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I Have Not Seen, Yet I Believe

“Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.”

John 20:29 KJV

About the Song

Church Music Submission: Song division–Award of Distinction 2003 (Original version)

Solo 2 (a different accompaniment) can be heard in the last video below. This selection is part of the Built Upon the Rock program. This song can also be downloaded from the music section of the lds.org website.

Spotify, Soundcloud (inc. free downloads)


I Have Not Seen, Yet I Believe (feat. James Loynes)
I Have Not Seen, Yet I Believe (Accompaniment Track)
I Have Not Seen, Yet I Believe (Piano Track)


Click Soundcloud download icon to download the free track for personal use.

Recording featuring vocals by James Loynes:

Accompaniment track:

Piano track:

Apple Music, Amazon

These files may be copied/shared in any quantity in any physical format unless otherwise noted. They may not be re-sold or offered for download.


  (Video provided to YouTube by outside parties may contain ads that may be skipped after a few seconds.)


They heard his voice; they saw his face
The promised Savior come to earth in days long past
They saw him heal the sick and cause the lame to stand
They watched as wind and waves were stilled at his command
And though I did not see him calm the raging seas
His hand has calmed my troubled heart
And I believe

They heard his voice; they saw his face
They heard his teachings of forgiveness, love and faith
He blessed their little ones; he taught them how to pray;
He fed the multitudes who hungered by the way
And though I did not taste the bread he bade them eat
His word is manna to my soul
And I believe

They saw him scourged and mocked to scorn
They heard the angry crowd, they saw him crowned with thorns
They watched him bend beneath our burden in the streets
They saw the bitter nails that pierced his hands and feet
And though I was not there to watch with them at Calvary
My spirit weeps
I have not seen
Yet I believe

They heard his voice; they saw his face
The risen Jesus, crowned with vict’ry o’er the grave
And though I did not see his triumph over death
Though I did not see him draw immortal breath
I know he lived and died and lives again for me
My faith is sure
I have not seen
Yet I believe

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If you don't find your answer there, feel free to post your question here. 🙂


  1. Cheri Robison

    Why are the original voicing/accompaniment to this song, no longer available?

  2. Lynn Chatterton

    Is there a version of the SATB with the oboe and cello included? It would make it so much easier to lead.

  3. Marsha Owen

    I don’t read music and am an alto. Is there an audio version that plays the alto part so I can hear it? Thank you.

  4. Dorothy Highsmith

    I absolutely love this song and would like to sing it in church for Easter Sunday. However, it is above my range. Do you provide any printable versions of this song in a key lower than the two already offered?

  5. Dorothy Highsmith

    I really love this song! I was just introduced to it recently because I’ve been asked to sing a song for Easter. This would be perfect, however, the key is too high for me. Is there a way that I can personally change the key to fit my range? The two options provided, solo 1 and solo 2, are both too high.

  6. Kathy

    I appreciate the beautiful composition of your music. The lyrics are powerful and the music enchanting. Thank you.

  7. Janice Calhoun

    We have purchased I HAVE NOT SEEN, YET I BELIEVE in the key of E-Flat

    Is the obligato parts for Cello and Oboe available in the key of E-flat as well?

    We only see them in key of D.

    Please advise. Thanks.

  8. Jean Marshall

    The printed words are too small for me to read easily can I have a copy that I can enlarge on my computer please? Thank you

  9. Lynda B Benson

    I have a copy of a higher version in the key of F. It says High-voice solo under the title.

  10. Pamela Alston

    Years ago I had a version of “I have not seen Yet I believe” that was neither of these versions. My oldest son sang it on his mission in the tenor range in 2006. I sent that version to my son currently serving. He wants to perform it for a mission conference, but he lost the copy I sent him. I can no longer find it. If I remember correctly it said tenor or high solo under the title of the song. Where is that version? I would love to get my hands on it again. I love this song so much! Thank you for sharing your talents with us so freely!

    • Marti Castle Warr

      I prefer that version also. I’m not sure why it isn’t still listed, but I sure wish it was!

  11. Chris & Jane Church

    Our Family has been blessed by your music. Thank you for sharing with us. We love music in our home and love to sing together.

