It’s a good thing they recycle those youth themes… 😉
While my kids were teenagers, I guess I was more focused on youth themes and managed to get new music up early in the year. Since my kids are no longer in the youth program, it’s been getting later and later into each new year that I actually manage to get the music done and posted. Maybe it will help when the grandkids are teenagers.
However late it may be, the new song this time supports this year’s youth theme:
The song is titled “This is Holy Ground,” voiced for solo with optional harmony or SATB choir. An optional obbligato for oboe (or other C instrument) is included for use with both versions. The words are a reflection of this idea:
how one lives than where one lives…”
The demo recording is another of the tracks done for me by Heather Prusse:
Also new this time is a duet version of an older song supporting yet another youth theme, “Arise and Shine Forth.” The duet is sung by Heather Prusse and James Loynes:
Perhaps I’ll be more timely with this year’s youth theme. Since in the past some of the themes have been rotated and re-used, maybe it will be a repeat of one that’s been done before, and I can claim to have been several years early with an existing song. At any rate, I should get better when my oldest grandchild enters the youth program. (In only 7 more years??? That can’t be right.)