In the Bleak Midwinter
Words by Christina Rossetti; Melody by Gustav Holst; Arranged for SSATB or SSAA by Sally DeFord.
Words by Christina Rossetti; Melody by Gustav Holst; Arranged for SSATB or SSAA by Sally DeFord.
Words: Edmund H. Sears; Music: Traditional German (Ellacombe); Arranged by Sally DeFord and James Loynes.
In dark Gethsemane; the cross at Calvary; there won the Lord of all the victory.
Not a cradle is found for thy bed, but a manger of hay in its stead, Where the cattle may feed must suffice for thy need, Jesus, Lord, at thy birth.
Words: Bernard of Clairvaux; Music: John B. Dykes; Arranged by Sally DeFord.
A song to go with the 2007 LDS Mutual (youth program) theme. For solo, unison or two-part equal voices.
Lift up your heart in faith, for God is ever nigh you; Eager to bless His children, mindful of every child.
In every word, in every deed, In every joy, in every need; Look upon the Son of God; Look on Him and live.
We who receive Him must love without end, and carry His tidings of peace and good will to all men.
Hear the tidings heaven tells: Peace is come on earth to dwell. Christ the King, Emmanuel, Lying in a manger.
So shall we stand despite our weakness; So shall our strength be strength enough; We bring our hearts to thee in meekness; Lord, wilt thou bind them in thy love?
Let me love and serve and teach those who come within my reach, for miracles begin that way.
All that I am I freely offer , Withholding nothing that is mine…
I have learned to trust the perfect love of Him I cannot see; For He has given me this parable: my father’s love for me.
With a spirit full of carols to the newborn King, I bring my song to Him; My gift, my offering.