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For Me Alone

“What man of you having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them,
doth not leave the ninety and nine, and go into the wilderness
after that which is lost, until he find it?”

Luke 15:4 JST

“The irony of the Atonement is that it is infinite and eternal,
yet it is applied individually, one person at a time.”

M. Russell Ballard

About the Song

The score for this song includes optional flute.  There is also an optional violin obbligato available on a separate score. Both are optional. Use one or the other, not both. 🙂

Church Music Submission: 2008 Award of Merit

This song is part of the “Jesus, the Very Thought Of Thee” cantata.

Spotify, Soundcloud (inc. free downloads)

Click the Soundcloud download icon to download the free track for personal use.

Recording featuring vocals by Heather Prusse:

Accompaniment track:

Recording featuring vocals by James Loynes:

Accompaniment track:

Apple Music, Amazon

These files may be copied/shared in any quantity in any physical format unless otherwise noted. They may not be re-sold or offered for download.


Every earthly sorrow; every mortal pain
Every sinner’s anguish; the bitterness of shame
The weakness and the heartache that burden all mankind
For these the Savior suffered, for these He bled and died
And the lost and fallen multitudes of all the earth
Are ransomed by His offering of love

But if I alone had stumbled; if I alone had strayed
If I alone had wandered from the straight and narrow way
If I alone bore guilt for which my all could never atone
He would have come for me
For me alone

Tears of all creation; every debt unpaid
Warfare of the nations; every trust betrayed
Every falsehood uttered; every truth denied
For these the Savior suffered, for these He bled and died
And the lost and fallen multitudes of all the earth
Are ransomed by His offering of love

But if I alone had stumbled; if I alone had strayed
If I alone had wandered from the straight and narrow way
If I alone bore guilt for which my all could never atone
He would have come for me
For me alone

For love of all God’s children Christ redeemed us from the fall
His mercy without measure is sufficient for us all

But if I alone had stumbled; if I alone had strayed
If I alone had wandered from the straight and narrow way
If I alone were foolish; if I alone were frail
If I alone had faltered when the power of hell assailed
If I alone bore guilt for which my all could never atone
He would have come for me
For me alone

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  1. Jill Pierce

    Is it possible to have this with Spanish lyrics? I currently live in Mexico and this is one of my favorite compositions of yours. It would be nice to be able to share this piece in Spanish with my branch.

  2. Mary Samuelson

    Sister Deford
    My husband and I heard this song for the first time, sung beautifully, at the Jerusalem Center in Israel after a week of visiting the wonderful sites of the life of Christ. What an inspirational way to end our visit to the Holy Land where we had walked where Jesus walked. we had just listened to a message of Christ always reaching out to the one. This song, “For Me Alone “ resonated and touched such a personal chord after our week in Israel. We could not ended this experience in a more profound note! Thank you so much for your very inspirational music always. David and Mary Samuelson

  3. Yolaunda Keith

    Thank you Sally! You are an angel! 💗

  4. Delores H. Pack

    Do you have, or have you thought that you might make “For Me Alone” into a SATB choir number? It is such a beautiful song. I think a choir could make it even more meaningful.

  5. Becky Frazier

    Love this song so much, singing it with my husband Gary this Sunday in Woodland Park Ward. Thank you, Sally. Sending much love.
    Becky Frazier

    • Sally DeFord

      Awwww… I wish I could hear you! <3

  6. Licia Luana Morelli

    Dear Sally, I’m an italian flutist, I Live close to Milan, I’m using your music to play with my pianist devotional music before and after our reunion on sunday morning, and it’s so beautifull, spiritual, thanks to be an inspiration for us, for you talent and your love.

    Dearly Licia

  7. Harold Orien

    I think my comments may have been blocked because I included a hot link…

    I will send it separately in case you would like it…

    Here are my comments again. Thank you so much!

    I want to personally thank you for your messages of inspiration through your music. It lifts up so many!

    We were tasked to create a three minute video on Christ. Your song For Me Alone was the perfect theme for our message. We so appreciate being able to incorporate your work into our video presentation. Because of time constraints we could only do the first verse, but everyone felt that it was beautiful.

    I have included a link if anyone would be interested in seeing what we did.

    Heartfelt thanks!

    Harold Orien

  8. Martha Posey

    This song was written with exceptional insight and expertise, I applaud your finished product!

  9. Amberlin Fisher

    Can you post a youtube video for this song please? I would like to listen to it so that i can memorize it.

  10. Kingsley Showa

    This is a good site with uplifting rythmns

  11. Georgianna Maxner

    Beautiful song. Thank you for your heart of praise.

  12. Shiree Cox

    Wow!!!! I have shivers.

  13. Raye Hallmark

    What a beautiful and very moving piece. I work with the homeless and this strongly reflects their needs. Thank you so much for sharing.

  14. Bill Fifield

    I’ve been wanting to perform this beautiful song in Sacrament Meeting for several years. Today I had the opportunity. Many people were moved by it. Many told me they had tears come to their eyes as they thought of the words. Thank you for creating and sharing.


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