I Need Thee Every Hour
Sheet Music Downloads
Spotify, Soundcloud (inc. free downloads)
Click the to download the free track for personal use. Recording featuring vocals by Sarah Crowther:
Accompaniment track:
Violin solo by Sara Noel Bauman:
Apple Music, Amazon
These files may be copied/shared in any quantity in any physical format unless otherwise noted. They may not be re-sold or offered for download.
Apple Music: I Need Thee Every Hour (Accompaniment Track)
Amazon: I Need Thee Every Hour (feat. Sarah Crowther)
Amazon: I Need Thee Every Hour (Accompaniment Track)
(Video provided to YouTube by outside parties may contain ads that may be skipped after a few seconds.)
I need thee every hour, most gracious Lord
No tender voice like thine can peace afford
I need thee, oh, I need thee
Every hour I need thee
Oh bless me now, my Savior
I come to thee
I need thee every hour, stay thou nearby
Temptations lose their power when thou art nigh
I need thee, oh, I need thee
Every hour I need thee
Oh bless me now, my Savior I come to thee
I need thee every hour, in joy or pain
Come quickly and abide or life is vain
I need thee every hour, most Holy One
Oh make me thine indeed, thou blessed Son
I need thee, oh, I need thee
Every hour I need thee
Oh bless me now, my Savior I come to thee
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Hey Sally, we are singing this in our first stake conference in our newly formed stake the 24th. As always your arrangements invite the Spirit so well!
you can find a hymn book arrangement playback on the LDS church web site, resources section.
Love your arrangements. We are singing this today in Sacrament meeting.
I have a request or suggestion:
As a person that really can’t read music. I sing by picking up my notes from another strong singer and then follow the bouncing ball so to speak. We never really have enough time for me to truly memorize my parts. I wonder if there is a way that we can input an arrangement into some program and then playback just parts. then full accompaniment to familiarize the whole song. It would be nice to practice in the car or other places.
I don’t know maybe there is a program that can already do that.
Hi Sally,
This is Cassio from Brazil.
I loved your arrangement!!
I would like to play the violin with the piano tracking along.
Where can I find just mp3 tracking for the piano without the violin part?
Also, I didn’t find the violin sheet music. It would like to play the same notes as Sara Noel Bauman.
The sheet music available here for the violin solo is missing 14 measures.
Thank you so much!
Hi Sally,
I’m Reuben from California. My family and I are so blessed with your music. I have been listening to your arrangement “I Need Thee Every Hour” and I love it very much.This coming weekend I am scheduled to do the special music at our virtual church service and I am asking a permission if you would allow me to use your accompaniment track. I would really appreciate it.
Thank you so much and God bless🙏
Of course!
Hello Sally! I wanted to share how much your music is appreciated all over the world! I’ve been translating the hymns in Korean and have been performing them. Eventually I would love to include a couple in an album in Korean!
Please let me know if you’d like a recording of ours in Korean!
Bless you Sally!
Hi Sally,
I am Branckly from Indonesia.
All of your arrangements so beautiful, artistic, blessing, and touchable.
For this song, I am asking your permission to use it in my class as part of an example for a hymn accompaniment arrangement.
Thank you! You are welcome to use this arrangement in your class. 🙂
Thank you so much.
Hi Sally,
I’m Dian from Indonesia.
I love your arrangement for this song. It’s been a blessing for me.
I am asking your permission to use it as an accompaniment as we include it in a hymn background podcast.
Absolutely fine!
FYI, I was asked to play a special musical number during our shelter in place. Because Zoom audio quality can suffer with computer mics I decided to record it and play it along with some images of the Savior. I uploaded the result to YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKVrozCQYFQ
Thanks so much for your beautiful arrangements!
Ricky, this is gorgeous!
Would love to have a clarinet b flat accompaniment instead of violin.
FYI, for a Bb instrument you can read the violin part just one whole step up (it’s a good skill for a Bb instrument player)! Alternatively, Sally has provided instructions for transposing the music using the *.pc files she has included here: https://defordmusic.com/transposing-using-personal-composer/
Dear Sally,
Over the years several choirs I have directed have enjoyed singing your beautiful arrangements. Most recently we sang, “I Stand All Amazed” with the flute obbligato at our Dover, DE stake conference . It was so uplifting, and we received many comments of how much the music added to the spirituality of the conference. We are thankful for your willingness to share your music and talents to make a difference all over the world. Thank you! Thank you! Another very interesting part of this story was that one of your former piano students, Lani Smith Surdukowski accompanied us. When I announced my musical selection, she immediately volunteered to play, and she did an excellent job. You taught her well!
Lani is kinda amazing, isn’t she? <3
What a blessing you are, and so much work and talent to share with the whole church, and many others, you are totally consecrated. Bless you.
Dear Sally,
I am so grateful for this beautiful music that you share with others. I am using your arrangement of “I need Thee Every Hour”
with violin as an option. I play the violin and needed a beautiful accompaniment to play for a dear friend for her funeral. I
loved your arrangement and it was simple enough to allow the Spirit to flow and touch my heart and i know it will touch others too. I just was so touched that you would create these arrangements and offer them to us to use and bless others lives. Your music has affected me deeply and i just wanted to thank you for your selfless sharing of your gift. Gratefully, Christine Nelson
I accompanied a soloist this morning in church who sang your arrangement of this hymn. This is truly beautiful, and several people in the congregation commented to me afterward about how much this arrangement touched their hearts.
Hi , is the recording of Heather prusse singing this song still available?
Question? Is there an accompaniment track in the SATB key G to Bb… I just want to practice the violin part in the right key SATB..
Thanks, Eva Hooper
p.s. Thanks you for all the beautiful arrangements!!!!!
Yes I do………………………….
Is there any way to get Sara Noel Bauman’s violin solo version in sheet music form for this song?
Yes! You can purchase the arrangements here: https://saranoelbauman.com/store.php
I just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you. I can’t count how many times your music and arrangements have blessed my life. Our little choir just starting practicing this beautiful arrangement of “I Need Thee Every Hour”, and when I checked to see who arranged this hymn so beautifully, I was not suprised at all to see it was another Sally DeFord piece. I feel compelled today to sit down and personally express to you my feelings of gratitude.
Thank you.
God bless you and your family.
Mike Astill
West Jordan, Utah