  12. Sister Kiley Bice

    Is there by any chance a German translation of this song?? I have loved and sang this beautiful song in many many sacrament meetings back home over the years and am currently serving a mission in Germany and saw you had german translations for some of your other songs and was hoping to sing it for a baptismal service next week!! Please let me know, thank you so much!!:))

  13. Janet Roberts

    In “I Have Not Seen, Yet I Believe” is it possible that the rhythm is not written correctly in measure 40?

    • sallydeford

      Not only possible, but quite likely. 🙂 Which version?

      • Janet Roberts


        • sallydeford

          Hmmm… I’m not seeing it. 🙁

          • Lynn

            She’s right. The men’s part has a half note, an eighth rest, a dotted sixteenth, and two eighth notes. I would guess you meant for the dotted sixteenth to be another eighth. Is that correct? (Ie: 1-2-rest-&-4-&)

            • sallydeford

              Ha! Got it. (I knew it was likely… 😉 ) The dot should have been on the rest, not the note. Thanks!

  14. Amy Seiter


    I am a ward choir director in Gilbert, Arizona. Our ward choir has thrived ever since I found yours and other composers’ beautiful arrangements and original compositions so generously shared for free or for little cost on the internet. Choir members and those that listen to the choir comment frequently on how beautiful the music is.

    In the last two years, we have sung your compositions and arrangements of “Bless This Land”; “In the Bleak Midwinter”; “Silent Night” (choir and congregation); “Prayer Is the Soul’s Sincere Desire”; “As Shepherds Kept their Lonely Vigil”; “He is Born, the Child Divine”; “Anthem of Praise” (Amazing!!!); “How Can I Keep From Singing?”; “I Have Not Seen, yet I Believe”; and “He Is Risen”.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  15. Lisa

    When I try to open either Obbligato in Personal Composer they come up as Beethoven’s Sonata, I’m not having this problem with any of the other .pc files. Help!

    Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful music with us!

    • sallydeford

      Lisa, use the File/Open command to open the file you saved to your computer. The Beethoven Sonata is just the sample file that comes with the program, and it opens automatically unless you change the settings and tell it not to. 🙂

  16. Janet Roberts

    I wanted to let you know that on “I have Not Seen, Yet I Believe” the end of the word “believe” is missing from measure 16.

    The song is beautiful and we can’t wait to sing it for our Easter Program.

    • sallydeford

      Thanks! All fixed. 🙂

  17. Carlos

    Daer Sally; Your song “I have not seen yet I believe” has touched my soul. It confort me during hard times here in Venezuela(Southamerica), where dispair and hiopelessness has become our daily life. I want to apologized since I took the liberty to work for sevearl weeks in a proper translation of this song into spanish, making a great effort in keeping the spirit of the inspiration of each word. I became with a translation thet I believe align with the original in English version. Plaease let me know if you would like to read it and listen it (my voice) so I can send it to you.
    May our Lord Jesus Christ grace be with you always…Carlos Rios

  18. Anon

    Dear Sally,

    I accompany a branch member here in Mexico who is learning to share her vocal talent. We are working on “I Have Not Seen, Yet I Believe” in espanol. She loves this beautiful song and has caught the spirit of the piece. Thank you for your talent and your selflessness in sharing your work with those of us who could never do what you do.

    Susan Hanks Fernald, San Felipe, Baja California North, Mexico

  19. Cami Smith

    My husband is the choir director for the Foothills Ward of the Yuma Arizona Stake. I often assist him in selecting music and you are our #1 choice online. Thank you so very much for generously sharing your beautiful music for free. We are very grateful to you and have been blessed again and again by your music.

  20. Verla Harmston

    Thank you for sharing the beautiful music that you write. Best of all, thank you for your immense generosity to share them for free. I am our Stake Music Chairman. Our Stake music library has many of your songs and they are always enjoyed by everyone who hears them.

    In training my music chairmen, I recommend your songs as a number 1 choice to check out. In our stake, as I am sure is the case in many stakes, you are a household word among music chairmen, choir directors, and anybody involved with church music. What a great missionary tool you have given to us.

    Thank you for sharing your vast talent.

    Verla Harmston Stake Music Chairman Omaha Nebraska Papillion Stake


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