This song is part of the “I Stand All Amazed” cantata.
Church Music Submission: Song division–Award of Distinction 2009 (Solo)

Sheet Music Downloads
Spotify, Soundcloud (inc. free downloads)
Gethsemane (feat. Heather Prusse)
Gethsemane (Accompaniment Track)
Gethsemane (feat. James Loynes)
Gethsemane (Accompaniment Track)
Click to download the free track for personal use.
Recording featuring vocals by Heather Prusse:
Accompaniment track:
Recording featuring vocals by James Loynes:
Accompaniment track:
Recording featuring vocals by Allyse Smith Taylor:
Accompaniment Track (original version):
Apple Music, Amazon
These files may be copied/shared in any quantity in any physical format unless otherwise noted. They may not be re-sold or offered for download.
Apple Music: Gethsemane (feat. Heather Prusse)
Apple Music: Gethsemane (Accompaniment Track)
Amazon: Gethsemane (feat. Heather Prusse)
Amazon: Gethsemane (Accompaniment Track)
Apple Music: Gethsemane (feat. James Loynes)
Apple Music: Gethsemane (Accompaniment Track)
Amazon: Gethsemane (feat. James Loynes)
Amazon: Gethsemane (Accompaniment Track)
(Video provided to YouTube by outside parties may contain ads that may be skipped after a few seconds.)
Gethsemane lay still and dark
Creation watched in silent awe
As Jesus suffered his Father’s will
To satisfy unyielding law
He knelt in earnest prayer alone
His friends, o’ercome with sorrow, slept
Beneath the burden of grief He groaned
Beneath the weight of sin He wept
And with his blood so freely spent
He bought my soul; He paid my debt
What work of love was wrought for me
In the stillness of Gethsemane
“This bitter cup wilt thou remove?
Yet not my will, but thine be done.”
Behold his anguish and weep anew
For love of Christ, the sinless one
With his wounds my own are healed
My every pain o’ercome in His
My shame, my weakness, my grief untold
Find ransom in his priceless gift
For with his blood so freely spent
He bought my soul; He paid my debt
What work of love was wrought for me
In the stillness of Gethsemane
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Where is Brady Lorenc version?
Sally, you are a gift from heaven!!! Thank you for bringing such light and goodness to us all !!!
Do you have a violin 1 & 2 Duet for Gethsemane that can be played in first position
I need a violin obligado to go with the sheet music Gethsemane. Please let me know if you have that arrangement. Thank you so much.
Is there anyway to get a more simplified version of Gethsemane?
There seems to be a part missing in the SATB arrangement, it cuts off after He and the part of “wept, and with his blood so freely…” to the end of the chorus. Can we get this added again? I love the words and would love to utilize this for Choir but I need those parts for both verses to be effective
is there anyway to get the sheet music for the key that Allyse Smith Taylor sings the Gethsemane song in? I tried to go to her website but could not add to cart for what ever the reason. Myabe it is out of print and you cant order anymore.
I am singing this for Easter this year 2024 and really would like to get that sheet music in the key that she sings it in. Thanks,
Were you able to get that version? I am having the same problem but would love to get it. My daughter plays the violin and I love the instrumental balance in it.
is the sheet music for this song that is performed by Allyse smith Taylor in the same key as her performance track?
How about the rendition of Brady Lorenc for this song?
Free good sheet music?!? That does not happen very often. Thank you !!!!
I love your songs
and arrangements.
And now that I’m a missionary in a Spanish speaking country I really really appreciate familiar songs that our missionaries can sing at conferences.
Thanks again.
We sang this on Easter Sunday and it brought a beautiful spirit to our meeting. Thank you, Sally, for sharing you special gift to everyone!
My son sang this song as part of his tryouts for the Nauvoo Performing Missionaries. The Spirit was so strong, it blew us away! Thank you for sharing your talents with the world! We need it’s healing power.
i will be singing this song for the very 1st time in front of many Churcmate tomorrow All i wish is I hope Gods Spirit be on my Voice soo i can delivery the message of the song to People who are listening.
I lost all but the violin obbligato, so I downloaded the piano part and the voice part recently; however it doesn’t jibe with the violin obligato part. Is there a more recent printout?
Where is the Portuguese versioned Gethsemane
Hi Sally deford may I ask where can I find the minus one of Gethsemane with violin? I guess it’s the original one am I right?
Thank you from the bottom of my heart 💕
Like many churches mine has been having services online and via radio from our parking lot. Our Maundy Thursday service will be online over Facebook live this year. I love singing this song and I have been singing “Gethsemane” for a few years, with the exception of last year in church. Is it okay with you if I sing it this year with it being over Facebook Live? I didn’t want to unless I got permission first.
Thank you
Amanda Hartkemeyer
Thank you for so generously sharing your remarkable talents.
I was wondering if you would happen to have a recording that is the Low Voice solo for this song? The sheet music I have is in the key of D Minor. Thank you!
