Make Us One
About the Song
The solo and SA versions are one step lower than the others. The accompaniments are interchangeable. The SA version is *somewhat* simplified, but this isn’t an easy song to perform, and proved almost impossible to simplify enough to qualify as really “simplified.” In the recordings, Heather’s presentation is very classical; James has a more modern feel, though in spite of YouTube’s um… creative… labeling, it would never pass for “metal.” 😉
I’ve also included a YouTube video of the women’s choir from the General RS session way back in 1997.
Church Music Contest: Anthem/Hymn Arrangement division–Award of Distinction 1995; Relief Society division–Award of Distinction 1997
This song is part of the “Come Unto Christ” cantata.
Sheet Music Downloads
Spotify, Soundcloud (inc. free downloads)
Click the to download the free track for personal use.
Recording featuring vocals by James Loynes:
Accompaniment track:
Recording featuring vocals by Heather Prusse:
Accompaniment track:
Apple Music, Amazon
These files may be copied/shared in any quantity in any physical format unless otherwise noted. They may not be re-sold or offered for download.
Apple Music: Make Us One (feat. James Loynes)
Apple Music: Make Us One (Accompaniment Track)
Amazon: Make Us One (feat. James Loynes)
Amazon: Make Us One (Accompaniment Track)
(Video provided to YouTube by outside parties may contain ads that may be skipped after a few seconds.)
How shall we stand amid uncertainty?
Where is our comfort in travail?
How shall we walk amid infirmity,
When feeble limbs are worn and frail?
And as we pass through mortal sorrow,
How shall our hearts abide the day?
Where is the strength the soul may borrow?
Teach us thy way.
Make us one, that our burdens may be light
Make us one as we seek eternal life
Unite our hands to serve thy children well
Unite us in obedience to thy will.
Make us one! teach us, Lord, to be
Of one faith, of one heart
One in thee.
Then shall our souls be filled with charity,
Then shall all hate and anger cease
And though we strive amid adversity,
Yet shall we find thy perfect peace
So shall we stand despite our weakness,
So shall our strength be strength enough
We bring our hearts to thee in meekness;
Lord, wilt thou bind them in thy love?
(Repeat chorus)
Take from me this heart of stone,
And make it flesh even as thine own
Take from me unfeeling pride;
Teach me compassion; cast my fear aside.
Give us one heart, give us one mind
Lord, make us thine
Oh, make us thine!
(Repeat chorus)
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I was going through music on my computer and stumbled onto this favorite. I pulled out my original score from the 90s and saw scriptural references penciled in:
Ezekiel 11:19
And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh:
D&C 38:27
Behold, this I have given unto you as a parable, and it is even as I am. I say unto you, be one; and if ye are not one ye are not mine.
2 Nephi 1:22
And now that my soul might have joy in you, and that my heart might leave this world with gladness because of you, that I might not be brought down with grief and sorrow to the grave, arise from the dust, my sons, and be men, and be determined in one mind and in one heart, united in all things, that ye may not come down into captivity;
We are forever grateful for Sally DeFord’s songs. We take
the freedom to make a playlist with her songs in Portuguese on our YouTube channel. (LDS hymns in Portuguese or Hinos SUD em Português)
This one is one of my favorites! It playing in my head as i pray and go throughout my day! Thank you for your impact Sally!!
Ik vind het een prachtig lied en ga het zondag in de gemeente zingen, ter voorbereiding op mijn doop
Google tells me this means, “I think it’s a beautiful song and I’m going to sing it in church on Sunday, in preparation for my baptism” in Dutch. Thank you Agnes, and congratulations on your baptism!
Looking to see if you were able to transpose this as seen in the comments section? And if so, could I get that version sent to me? We’re singing this for a special Relief Society lesson coming up in March but would love to start practicing this Sunday, the 26th…I know it’s soon
“Jenny Karren on July 5, 2022 at 7:44 pm
Can you transpose this piece “Make Us One” down 3 half steps for SSA?”
Can you transpose this piece “Make Us One” down 3 half steps for SSA?
I am looking for the SATB version of this song.
The page says it is there but, ONLY the violin music is attached to the link.
Can you advise? I would really love to prepare this piece for our ward
choir to sing in May for the theme: Fellowshipping.
can you email a link to the sheet music for SATB choir?
There isn’t an SATB, only the SSATB. The violin music was mislabeled in the link. Sorry!
Do you have a recorder version of Make us One with SATB ?
About 23 years ago when this piece was sung by a choir in the General Women’s Session, I was overcome with the Spirit. Tears streamed and my heart was opened to the essential importance of the song’s message. Thank you so much!! I cannot hear it without recalling that moment. I was a tired mother and almost stayed home from that meeting. The feelings I experienced during the song sustained my efforts and strengthened my conversion to Christ and the godly principles of unity and love. Heartfelt thanks to you, Sister DeFord! With tremendous love and gratitude!!
Hi Sally. Every time I feel so down and crying out to God for comfort, He would present me a song that would lift my spirit. And I thank you for your music. Thank you also for the free music sheet. God bless you and your ministry in music.
We listened to “Make Us One” during our mindfulness meditation this morning. It provided the perfect foundation upon which to build our Heart of Flesh meditation. As always, your music uplifts and fills our souls.
My husband has been deathly ill and we have been singing together as therapy for him. I recorded our version of Make Us One and embedded it in my new podcast:
Thanks Sally!
Your music is highly therapeutic.
Jenny Hatch
Beautiful. How i want the individual tune for soprano, alto, tenor and bass that is ready for practice.
Im a seventh day adventist and this FREE PIECES are so awesome. Thank u salle de ford for being an instrument in gods ministry
Great Music which I enjoy singing a lot.Make us one is uplifting and Am learning it right now. But is there a score for orchestra?
Would you be willing to make this suitable for a soprano and baritone to sing a duet? My husband and I are supposed to sing something about unity at a work conference in February. Thank you for considering.
we sang this song during our ward conference last june, us we sang this,
i noticed that mostly of the audience were in tears, what a beautiful song..
What a blessing you are to the world as you share your beautiful gift of music so generously. Many hearts are softened, filled with hope, and directed to the source of love and peace, the Lord, Jesus Christ.
“Make Us One” is just that kind of song.