Born is the Light of the World
“…I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
John 8:12, KJV
About the Song
Here’s an example of something I love to do. It was Christmas time, and I was looking at a beautiful painting of the Christ Child and His mother. (Since I’m writing this some years later, I don’t remember which one!) The artist used light to surround Jesus’ head, and to illuminate Mary’s face beautifully, and as I focused on the areas of light, I began to simply describe the painting in this lyric. Thus, the “starlight of silver,” the “halo of gold,” and the radiance of the Baby shining on the face of His mother.
The obbligato for the original version was written for the Solo. It will also work with the SATB anthem version, but the measure numbers won’t be the same, since the obbligato doesn’t use a DS and Coda. Just keep that in mind as you practice, and you should be fine.
For years I wanted a solo version with a gentler accompaniment, and in 2020 I finally got around to writing one. The harmony used in the recording is included on a separate score.
Sheet Music Downloads
Spotify, Soundcloud (inc. free downloads)
Born Is the Light of the World (feat. James Loynes)
Born Is the Light of the World (Piano Track)
Click the to download the free track for personal use.
Recording featuring vocals by James Loynes:
Piano track:
Apple Music, Amazon
These files may be copied/shared in any quantity in any physical format unless otherwise noted. They may not be re-sold or offered for download.
Apple Music: Born is the Light of the World (feat. James Loynes)
Apple Music: Born is the Light of the World (Piano Track)
Amazon: Born is the Light of the World (feat. James Loynes)
Amazon: Born is the Light of the World (Accompaniment Track)
(Video provided to YouTube by outside parties may contain ads that may be skipped after a few seconds.)
Beautiful child all aglow in the candlelight
See how he sleeps in a poor manger bed
Beautiful child! How the heavens adorn him
Starlight of silver
And halo of gold ’round his head
Gloria! Gloria!
Angels on high are singing all, “Gloria!”
Let earth in reply sing “Gloria!
Gloria in excelsis deo!”
In the dark of the night
Born is the Light of the world
Beautiful child in the arms of his mother
Come see how his radiance shines in her face
Beautiful child who dispels all our darkness
Bright in his glory
Alight with the Father’s own grace
(Repeat chorus)
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Hey Sally,
Thank you for sharing this beautiful song. I love singing it as a solo. It is so glorious and the sound of it seems to swell the air around me with the light, majesty and love of God. So nice!!
Hi Sally, I need sheet music for born in the light of the world in Bflat Maj – can
you help please – need to sing it on Sunday in church.
Do you have a flute part for this song-Born Is the Light of the World (anthem)?
I was asked to put together a mens trio of Born Is the Light of the World. By chance do you know if this has already been done and the music is available. Thank you in advance.
I love your music. It gives me peace
Sally, Once again I used your music for our Christmas Sacrament Meeting presentation. Another beauty. Thanks for sharing your talents with all of us.
What a beautiful song! Is there also a lead sheet with chord symbols available? Thank you very much!!
Sang this song as a youth choir more than 15 years ago and was so happy to find it again. I’ve never forgotten it and it is a special memory.
In saw someone comment about playing this song on the guitar. Does someone have the guitar chords available to share?
It’s the original piano track for this song still available?
I love this beautiful song!! It brings the spirit of love to those that sing it and hear it. Thank you!!
Love it on guitar. Played it in Sacrament Meeting last Sunday
Lovely! Is there a low female arrangement available? I would love to be able to use the .pc version and make it myself, but dang MAC user over here!
Thank you for this beautiful song. I love it so much!
Please I need the audio of born is the light of the world
Merry Christmas to you. You have brought so much joy to our family and choirs over the years. Just heard. You have been the go to source for any thing special.!! Judd and Janis Shafer
I want the original accompaniment track. It was here yesterday but not today!!
Hi Sally!
Could you, by chance, tell me which female soloist is the low voice? I love singing your songs, and I’m a low voice, so I’d like to know which songs I can choose from that are that range. Thank you!
Alyse and Jacosa are altos, James is a baritone (though with quite a bit of range}. There are quite a few others… but I can’t remember all of their ranges. 🙂
Thank you for the Hymn version of this song! It is so beautiful sung a cappella. Try it everyone!
