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This page lists new music only. For blog posts and other updates, see the Musings page.
On a Still and Starry Night (my 2014 Christmas Card Carol) and The First Noel
2014’s Christmas Card Carol, actually done before Christmas? I’ll have to write this one in my journal!
Last Christmas…
“Star of Wonder,” my Christmas Card Carol for 2013: a year later it’s ready to go!
Some odds and ends, because of…
…a new compilation CD called “He is My Song,”Here’s a list of what’s on the disk, with links to the song pages and a description of the new material that’s been added.
Lest we forget our home’s with God…
A lovely hymn titled “Come Home,” arranged for SATB choir or Solo with optional harmony.
Video Fun and Games
The last couple of projects I’ve worked on have dealt with the visual arts. Let me help you to understand the irony of this.
‘Tis the Season
One of the sad things about self-publishing is that you tend to write Christmas music at the wrong time of year to be useful. For example, during the Christmas season.
God Will Provide a Lamb; and a cantata finally finished
Last night was a landmark for me… I actually finished something. Something big. And complicated. And boy am I patting myself on the back!
For the earth is the Lord’s…
Thanksgiving. And an arrangement of “This is My Father’s World.”
It’s a good thing they recycle those youth themes… 😉
The new song this time supports this year’s youth theme:
“…stand ye in holy places and be not moved …”.
I love it when a plan comes together.
For as long as I have known Heather Prusse and James Loynes, I have wanted… longed… ached… to get their voices together on a song or two. Finally, with this latest new song, we managed it.
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I thought that you had an interactive music player that would play individual, grouped, and full SATB parts. I looked on your FAQ, however, and didn’t find it referenced.
I did pull up the arrangement of Come Thou Fount our choir is singing, thinking that it might be linked to an interactive player, but did not find it.
After years of using your Joy to the World in our Christmas sacrament meeting I finally put the words in the music to help our conductor out. I’d be happy to share the PDF if anyone wants it, or just send it to you if you want to share. Thank you for all of your beautiful music.
In 2 weeks I need to perform in Sacrament Meeting by playing the piano and having a sister play her cello. Do you have any music for that type of Duet? We were going to do another version of O Come, O Come Emanuel and decided it was too difficult for both of us. Maybe share some options with me if you can?
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your beautiful music with all of us willingly, unselfishly, and all for the Glory of our Lord. You are truly a blessing to ears and hearts and minds! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Do you have and violin piano duets?
Dear Sally,
Our church, like many, has suffered due to the residuals of the pandemic; some members not returning, others just watching virtual. So, even though I’ve used your site before, I find it particularly a blessing now. You are so gifted and your unselfish sharing of that God given gift helps many to be able to worship Him with beautiful music even though it may be just a unison selection sung by a few. Thank you for being you and thank God for filling you with the spirit to share your gifts with us. We are blessed because you are a blessing.
Hi Sally:
I’m the choir director in my ward. For Easter, my daughter and a friend of hers want to perform Gethsemane. I thought I might find a duet arrangement on your website but I see only the solo and the SATB. Do you have arranged for a duet? How do you suggest I pick the second part from the other three parts to conform to how you would prefer it to be presented? Thanks for entertaining these questions. I hope to hear from you soon.
Here is a performance of Dan Forrest’s “Shalom.” My daughter is on the left. I am on the right. Friends in the middle. Hope you enjoy.
Printed off your new congregation version for piano/organ this A.M. Can’t wait to try it. We had a blast with your
Angels we Have Heard on High at Christmas. It sounds fabulous without a ton of work…..and we pianists/organists
can sort of “let our hair down”. After MANY years, our ward choir has been forced into a “pause” deal, due to the
3 wards stacked together in a building times. On the early schedule especially, you can’t rouse everyone out of
bed to come at 8:15 (and who can blame them), and after our block there are still people in the chapel. So….like
many other wards/branches in the church, we’ve started doing a whole lot of these “congregational special numbers”
and it is working well. So…..WRITE A LOT OF THESE PLEASE!! You are unbelievably amazing!! -Linda Hartman
Do you have karaoke versions of your songs, if my piano player bombs out?
I was told by a music store that a translation of O Holy Night to Spanish was on your website.
So many beautiful Christmas songs! But, I was looking for one that tells of Gabriel’s message. Something more simple than all of the old English hymns I’ve found. Do you have any songs about it?
