Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
Words: Bernard of Clairvaux; Music: John B. Dykes; Arranged by Sally DeFord.
Words: Bernard of Clairvaux; Music: John B. Dykes; Arranged by Sally DeFord.
Lift up your heart in faith, for God is ever nigh you; Eager to bless His children, mindful of every child.
We who receive Him must love without end, and carry His tidings of peace and good will to all men.
Hear the tidings heaven tells: Peace is come on earth to dwell. Christ the King, Emmanuel, Lying in a manger.
So shall we stand despite our weakness; So shall our strength be strength enough; We bring our hearts to thee in meekness; Lord, wilt thou bind them in thy love?
Let me love and serve and teach those who come within my reach, for miracles begin that way.
All that I am I freely offer , Withholding nothing that is mine…
My heart rejoices in the bounty set before me, And my grateful spirit sings.
Look on Jesus, oh mankind; Behold what grief is His! In all creation we will find no greater love than this.
Text by Eliza R. Snow; Melody from John Wyeth’s “Repository of Sacred Music,” Part Second; Arranged for Solo or SATB.
Words by Karen Lynn Davidson; melody: “Kingsfold”; Arranged for SATB or Solo.
Music:Adolphe-Charles Adam; Text:Placide Cappeau; Arranged for choir, soloist and congregation, w/piano, organ, and instrumental obbligato.
There is comfort for our yearning; In our darkness there is Light; Because the Father sent His Son to us; On a still and starry night. My 2014 Christmas Card Carol.
I wonder now if I would know, Like men of wisdom long ago, The star that first was set aglow, When peace was born on earth.
Peace shines in our hearts, Bright as the star that shines in the east; To guide us all as we seek the Prince of Peace, peace, peace.