This is one my all time favorite carol songs. Can I get a solfa edition? My email is *******@gmail.com
Hello Sally,
Be assured that I always admire your work. Your compositions have blessed so much people by touching their hearts and spirit. May God bless you so much
Greetings from the Philippines!
God bless you more, Sally! -From an SDA friend.
when was this song composed? thanks
Mrs Sally, would it be possible to get a version of SATB on individual recording? I want my choir to perform it this xmas
You used to have a girl singing this on your old website in the archives. I can’t remember her name but she was an alto. That was my favorite version. Do you still have that available that I can listen to or download? It’s nice to hear a girl singing it too, not just a guy, or a group.
Many of the older MP3 tracks were hosted on a service I no longer use. Most of them will be re-added as I have the time to do it. It should re-appear at some point. 🙂
Oh thank you so much! I love your music! 🙂
Oh yes, please do add that version back! I loved it so much.
Would love to have the chamber choir professional version that sang the anthem back on here too!!
I adapted the existing Spanish translation to make it rhyme and work better metrically.
Hermoso niño, dormido en pesebre
Velas y astros su ser alumbran
Hermoso niño, los cielos lo adornan
Prestan su brilla:
Las estrellas lo rodean.
Gloria! Gloria!
Todos los angeles cantan, Gloria!
En la tierra cantan Gloria
Gloria en lo alto
En la tierra de paz,
La luz del mundo nació.
Hermoso niño, en brazos de su madre,
Vean como disipa la oscuridad.
Hermoso niño, el Hijo Amado
Brilla en su gloria,
El lustre de divinidad.
Thank you for this beautiful song! I have given it to voice students of mine for Christmas for several years. What a great message, and beautiful music.
Our Choir has sung your music. We are incredible appreciative of your generosity in blessing our Ward Family. Jill
I love the songs and the arrangements of this site! Me, my sisters and my ward choir have sang this one for christmas and a lot of other songs too in Spanish of course because we are in Chile. I have got a suggestion for the translation of these lyrics. Where can I posted to you? It has worked very good with the original rhythm and accents of the song.
I would love to know your Spanish translation of this song! Our stake choir is planning on singing it.
Niño hermoso, destello_en la_oscuridad
vedlo_en humilde establo dormir
niño hermoso, los cielos lo_adornan
astros de oro y plata alumbran su faz
Gloria!, gloria! ángeles en lo alto dan gloria!
en la tierra canten gloria! gloria! a Dios en lo alto
En la noche de paz, la luz del mundo nació
Niño hermoso, su madre lo_acuna
ved como su rostro irradia la luz
niño hermoso, disipas las sombras
brilla Su gloria, la luz del pequeño Jesús
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Para la segunda estrofa opción SATB:
ooohh… hermoso es…
hermoso, santo es….
Our choir will be singing this for our service the Sunday before Epiphany. It is beautifully written; thanks for sharing it with us.
So far, this is my favorite Christmas solo. I have performed this beautiful number at least six times – usually accompanied by piano and violin, and it never gets old. Thanks Sally!!!!! I notice that there is no Personal Composer file available. If you’re interested, I might be able to record one for you? It would just be with my Sony stereo MP3 recorder (which is pretty good, but not a professional studio recording) This year, I’m considering performing “The Most Beautiful Story That’s Ever Been Told”, but so far I can’t sing it through without choking up. It is a very sweet piece of music. Thanks again for creating such soulful, beautiful and heart-warming music!
Members of the St. George Temple Choir are singing this tonight at the St George Tabernacle in Utah. We are also singing The Star of Bethehem. I have enjoyed learning this beautiful music. Your talent is shared and loved.
Thanks you!!!!
I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your music. It is lovely with sophisticated harmonically. I teach High School Choir at the Center Place Restoration School in Independence, MO. Our choir performed some of your pieces last year at our Christmas concert and will again this year.
I love your arrangements and original work. Thank you for sharing. I will be using this in our Sacrament Meeting for Christmas.