In Him We Live
“For in him we live, and move, and have our being…”
Acts 17:28 KJV
About the Song
This song is the finale of the “In Him We Live” cantata, and as you might expect, being a finale, it’s a large, powerful number. Like most master scores this one is a monster, so the parts are broken out into scores for Choir/piano, flutes, organ, and voice parts.
Church Music Contest: Anthem/Hymn Arrangement division–Award of Merit 1996
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In Him we live, in Him who made the world
Who caused the seas to swell and bid the skies unfurl
The earth beneath us formed at His command
By Him made beautiful and given unto man
In Him we live, preserved from day to day
Led in our wilderness along the surest way
And when we fall ’tis He who bids us rise
Dispels our darkness and enlightens our eyes
In Him we live, and He prepares a place
Where all who will may gain the riches of His grace
By Him we come to God our Father, heirs to everlasting life
He is our way, He is our light
In Him we live
In Him we live, what debt of love and faith
We owe to Christ our King, our ransom from the grave
For by His suffering, by His mortal death
Each mortal soul shall rise and draw immortal breath!
Then shall we live, made glorious in Him
Our sorrow turned to joy, victorious in Him!
In Him perfected, sanctified in Christ
By His unmeasured mercy never more to die
(Repeat chorus)
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