repeat Chorus)

This is my journey, and nothing will I fear
The Lord my God will safely pilot me and keep my pathway sure
My help and my guardian to the journey’s end
The Lord is my light, my beacon and guide
My Savior and Friend

And I will be strong
I will walk unafraid
With the Lord as my companion every step along the way
Then come what may, I’ll live with courage in my heart
Because I know
He is the Lord of heaven and earth
He is the perfect light of truth
And He is with me everywhere I go

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  1. Judith Elisa D Ceniza

    Amazing truth and assurance. I will never walk alone in my journey both now and throughout eternity.

  2. Braden Bingham

    The song Everywhere I Go should’ve been on iTunes and Apple Music respectively. If you can add that son on both iTunes and Apple Music please.

  3. Sheila

    Im so blessed by this song. Thank you for sharing the lyrics and music sheet. God bless!

  4. Lij

    What a great and uplifting song, and what a real sense of peace, humility and respect this composition gives! We’ll actually be singing this song at my Christadelphian Bible camp, God willing.

    Thanks also for making the sheet music free, it’s a real great sacrifice for others. God bless

    – Lij


    I will always put my trust in the lord my GOD

  6. Alta Ramada

    Thank you for sharing the lyrics of this song. I will teach you how this song to my foster kids to inspire them their journey through n life and learn to trust God. God Bless your ministry.

  7. Terry Wasden

    Thank you for the beautiful writing, for the excellent voice bringing the Spirit into my home as I listen. Beautiful.

  8. Frances Pasturan

    Thank you for sharing the lyrics and the song. May God abundantly bless you as you inspire every believer by listening and sing for the Lord. We magnify God when we sing about him and His goodness.

  9. Jun

    It reminds me of the classic christian book Pilgrim’s Progress.

  10. Aida Rizalvo

    Thank you for sharing your music. It makes our worship and fellowship more meaningful, it gives inspiration, encouragement and hope. We are sending another missionary this month and we will be singing this song for him.

  11. Robert Estrella

    I don’t know how to sing, I don’t know how to use piano or guitar but thousand thanks for sharing this music. God Bless you all.

  12. Steven

    Thank you for sharing.

  13. Lou Gilbuena

    A very nice song…this reminds us that God will be with us if we submit to His will

  14. Patricia Meaney

    Dear Friend,
    Thank you so much for the music “Everywhere I go” It was sung by Josh Henn- for the Christian Science Service this Sunday. It is the most memorable ,inspiring, beautiful music. I can’t thank you enough.
    I am so grateful to find it on Youtube-. You have such a talent. Thank you for sharing this gift. I will enjoy listening to other songs as well.
    Patricia Meaney

  15. Gabriel Andrew Estrella

    i would like to have a guitar chord version of this love.. love this songs thanks!

  16. Jeremy Platero

    Thank you every so much for featuring our YouTube video here.

    Truly God is with us everywhere we go. 🙂

    All for His glory!!!

    • Eric

      Nice song tears comes into my ryex

  17. Mel Tambura

    Not only to I love to listen to this song, but I also love to sing it. What a blessing this beautiful song is. Thank you, Sally, for writing this.

  18. Anon

    I really appreciate this kind of music…Thanks God for inspiring someone to write this.

  19. Elder Macías

    I’m a future missionary I start my service next week in the Costa Rica, San Jose Mission, and I would like to thank you for sharing your wonderful music, with everyone, it’s inspiring!


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