The Lord is My Shepherd
“I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep…”
John 10:14 KJV
About the Song
Words by James Montgomery (Based on Psalm 23), alt.
Music and additional text by Sally DeFord
There are a few hymns that I can’t remember ever not loving. This is one of them, though I’ve begun to realize it’s the words I love and not necessarily the traditional tune. This original melody begged to be written–though it does echo one line of the familiar hymn.
The accompaniments are nearly identical, but there are a few modifications in the choral version to accommodate the harmonies. The violin obbligato can be used with either arrangement. The solo score is provided both with and without the obbligato included. The choral score includes the violin, and a “vocal parts only” score which is just that—and only two pages long.
The recording uses the Eb-Gb version.
Sheet Music Downloads
Spotify, Soundcloud (inc. free downloads)
Click the to download the free track for personal use.
Recording featuring vocals by Heather Prusse:
Accompaniment track:
Apple Music, Amazon
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(Video provided to YouTube by outside parties may contain ads that may be skipped after a few seconds.)
The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know
He leadeth my soul where the still waters flow
And safe in green pastures He maketh me rest
Restores me when wand’ring, redeems when oppressed
Through the valley and shadow of death though I stray
Thy rod shall defend me, thy staff be my stay
Since thou art my guardian, no evil I fear
No harm can befall with my comforter near
Thy mercy will follow me all of my days
And in thine own house thou preparest my place
With blessings unmeasured my cup runneth o’er
Oh what shall I ask of thy providence more?
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There is no version of the piece that starts in D for the violin part, separate. It is only available for the Eb version.
This arrangement of The Lord is My Shepherd is so uplifting, so beautiful! I was asked to sing “The Lord is My Shepherd” at a funeral of a dear friend, and I searched and searched trying to find the arrangement that was just right. I definitely found it! The melody, the arrangement, the instrumentals were inspiring beyond description. I am overwhelmed by the time and effort Sally DeFord consecrates to bring such joy and light to this world, never asking for compensation, just multiplying the incredible gift that she was given. I thank her for blessing my life for so many years.
Just PLAY it. You can DO it…no sheet music required. Then play your own songs. Make them up as you go…much more FUN!
I was listening to the accompaniment recording and I thought I heard a cello part. I took a look at the sheet music but I couldn’t find a cello part. Is there somewhere else I should be looking to find the sheet music for that or is it possible to obtain it some way?
I sang your solo arrangement of The Lord is My Shepherd last night at my stake conference. I had at least four people come up and ask me who the composer was because they said it was the most beautiful version of this song that they had ever heard. I have to agree with them. Thank you so much for your incredible, spiritual, and inspiring music that you share so freely with all of us music lovers!
This is a beautiful arrangement of this song!
Beautiful! Thank you so much for the good music!
This is such a great song!!! But when I was practicing on my violin I was listening to the words of the music and reading the music and the singer was singing higher than the music was transposed. I checked all of the sheet music but they were all the same as the one I had printed off!
True. I’m glad you mentioned it. Maybe if people don’t read my warning up top, they’ll read yours! 😉
This is THE best arrangement ever! We could feel the spirit every time our choir practiced it! Thank you.
First – thank you for the depth and breadth of your work. I have sung many of your pieces in church choirs over the years. The arrangements are wonderful, and I find the parts to be very , well, learnable.
Second – have you ever considered including .midi files on your site? I don’t play much, but as a techie I could help our choir by making practice .mp3s, one for each part, with the accompaniment and the other parts in the background. I have DAW software and can do a lot with a .midi file.
Thank you for once again for revealing some of the loveliness of your heart and your Savior!
God bless you, Sally, for all the good you do with your music!
Thank you for sharing your talent God has given you. I really hope I could be your apprentice. Thank you very much.
Dear Sally,
I am a missionary serving in the Oklahoma Tulsa Mission. I was trying to find a piece to sing on Easter this Sunday and came across this. It’s so beautiful! Thank you so much for this!
I LOVE this arrangement! It’s so lovely and it’s interesting to sing as a choir. The spirit of the words really shines through the melody. The violin part is beautiful, but simple enough to be played by young women in our ward. I’m excited to work on this piece with the ward choir and they love it, too. Thank you!
Beautiful! I LOVE how it is sort of Celtic sounding. And I can sing it in sacrament meeting since it is a hymn. Keep ’em coming!
I am renaming our ward choir to the Sally Deford choir. We love singing your beautiful music. Thank you so much for what you contribute to lovely easy music.
Goodness! You wouldn’t be so cruel would you? 😉
It’s so nice. I love it! Thank you for making beautiful music. May God bless you more!
Dear Sally
Absolutely beautiful. Thank you.