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My Father’s Love for Me

“…what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father who is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?”

Matthew 7:9-11 KJV

About the Song

When our Savior taught us about God’s love for us, he compared it to something we could easily understand–the love of fathers for their children. Whether we realize it or not, many of us begin to learn about the unfailing love of our Heavenly Father through the examples of earthly fathers and grandfathers.

When I was three or four, my grandfather decided I should learn to ride a tricycle. Because we lived in a rural area without sidewalks or paved driveways, he bought several (a hundred! at least it seemed that way) sheets of plywood. Each time I wanted to ride, he created a plywood race track around the entire circumference of the yard–no mean feat at his age. I have remembered this simple, selfless thing all my life. Though I didn’t know it then–I only knew he loved me–I was learning about our Heavenly Father’s love.

Fortunately, I married a man very much like my grandfather. We have lots of sidewalk now, and opportunities to teach our children about the love of God don’t usually require plywood. What will my children learn from their father? From silly Family Home Evening stories that they will laugh over with their own children? From rides to Early-morning Seminary and Stake dances? From goofy Balderdash definitions? From a seemingly inexhaustible supply of quarters for candy machines? From the fact that even physics/engineering types get teary-eyed occasionally? Among other things, they will catch a glimpse of the still greater love of their Heavenly Father.

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The God of earth and heaven,
Almighty and all wise
Who rules o’er every nation
From His throne amid the skies
Who grants us life and daily bread,
And every perfect gift
Bids us call Him “Father,”
And freely come to him

And I have learned to trust His providence
To know and fill my needs
As I have seen His goodness mirrored
In my earthly father’s deeds

The Spirit beareth witness
Within the hearts of men
Teaching truth and righteousness;
Defending us from sin;
Comforting our sorrow;
Guiding us in prayer;
Calling us God’s children;
Confirming us His heirs

And I have learned to heed this counselor
In every doubtful choice
As I have heard his gentle wisdom
Echoed in my father’s voice

Our Savior left his Father’s throne
To mark our earthly path
To lead us home, inheritors
Of all the Father hath
To suffer every mortal grief
That man may ever know
To bear the pain of all our sin
As though it were His own

And I have learned to give my heart
To him who died on Calvary
As I have felt His love reflected
In my father’s love for me.

I have learned to trust the perfect love
Of Him I cannot see
For He has given me this parable:
My father’s love for me.

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  1. Sue Wilson

    I don’t have the words to correctly describe how much comfort and joy your music has brought to me. I turn to it when I am feeling low and it lifts me, I turn to it when I am happy and want to celebrate my love for my Savior it helps that also.

  2. Carolyn Morgan

    To an Angel…….I have sit here for over two hours this Sunday morning listening to the beautiful music you write and are willing to share, that so many lives may be strengthen, hearts may be touched, and souls lifted. You are filled with the spirit and light of Christ in the beautiful gift that you have been given to touch so many. I have especially been touched, as tears have rolled down my cheeks with two special songs that were new to me. “Make Us One” and the other “Miracles”. This last year, our dear Prophet, has ask us “Hear Him”. To me , there is no way better to “Hear Him” than through beautiful music. Nothing can touch the soul like a beautiful piece of music. Words cannot express my feelings on how you have touched millions with the work that you have done. I have used many of your songs when I was ward choir director. May God bless you that you may continue the beautiful work that you do . Sincerely, Carolyn Morgan

  3. Marilyn Kiene

    What a beautiful piece! I am excited to have this sung in my ward for Fathers Day. Thank you so much for sharing your music. It has been such a blessing in my life. I love your music!!!


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