I Come to Him

About the Song
The SATB and SSA accompaniments for this song are identical, though a key apart. The violin obbligato could possibly be used with the SSA, but you’d have to transpose it.
The Solo version has a different accompaniment, and the violin obbligato works with it (as you hear in the recording) but the violinist should note that measure 52 in the solo score contains five beats. This is marked on the violin score.
Church Music Contest: Relief Society division–Award of Distinction 1999 (SSA version).
This song is part of the “I Stand All Amazed” cantata.
Sheet Music Downloads
Spotify, Soundcloud (inc. free downloads)
Click the to download the free track for personal use.
Recording featuring vocals by James Loynes:
Accompaniment track:
Apple Music, Amazon
Apple Music: I Come to Him (feat. James Loynes)
Apple Music: I Come to Him (Accompaniment Track)
Amazon: I Come to Him (feat. James Loynes)
Amazon: I Come to Him (Accompaniment Track)
(Video provided to YouTube by outside parties may contain ads that may be skipped after a few seconds.)
They came to Jesus in Galilee
Seeking the master to learn at his feet
How kind his teachings, how gentle his voice
And in his word every heart may rejoice
For blessed, he said, are the humble and meek
All they who mourn who come unto me
For they shall find comfort and peace
I come to him like the multitude
Fed by his wisdom, my spirit renewed
Trusting his word, led by his light
Knowing his law will lead me to life
I come as they came
With faith in his name
I come to him
They sought the healer, they brought their lame,
Blind and infirm, their afflicted and maimed
They cried to Jesus in sorrow and loss
“Thou Son of David, have mercy on us!”
They reached out to him in their suffering and grief
Trusting his power, they sought him in faith
And thus were they healed by his grace
I come to him like the blind and lame
Seeking his mercy to quiet my pain
For as he blessed his children of old
I trust in his power to succor my soul
I come as they came
With faith in his name
I come to him
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I appreciate this song and am grateful that you share your music so selflessly Sally.
I have only ever used the SSA version until now when I have been teaching the choir the SATB version written in D major. In searching the latest music list this song is written in C major and I am unable to find the D major version so that I can print the 2nd ending pages which I realise that I don’t have. Can I get this somewhere as I have already taught te choir and I am using the violin obligato in this key?
Much appreciated
Natasha Jones
Is there any way to actually see a page of the music to see if the accompaniment is one I can handle?
Thank you for writing and sharing this beautiful song, “I Come to Him”. It seems to summarize the Savior’s life so well and how we can rely on Him just like the people in Galilee did. It truly brings the spirit into whatever meeting it is sung.
I so appreciated the transposing option that I used on the vocal solo. Thanks again. You are a blessing.
I have written three times to Sally, telling her how beautiful her music is — choral or otherwise — and that she is my choir’s favorite composer and mine, too. I hope she received what I had written, although I hadn’t received an indication that she did.
God’s blessings on you, Sally, so you can continue to enrich our services with your music. You are truly God’s gift to us. Thank God for you.
Ruby L. Agnir
Choir Director
Atonement Lutheran Church
of Wesley Chapel, Florida
Hi Ruby! I must have missed your previous messages. I tend to drown in them. 🙂 Thank you for your kind compliments! I’m so glad you and your choir are enjoying the music and using it to worship our Heavenly Father and his Son. Best wishes to you and your choir!
I come to Him is such a wonderfully meditated on song. My life experience is all summarised in here.
Sally, i love your music and may the Good Lord continue working through and within you.
This is a beautiful song. I’m going to use it for the special musical number in our Saturday night session of Stake Conference in January. I love all your music Sally!! I used the Silent Night Christmas Cantata this month as a special program for a ward in our Stake for their Christmas party. Everyone loved it! You truly have a gift and thank you so much for sharing it with the world!!
I visited many websites however the audio feature for audio songs present
at this site is really fabulous.