My Grateful Spirit Sings
About the Song
Some songs have amazing back-stories. This isn’t one of them.
I was in the garage, sitting in the family car, engaging and releasing the brakes intermittently while my husband did something or other to them. I was glad to have the easy part of the job, but it was rather boring. My response to boredom is usually to daydream about what to write next, but this time I was coming up blank. So I asked Dennis what I should write about, and without hesitation his answer was, “A song about gratitude.”
And so… this song happened. And that’s the whole story.
Sometimes the Lord sends me inspiration through human wisdom, and that human is very often my husband.
More than a decade after that prosaic and un-memorable event, I decided to rework the accompaniment and the rhythms a bit, so there are now two versions available. The violin obbligato will work only with the newer one, and is included at the end of each score as an extracted part.
Church Music Submission: Song division–Award of Distinction 2006 (Solo)
Sheet Music Downloads
Spotify, Soundcloud (inc. free downloads)
Click the to download the free track for personal use.
Recording featuring vocals by James Loynes:
Accompaniment track:
Recording featuring vocals by Julene Judd:
Apple Music, Amazon
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(Video provided to YouTube by outside parties may contain ads that may be skipped after a few seconds.)
In all thy works I see thy glory
In mighty wonders; in small and simple things
My heart rejoices in the bounty set before me
And my grateful spirit sings
Each rising sun tells of thy goodness
The rain proclaims thee in the life it brings
All creation bears the sure and silent witness
And my grateful spirit sings
The stars that crown the realms of space
Reflect the image of thy grace
The rolling seas, the earth and sky
Declare thy pow’r, thy majesty and might
I see thy hand in man’s compassion
Thou art the font* of kindness whence it springs
Thy boundless charity has wrought my soul’s salvation
And my grateful spirit sings
For changeless love and endless mercy
For countless blessings beyond the wealth of kings
For every perfect gift thou sendest, Lord, I praise thee
And my grateful spirit sings
*The word “font” as it is used in this song means “source.” In modern language, a “font” has come to be associated almost exclusively with “typeface.” You are welcome to substitute “fount,” as it carries the appropriate meaning without the modern connotation. For the sake of history, I’m leaving it as-is in the music. 🙂
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Very solemn and spiritual. I felt the presence of God The Father and my heart ❤️ swells with gratitude 🙏🙏🙏
Your most beautiful piece yet. You always knock it out of the park. Love your stuff. Thanks Dennis for your suggestion. Thanks Sally, it’s magnificent.
What a gift you have! Thank you for sharing. I just listened to your beautiful, “My Spirit Sings”. I am so glad you added the part for the violin. You list it as (opt. violin) To me, it is definitely not optional. Our choir will love it.
Thank you, Sally! Our choir sang this and it quickly became a favorite! Both text and music are so inspiring and fun to sing. I express our love to you for all these beautiful pieces of music. Can’t say enough good about you, as you have blessed us through the years.
Hello Miss Sally! Finally, physical church worships are back again at our place so we decided to offer this song as our expression of gratitude to the Lord. My sister and I really love this song for a very long time now that we are so used to the old version of this (actually we are big fans of you and your works). Thank you very much for sharing your talents and your love for music!
Our soloist sang “My Grateful Spirit Sings” in church yesterday, and I was so moved by the beauty of the lyrics and melody. Thank you for writing this song.
Every lyrics in all your song is amazing. I sang make us one, whole again, for me alone, and now I found this song. What amazes me is you’re offering free accompaniments with multiple keys. Truly you’re a blessing and again the lyrics, amazing sometimes I am getting to emotional every time I tried to sing your songs at home. Keep up Sally, God bless you and your wonderful singers.
I LOVE “My Grateful Spirit Sings” as sung by JULENE JUDD!!!! Is
there an accompaniment track
available??Please give info on
how to obtain the mp3.
Thank You.
Johnnie R Patton
Julene is amazing. 🙂 Unfortunately, there is no accompaniment track available for this one.
My ward choir just performed “My Grateful Spirit Sings”! It was hard for us to learn but boy did they do a great job. I’ve never received so many compliments from the congregation. Thank you so much for writing such a beautiful song and for being so gracious in your sharing!!
Hi Sally!
This song is most definitely one of my favorites! Thank you so much for being so willing to share your beautiful talents with the world.
Quick question for you: Once upon a time you offered a download of a low voice solo arrangement of this song. Sadly, I don’t see that offered any more, as the solo download listed now is a medium voice. Any chance you could also share the low voice solo arrangement of this song again? Thanks!
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful composition. Thank you for your amazing talent.
I’m a new choir director in my ward, but coming from being a choir director in a Western New York ward (Amherst). I wanted a special, lovely song for Thanksgiving, and My Grateful Spirit Sings is perfect. I’m so glad you composed and arranged it for choir and violin, and I’m very glad I found it. Thank you, Sally, for all you do, and for all your talent.
Such a nice song! It just made my day perfectly 🙂 anyway,is there a piece for cello? I am looking forward to it.Thanks 🙂
I truly loved the words, and the soloist had wonderful expression. Thank you for composing this and sharing with whomever can best use the material. I may use it for the solo in my Church. Do I owe you any money?
You’re welcome, and no, you absolutely do not owe me any money. 🙂
Thank you Sally for this solo piece that is among my favorites in repertoire. I sang it at a Spring Concert last year, a memorial service for college classmates and am preparing it for a summer service in July. Rev.Todd Fennell.Thankyou for composing!
I have used this piece now with two different ward choirs….. several years ago, and now in my new ward… just made choir director. This was well received this past Sunday and the raves just continue. I even won over a bass voice who was hesitating joining the choir. After this rendition he wants to be a part of the choir.
Over the years I have used several compositions, and of course, I have my favorites… anyway, thank you so much. I should add
the song “The Greatest Among Us” is definitely number one.
I got to sing this song as a special music solo for Sabbath services and it was a great joy to perform! Beautiful piece!
My choir loves singing this song. It is a small choir of about 10 and they voice their happiness with this song. We all love your facility with melody. Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
thank you so much..very useful in church services. God bless you with many blessings and please continue your ministry.