Safe in Thy Loving Arms
About the Song
Ask my kids to give you a synonym for “worry” and they’ll probably respond… “mom.” It’s not my fault–it’s hereditary. When my brothers and I were teenagers, every time we left the house my mother would say (among other things) “Now, drive carefully!” And then she’d worry until we were safely home again. How we teased her over her “drive carefully” reminders! And how often do we parents have to eat the unseasoned words of our youth. Just the other day as my kids were walking out the door, before I could so much as open my mouth, my daughter stuck her head back inside and said, “Yes, we’ll drive carefully. Don’t worry!” — and laughed at me.
I can’t wait until they have kids of their own. They’ll see.
As much as we parents fuss and fret over the physical safety of our children, we worry even more about their spiritual safety in this very un-spiritual world. How many times have we pleaded with the Lord to keep our children safe, both physically and spiritually, while they are away from us? This song is my rather inadequate attempt to express those hereditary “drive carefully” feelings that have been handed down from generation to generation since time began.
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Dear Father, abide with thy children
Entrusted to my care
Watch over the days of their childhood
Protect them and keep them pure
Thy presence defend them from evil
Preserve them from all harm
By night and by day
Uphold them I pray
Keep them safe in thy loving arms
Dear Father, abide with thy children
Confirm in them thy word
As the years lead them forth from my threshold
They face an uncertain world
Strengthen their fervent conviction
Speak peace into their hearts
As they leave my embrace
Enfold them in faith
Keep them safe in thy loving arms
Father, abide with thy children
Fill thou their souls with light
Thy wisdom direct every footstep
And lead them to endless life
And when they must walk through the darkness
Be thou their guiding star
Their pathway prepare
And carry them there
Keep them safe in thy loving arms
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Thank you, Ms. Deford for offering up this solo. We are using it in our church services this coming December.
I have loved your music.
https://youtu.be/-oZaKelo6tY?si=W0Z8oXfdH8CakUsI This is for Diane Bolman’s request. It’s the best version I’ve found up-to-date.
This is my most cherished song of prayer from parent to God about child. The history is a mystery. I have a copy on my computer sung by a lady who lived (lives) in Albuquerque. I assume there was a conflict about rights or money (Usually is.) because I can’t find it anywhere on line. Is there a sanctioned recording that I can offer to my FAcebook Friends to listen to? Can I buy a recording? Is $20 for that song enough?
Will sing this next Sabbath. If you want to watch live I can send a link 😀
I want to hear it sung………can you provide a link so I can hear the melody? Thank you!
I love your music!
it’s every mom’s prayer..it’s every mom’s prayer. a mom will sing this during child dedication and confirmation. thank you for unselfishly sharing with us what God has given you, sally. many people are blessed with your songs (His songs actually). it’s being sang in most of the churches in our country – Philippines. may God bless you more..
thanks for sharing us your very uplifting songs