God Will Provide a Lamb
“…Blessed are they, for they have been washed in the blood of the Lamb…”
Ether 13:11
About the Song
This song is a part of the “Praise to the Lord” cantata, so in describing the intent of the song I probably can’t do better than to simply quote the narration that precedes it in the program:
Through the long centuries before Christ, the faithful offered animal sacrifices, ordained by God to point their minds and hearts to His great and last sacrifice for their sakes. They brought the best of their flocks, unblemished and perfect, as a symbol of the purity of Jesus himself.
This was the law that Abraham knew, when God commanded him to offer up as a sacrifice not sheep or doves, but his own son, Isaac, whom he loved. We can only imagine Abraham’s pain as they set out together and Isaac asked, “My father… where is the Lamb for a burnt offering?” And Abraham answered, “My son, God will provide himself a Lamb .”
Faithful Abraham took his broken heart and his obedient son, and went into the land of Moriah, to do as the Lord commanded. But the Lord accepted the intent of their hearts, and stayed Abraham’s hand, providing a sacrifice for them in place of Isaac.
When I come to my Heavenly Father today, seeking forgiveness and healing, He asks me to offer not sheep or doves, but a broken heart and a repentant spirit. As He did for Abraham and Isaac, He provides a Lamb in my stead, as a sacrifice for my sins–His own beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
The full score provided for the solo voice shows how it all fits together and where the entrances are relative to each other. You may want to conduct the SATB from this score.
The accompaniment for the scores marked “use without optional instruments” includes some of the melodic lines that are given to the instruments in the other versions.
Sheet Music Downloads
Spotify, Soundcloud (inc. free downloads)
Click the to download the free track for personal use.
Recording featuring vocals by Heather Prusse:
Accompaniment track:
Apple Music, Amazon
These files may be copied/shared in any quantity in any physical format unless otherwise noted. They may not be re-sold or offered for download.
(Video provided to YouTube by outside parties may contain ads that may be skipped after a few seconds.)
What shall I set upon the altar?
Where is my offering for sin?
When I stray from His side, when I wander,
How shall I return to God again?
What shall I set upon the altar?
I who must come with empty hands
With only my broken heart to offer
God will provide a Lamb
Sing, oh my soul, and praise His kindness
Sing for His gift of matchless love
Sing for the goodness of the Lamb of God
Who makes my simple offering enough
Humbly I seek Him at the altar
Poor and unworthy as I am
With only my broken heart to offer
God will provide a Lamb
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I LOVE this song ..I sang in my church
James from PNG🇵🇬🙏
Love this song it means so much to me❤️
Love this song it means so much to me and I thank you ❤️
Can I please have a copy of sound track of God will provide a lamb for our choir to use in our church.
THANK YOU SALLY! Such a gift of God you have given us all. I love your music and can hardly comprehend the time, talent and sacrifice you make to give us access to them for free. Many lives are blessed, those who perform the music as well as those who listen. You have a heart like Christ. May God bless you for your efforts.
You are such a talented woman! I love this new music. Our ward choir will sing “Lying in a Manger” as one of our songs for our Christmas program. I love it!!!
Thanks for sharing your talents. Your blessings are blessing my life.