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29 weeks just isn’t enough

Aug 14, 2020

You may have listened to the beautiful and talented Jacosa Limutau Ainu’u sing “I Glory In My Jesus” or “It Was for Me.”

You may have listened to her and her husband sing this duet a few Christmases ago:

On July 27, Jacosa should have been welcoming a new baby boy into the world. Instead, baby Makai was born at 29 weeks–that’s about 11 weeks short of full term.

Jacosa has been making multiple daily trips to the neonatal intensive care unit… for over two months… during a pandemic… and there’s still no definite end in sight for baby Makai’s NICU stay.

A friend kindly set up this GoFundMe page for her and her little family. If you can help them out with a donation, please consider it.

If you prefer Venmo, she’s @Jacosa-Ainuu

Whether you can help them with a donation or not, please keep baby Makai and his family in your prayers.

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