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I Stand All Amazed

About the Song

Music and Lyrics by Charles H. Gabriel
Arrangement and Additional lyrics by Sally DeFord
This arrangement is part of the “I Stand All Amazed” cantata.


I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me
Confused at the grace that so fully he proffers me
I tremble to know that for me he was crucified
That for me, a sinner, he suffered, he bled and died

Oh, it is wonderful that he should care for me
Enough to die for me
Oh, it is wonderful
Wonderful to me

I marvel that he would descend from his throne divine
To rescue a soul so rebellious and proud as mine
That he should extend his great love unto such as I
Sufficient to own, to redeem and to justify

(Repeat chorus)

I think of his hands, pierced and bleeding to pay my debt
Such mercy, such love and devotion can I forget?
No, no, I will praise and adore at the mercy seat
Until at the glorified throne I kneel at his feet

I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me
Secure in the promise of life in his victory
Thus ransomed from death I will live to my Savior’s praise
And sing of his goodness and mercy through endless days

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  1. Marjorie Stewart

    Love this additional verse! Nice to keep things simple and not reach beyond the mark… by using our beautiful hymns of the Restoration in our Sacrament Meetings. Thank you for that last verse that hits the Easter theme so nicely. Lovely. Perfect piece for our Instant Choir.

  2. Erica Van Katwyk

    Sally, Thank you so much for your arrangements of this piece. Our ward choir sang it in church yesterday as part of our special Easter Sacrament meeting (we’re the only ward in my stake currently with a ward choir, in a bustling California area, of all things) and this arrangment touched many as there were teary eyes in the congregation. Our stake music director heard it and said she plans to use this for a future stake conference choir as well.

    You’re wonderful for sharing your talents with the masses and blessing our lives through your talent.
    Thank you so much!!

  3. Erica VanKatwyk

    Dear Sister DeFord, I’ve been accompanying choirs for the past 50 years. Many many many times it’s your arrangements that I’m playing. I have always loved your music.

    Now by default I’m our ward choir director and though I hunt around to find music on other sites I always come back to yours. I am not in Utah when musicians/singers reign and what I love most is how you compose the music so that it’s interesting enough for those listening yet my choir can sing it. They absolutely love singing your works as it makes them ‘feel professional’ (as they say it).

    Thanks so much for sharing your talent with the world and for making it free. That in itself is such a great service.

  4. Sheryl Carlson

    I second this idea!

  5. Sheryl Carlson

    I directed my ward choir in singing this song about a year after my daughter died in a car accident she caused. The experience was humbling and so spiritual. My choir new how tender my feelings were and why the tears flowed so freely. Thank you Sister DeFord for your beautiful music and lyrics.

  6. Chris

    Have you submitted the last verse of I stand all amazed to be added to the new Hymn Book they are working on? Please say you have! The lyrics are so powerful and complete the hymn so perfectly!

  7. Irwin Purcell

    Thank you for making available the SATB arrangement of ‘If the Savior Stood Beside Me.’ Our ward choir is singing it today in Sacrament meeting.

  8. Janice Chapman

    I’m looking for the Alto version of I stand All Amazed.

  9. Laura T

    Any chance you have an mp3 of the accompaniment? I’m putting together a virtual musical number for Easter and I don’t have a great way of capturing the piano part without a lot of background garble.

  10. Michelle

    Thank you. We are practicing this so h in choir and I needed to download it to practice on my own at home.

  11. Anthonius Tena Ladjar

    Dear Sally, what a wonderful arrangement you have here. I have been using your music for the past 4 years maybe more.
    And our youths in our ward in Tangerang, Indonesia are enjoying your music. Now we are preparing for ward conference with your I Stand All Amazed SATB. Hoper that we could push to high notes. Thank you for being a blessing for us.

    Anthony Ladjar

  12. Carol France

    I am trying to print a copy of “I Stand All Amazed” to review for the ward choir. Everytime I print it (SATB), the lyrics are just a long black blur. Are there restrictions on use of the lyrics?
    I’m hoping for some help in resolving this problem.
    Thanks so very much.

  13. Jane

    Beautiful! Is there any recorded accompaniment available anywhere that I can download?

  14. Camille

    This is my very favorite hymn and I’m so excited to sing this in my ward. Thank you for this act of kindness making the music available

  15. Paulette

    Thank you, Sally. I’m excited to sing this with my choir. You have blessed us all so much by sharing freely of your talents. I pray for big blessings for you!

  16. Anne Shumway

    Hello Sally DeFord!
    I have been using your beautiful arrangements for years! Thank you for blessing all of our lives!

    I have been searching for a solo arrangement of “I Stand All Amazed” that will be appropriate for me to use at the Thanksgiving Program at the MTC this year. I have played through a dozen arrangements. The one I love best is your SATB arrangement of this piece. It is beautiful and tender. This is the perfect arrangement, but it obviously won’t work for a solo. Until I read through all your FAQ, I had considered changing some of the arrangement to fit our needs. I promise I will not do that. Any possibility you could take your arrangement and work it into a solo? I really want to use it! I wish I could show you what we are doing with this so you could see how well it would fit in. 1200 missionaries would love it!

    Thank you for reading this-
    I would love to hear back from you!

    • Sally

      Anne, I may modify it for solo at some point–I’ve thought about it! It definitely won’t happen before you need it though. If you need to modify parts to fit a soloist, you’re more than welcome to do that. Just don’t distribute the score beyond your performers and it perfectly fine. Best of luck with it! 🙂

      • Linda Chaston

        I’d love a duet version as well, for male and female voices… when you have time of course. Thank you for your work!

  17. Heidi Haynie

    As I am learning to sing,”I Stand All Amazed”, I am impressed with the beauty of the arrangement and the emotion that goes along with it. Thank you for writing such a beautiful arrangement! Thank you for freely sharing your music with all.


    Heidi Haynie

  18. Don R Alsop

    Our stake is at present practicing “I Stand All Amazed” SATB. We have a dynamic director and a competent pianist. The ONLY way Sally could have come up with this is through inspiration and the ONLY way we are going to do this any kind of justice is through the same spirit. Thank God for the brilliant and INSPIRED musicians in this His Son’s Church.

  19. Sheila Jensen

    I love you site,

    Thank you!


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