I’m looking for the music that you wrote after September 11th. I think it was for a choir. Please let met know if it is available. Thank You
I’ml looking for piano duets appropriate for sacrament meeting.
I especially love your piano solo arrangements for hymns. Have you done anything with “I’ll go where you want me to go?”
Would you consider doing an arrangement of joseph smiths 1st prayer?
It would be for our primary program in the fall.
I have hopes that covid will be over by then….so hopefully we will get to do a program.
Last year we used your arrangement of come follow me….the kids loved it!
Thankyou for sharing your talents!
I LOVE your piano accompaniments….so lovely !
If you decide to write this , if you could put it in alto range🙂
My choirs and I are very happy to sing your songs. We are a ttbb choir in France (la lyre Halluinoise) and a mixed voices choir in Belgium (Chorale A Travers Chants).
I was the director of the conservatorium of Music of the town of Tournai in Belgium.
Have you written som choirs with string quatuor?
Thank’s a lot for your magnificent music.
Hello to you,
Thank you for sharing your gifts! I have some questions for you regarding Copyright issues for use of your materials during worship services in respect to streaming online worship services. Can you please contact me offline to discuss?
I would love to see you do a special arrangement to “It is Well with my Soul.”
Tell me how to get a copy of the 4 hand duet of Cancion De Loor
Thank you. Love your compositions and arrangements.
Where are the listings for “piano solos”?
https://defordmusic.com/songs-by-category-and-by-voicing/ (It’s in the menu up at the top. 🙂 )
Sr Deford, I’m working with a soloist wanting to sing Write Thy Name Upon My Heart. It’s just a smidge out of range for her. Any chance you’d have an electronic copy of the solo arrangement in DMaj that could be dropped to CMaj?
My son and I need to sing for my Uncle s funeral. I would like us to the the Mack Wilberg , Marta Keen version of Homeward Bound. Have you thought about arranging that one?
No, sorry. This one is under copyright, and I don’t like dealing with royalty issues. In any case, if you want to use the Mack Wilberg arrangement, I couldn’t help you since I’d be arranging an arrangement. 🙂
I love your music and thank you for sharing it. Are you planning on writing an SATB arrangement of “Peace in Christ”?
I want to thank you for the beautiful music that you have allowed to be on line. Our choir has limited or no budget for music and it is a blessing to have been able to use your music to augment the hymn book.
I’m looking for “Come and see” copyright 1999.
Thank you so much.
Hello, Do you have any arrangements for just C Instrument (s) and piano? I couldn’t see how to search for that? I love your music!
I too, am looking for sacred piano duets. Would love to find some on your site.
I would love it if there were more Piano Solo’s… Your amazing!
I am looking for the words to “Come and See” but have not been able to find them on your site. Where should I look?
Hi, I am looking for Sacramento hymns for children’s choir/voices eg for Holy Communion. Please I’ll appreciate any help!
I love your arrangements. I’m wondering if you have any piano duets. I’m trying to find some piano duets of church music.
There are no songs about the betrayal and trial of Christ that I can find among LDS composers. I’ve looked in non-LDS sources and am yielding almost the same result. I wonder if this might be a topic you would enjoy working on. Thank you for the many lovely compositions you have shared with all of us!
All the best!
What a wonderful talent you have! Have you ever thought of doing an arrangement of Oh Savior, Thou who wearest a crown with its original melody? I have looked high and low for one and have not been successful in my treasure hunt…
I have thought about it, but it probably won’t happen. The Hassler/Bach setting isn’t my favorite melody, so it’s not likely to be one I’d choose to arrange. 🙂
Our Stake is looking for the accompaniment copy for the piece that a youth choir sang for this last October, Saturday afternoon session the piece is I’m Trying To Be Like Jesus/He Sent His Son youth choir arrangement by Sally Deford –
Marilyn, I wish I could help you! I don’t have publishing rights on that one, so I can’t post it here. It’s possible that the Church Music and Cultural Arts department could get you a copy if you ask them–no guarantees, but they’ve done it before with other songs. Eventually I know they hope to have that one on music.lds.org, but it takes awhile.
Your questions might be answered here: https://defordmusic.com/permission-the-answer-is-yes-for-this-anyway/, but if not feel free to use the “contact me” link at the bottom of the page to let me know exactly what you need!
I’m looking for TTBB arrangements for sacrament meeting special numbers.
Hi, we are looking for a Christmas duet for male voices. Would appreciate any ideas/thoughts you may have✨
Thank You so much,
Patti McGuirt