Lest we forget our home’s with God…
May 5, 2014
In the August 2010 edition of the Ensign magazine, a lovely hymn titled “Come Home” appeared. We used it in our ward choir, and I liked it well enough that when the composer, Michael Moody, suggested that I arrange it for choral anthem, I was thrilled at the prospect.
Since Heather and I were working on a project at the time, I also arranged it for solo with equal-voice harmony, and we included it on the “Reaching for the Light” album. Here’s the result:
The title is suggestive of music that might be appropriate for a funeral, and while the lyrics would certainly be suitable for that use, the broader message of the song is simply a warm invitation to each of us to return to our Heavenly Father, to live forever with Him as an eternal family.
Scores for the arrangements of “Come Home” are available for SATB choir or for solo with optional equal-voice harmony. There is also a separate score for the obbligatos.
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I heard this song and ear marked it because I knew I would need it some day. I was able to use it when a 95 year old women in our ward died. She called herself a Catholic Mormon. She was so cute. We had a lovely memorial for her at our ward and this was such a perfect song for it. Her family was impressed I think.
Thank you for sharing your gift. You’ve certainly been blessed.
Hi Sally- I just want to thank you- I am not LDS, but am a conservative Christian, and so many of your songs have been a wonderful resource. I teach voice lessons to high-school girls and it is really hard to find singable, beautiful, wholesome songs for them to sing that not only allow us to work on shaping the instrument God gave them but also edify the spirit.
I also use some songs at the church where I am a choir director, and they have really been a treat to sing and the congregation has always received them well.
Thank you for this resource and blessing- I know that the LDS church family is your focus, but wanted you to know that you are greatly appreciated elsewhere as well 🙂 God bless!!!!