Beautiful Savior
The traditional hymn, arranged for choir, piano, organ, and flute or other C instrument.
The traditional hymn, arranged for choir, piano, organ, and flute or other C instrument.
Immanuel, Immanuel, the heavens tell of thy coming; Immanuel, Immanuel, this night we rejoice in thee.
He is our way, He is our light; In Him we live. Anthem for SSAATTB choir, piano, organ and two flutes.
Words: Bernard of Clairvaux; Music: John B. Dykes; Arranged by Sally DeFord.
Lift up your heart in faith, for God is ever nigh you; Eager to bless His children, mindful of every child.
In every word, in every deed, In every joy, in every need; Look upon the Son of God; Look on Him and live.
So shall we stand despite our weakness; So shall our strength be strength enough; We bring our hearts to thee in meekness; Lord, wilt thou bind them in thy love?
Let me love and serve and teach those who come within my reach, for miracles begin that way.
All that I am I freely offer , Withholding nothing that is mine…
My heart rejoices in the bounty set before me, And my grateful spirit sings.
Words & Music by C.W. McMaster ;Arranged for piano duet by Sally DeFord.
Often when I pray for strength to live as He commands, the Father sends me sustenance In my sister’s hands.
Look on Jesus, oh mankind; Behold what grief is His! In all creation we will find no greater love than this.
Words by Karen Lynn Davidson; melody: “Kingsfold”; Arranged for SATB or Solo.
Words by James Montgomery; Music by Sally DeFord. Arranged for Solo, SATB or SSAA.