With All My Heart
“O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength…”
D&C 4:2

About the Song
It seems like there’s at least one child in every family who is a 200 percenter. Or there ought to be!
From the moment my grandson Malachi was born he gave double to everything he did, so as I thought about a song for him, it felt like it should express that aspect of his personality. That’s how “With All My Heart” became the title of his song, long before there was actually a song to name.
One thing you’ll notice about the lyrics is that the scriptural passage isn’t used in order. In the song, I’ve used heart, mind, might and strength–the two “m” words being reversed. That probably won’t help him memorize it… or maybe it will… 😉
There’s a simplified version available below, but honestly, this one was difficult to simplify without losing the meat of the song. I figured that if Malachi were ever to have a chance to play his own song as a child, it had to be done, so there it is.
Sheet Music Downloads
(Also included in the “My Heart Sings”elementary piano book.)
Personal Composer:
Transpose/resize .pc files using the Personal Composer Demo. (Help)
Spotify, Soundcloud (inc. free downloads)
Click the to download the free track for personal use.
Recording featuring vocals by Allyse Smith Taylor:
Flute by Mara Riley
Accompaniment track:
Flute by Mara Riley
Apple Music, Amazon
These files may be copied/shared in any quantity in any physical format unless otherwise noted. They may not be re-sold or offered for download.
Apple Music: With All My Heart (feat. Allyse Smith Taylor)
Apple Music: Accompaniment Track (with flute)
Amazon: With All My Heart (feat. Allyse Smith Taylor)
Amazon: Accompaniment Track (with flute)
(Video provided to YouTube by outside parties may contain ads that may be skipped after a few seconds.)
With all my heart I will follow Jesus
With all my heart I will serve the Lord
With all my mind and all my might
I’ll seek the Savior’s light
I’ll learn of Him and listen to His words
With all my strength I will live His teachings
Love as He loved and walk the path He marked
In all I do, I will follow Jesus Christ
Because I love the Lord with all my heart
With all my heart I will follow Jesus
To those in need I will freely give
With all my mind and all my might
I’ll stand for truth and right
And be His witness by the way I live
With all my strength I’ll be His disciple
And share His light when all the world is dark
In all I do, I will follow Jesus Christ
Because I love the Lord with all my heart
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You are a gifted composer, Sally, and I have been using your music for many, many years for my choirs. I thank you for all the wonderful music you have composed and given freely to the world!! God has blessed you with a wonderful talent, indeed–and therefore, has blessed the lives of millions of people who hear and sing it!
Having said that, here are my comments on this particular song, given with love:
This is a beautiful song, but I feel that the very busy accompaniment really detracts from the sweet, beautiful melody, making it somewhat difficult to hear and concentrate on the words of the message. A simpler, softer piano accompaniment would make the song even more beautiful!
Perhaps it’s a good thing, then, that I wrote it for my busy grandson, for whom simpler and softer doesn’t cut it.
I am loving the song With All my Heart. Any chance that you will do a choral arrangement of this song?
This song is just right for a little boy named Kase. He will enjoy it. Thank you for all your beautiful music.
I’m in love with the composers music..
It’s a nice song and it really inspired me. With all our heart let us serve our God.
Thank you for a great alto song! I love it.
Beautiful !!!!!!!