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The Greatest Among Us

“…whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; and whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.”

Matthew 20:25-28 KJV

About the Song

The solo version of this song has a different accompaniment.  If you prefer, you can sing the SATB version as a solo.

This song is part of the “I Stand All Amazed” cantata.

Spotify, Soundcloud (inc. free downloads)

Click the Soundcloud download icon to download the free track for personal use.

Recording featuring vocals by James Loynes:

Accompaniment track:


  (Video provided to YouTube by outside parties may contain ads that may be skipped after a few seconds.)


He came as a servant, this King among men
To lift and to heal by the power in his hand
He labored unceasingly knowing our need
And he calls us to follow in spirit and deed

The greatest among us taught us to love
To serve one another as he willingly served
And if I would follow him such is my call
For the greatest among us was the servant of all

The greatest among us nourished the weak
Brought hope to the hopeless, and joy to the meek
The sufferer never beseeched him in vain
May I follow the Master in kindness unfeigned
(Repeat chorus)

Jesus, to whom all dominion is giv’n
Humbled himself in the service of man
And he calls through the ages, “Come, follow me,”
I will follow the Master where e’er he may lead
(Repeat chorus)

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  1. Renee

    I figured it out! I have the accompaniment to the soprano solo with choir from 1999 copyright. Thank you for your wonderful ministry!

  2. Renee

    Has the accompaniment changed? I downloaded an accompaniment many years ago and burned it to a CD. It sounds nothing like the accompaniment here. Did it change or an I just going crazy? If it changed, you you please email me the old sheet music that goes with the original accompaniment? I am having a hard time following this sheet music with the other arrangement. Thank you!

  3. Felicity Julian

    Is there an arrangement of this suitable for a contralto?

  4. Sheri Emerine

    Is the low voice arrangement available for this song? I would like to use this one for our Easter program, but our sopranos have difficulties with the high notes in the published SATB version. Thank you so much. Love, love, love your musical arrangements. You are so talented.


    Hello I would love a copy of the low voice arrangement PLS that is mention in another comment below? Is there a site to find it or can you email me a copy? I’d appreciate it. Thank you

  6. Tricia Bowen

    do you still have the low voice arrangement of this? My husband performed it a few years ago and we can’t find our copy of the low voice now. He was hoping to sing it for our son’s mission farewell. Thank for your help!

  7. Peggy Sorensen

    I would like to use the SATB version of this song with the violin but the violin is written in 3 flats, but the SATB starts in 3 flats, then changes to 4 sharps. Is there another arrangement for the violin?

    • Sally DeFord

      **sigh** For some reason, the files for this one have just given me fits. All fixed. I hope. Maybe. 🙂

  8. Paula Pace

    I love this song and have used it before, but I can’t find the violin arrangement for the SATB version. I went in to print an additional copy of it, and the one you have listed there is in a different key. It looks like both of the violin arrangements listed are for the solo arrangement of the song. Do you by chance have the violin part for the SATB arrangement as well?

    Paula Pace

    • sallydeford

      Sorry. I had the wrong file uploaded. It’s fixed–be sure to refresh your browser if the old one appears instead of the new!

  9. Patricia Kudzia

    The Greatest Among Us has 2 versions with 2 different violin parts. One version in print has a flute and violin part and there are 96 measures in that score. The vocal recording version you have has an entirely different violin part and is 128 measures. What is going on?

  10. Colleen Cook

    This song is beautiful like the rest of your music. You are very gifted. Thank you so much for your beautiful music. I love it. Now as a choir director I look for arrangements that we can do as a small choir. Thank you again.

  11. Shauna Phelps

    The flute download to this is in different keys than the piano SATB. Do you have the music going from the key of E flat to E? What you have is going from Dmajor to E flat major.

  12. Annette Keith

    I could not but listen to this song, so beautifully sung by a soloist in my church. My husband is apparently dying – he won’t eat to sustain himself, thinking he would lose weight for his diabetes, his cancer flared up, and now he has lost so much of his metabolism that life is unbearably hard to experience. This song has helped him. Mrs. A Keith

  13. Genie Ginzel

    Thank-you for sharing your music!!! Looking forward to using it in our Sunday Service!!!

  14. kim

    Thank you so much for sharing this amazing songs!

  15. Tawna Tolbert


    Our ward uses your music all the time. You have such a talent, and after I just had our ward choir prepare this number to sing last month (the Sunday before Thanksgiving) I had to share the response.

    First, it was an amazing opportunity to prepare this. It was much more difficult than I anticipated for everyone to feel comfortable with the song (but alas, I’m a soprano and just assume that everyone else’s parts are as easy to pick out as the melody :)…boy do I have a lot to learn as choir director ;)). So it took us 2, rather than one month, to be ready to sing it.

    But it turned out so beautifully!

    I had my oldest daughter prepare the violin obbligato. She did very well for her first time doing a solo accompaniment ( at this point her only performances have been with the school orchestra). Her next opportunity will be doing the violin obbligato with another YW in the ward for your “Oh Holy Night” arrangement in 2 weeks :).

    Afterwards, a sister came up and said she just had to share with me that listening to this song was only the second time in her life that she had truly felt the presence and addition of angels singing a piece of music in a meeting. I got chills as she shared this, and I have to agree with her. The song so perfectly touched on the Savior and His gift to us, especially during the Thanksgiving and holiday season, that we are so grateful for His example as the “greatest among us.”

    THANK YOU for sharing your talent!

    Tawna Tolbert

  16. Ricky

    Thank you for the ministry of music. I was personally blessed. I will share this to others so they will be blessed also


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