Although I don’t see it available currently on this page, I have a download from years ago of a “low voice” arrangement. I would love to have an accompaniment track of this piece in the lower voicing. I see another comment about putting that lower voice sheet music back up on the site as well.
Absolutely love this song “gethsemane” i hope to sing it (and do it justice) to post online our ward Facebook page for Easter next week. Since no one can be together we are hoping to bring the spirit online for our ward members by posting us members singing Easter songs we love. Thank you so much for creating such a moving song. ❣️
Hey Sally!
I love your music, so unique and beautiful! Quick question, back in 2009 a friend of mine sang this song while I accompanied her and it was a low voice solo, is that still available? I have the first page of music but I’ve lost the rest through the years and through the children. 😊
Dear Sally, I just love your music, there seems to be such soul and meaning to the words and your music has a very poignant quality. I am hoping to include Gethsemane as either a solo or choir number in our Easter programme.
Thank you so much for your wonderful talent which you share with all of us who love The Lord and Music to praise Him.
Kind Regards,
Sandra M Forscutt-McKay
Hi Sally! 1st: LOVE your music; I’ve been singing it since I was a Young Woman, and a few of your songs touch my heart DEEPLY. This is one of them! I sang it over ten years ago in a choir where SATB all had their own parts written for the verses. The gorgeous harmonies were overwhelmingly beautiful! But now as I go back, the sheet music online has been changed so that the verses are in unison and the harmonies only take place in the chorus. I thought I was going crazy–until I found my original sheet music from over ten years ago!!! Is there any way that the “old school” score could be restored to your website so it can once again be appreciated by all? I truly love and respect your work!!! THANK YOU!!!
That version needs some work, so it won’t be around for awhile, unfortunately. 🙁
Was there another soundtrack that included the violin obbligato? The ones you have available don’t sound like the violin music is written…I’ve had the violin part in my music folder for a few years now and I thought I had a different music track downloaded, but now I can’t find it…
We are using this song as a rest hymn for Easter sacrament this year.
Is there a recording of the SATB arrangement that I could share with our choir so they may hear the rhythm of the chorus?
Thanks so much for this awesome hymn.
how would you feel about adding a cello obbligato part instead of the violin?
As a Primary pianiust, I am required to practice and play this number for the children. Where can I finf=d the music? (I don’t have a printer so I cannot print out a copy from the computer. My home address is 7127 West 27th Street cheyenne, Wyoming 82001)
I suspect it isn’t this particular song you’re after. This isn’t a children’s song. Sorry!
Actually, the primary program this year is using this wonderful piece.
There are quite a few songs with this name–I really don’t think this one lends itself to use by the Primary children. 🙂 The song in question is probably the children’s song by Melanie Hoffman: http://media.ldscdn.org/pdf/magazines/friend-march-2018/2018-03-22-gethsemane-eng.pdf
After comparing the lyrics, you are right.
The one we are using is much more designed for children.
Hi Sally! Can’t thank you enough for the gorgeous music and deep emotional connections you grace us with through your work. Each year at our Maundy Thursday solemn service, I sing “Gethsemane” during the service and then end with “His Tears Were Mine” in total darkness (minus my small booklight on my music from up in the choir loft). No more words. Only thoughts and feelings and resulting tears from the congregation as they exit in contemplation and silence. We all are filled with gratitude for you and the gift God bestowed upon you.
I would love to hear a choir sing it! Our choir is going to sing it and it would be great to hear what it’s suppose to sound like. 😉
Hi I would like to thank you for this website.
I sung gethsemane in our congregation
I uploaded it in my youtube channel so someone may use it as guide too 🙂
Thank you MS. Sally DeFord for you wonderful compositions
THANK YOU for this wonderful song and for whoever did the Finnish translation of this!! I live in Helsinki and Im gonna sing this song in sacrament meeting tomorrow.
I love this song so much, but so many older people don’t speak English so this translation will definitely bring the spirit tomorrow. Its beautiful!!
This is such a beautifully moving piece! I have sung it on Palm Sunday as we neared the end of our service and again on Maundy Thursday. So many people commented on how moved they were by the piece.
Thank you so much for sharing your gift.
Dear Sally,
I have wanted to contact you for years. I was so glad to see this forum tonight. Some years ago, my husband was called to be a mission president in a European mission. At first, we were unable to buy sheet music, but it was expensive and all in another language. We needed music that was affordable (free is very affordable!) and in English. One of our missionaries introduced us to your site, and we were able to run off music for our very talented missionaries to sing, perform. Every time I ran off the sheet music, I felt a little guilty. I at least wanted to thank you. I couldn’t believe you were giving this music away. And it was so beautiful. One of our missionaries sang “Gethsemane” at Easter time, and everyone was in tears. I still love it. So, thank you very much. Your contribution to our mission was invaluable.
I would love to hear an SATB version of this song. My daughter sang it on her mission and suggested it for our choir.
Thank you! This song lyrically and musically is SO beautiful and powerful.
What an amazing song. Thank you! This has brought the spirit instantly! I hope I can share the same spirit!