Another beautiful voice
Perhaps you’ve seen some of the macro pictures of snowflakes that float around the internet. (Like these… taken with a DIY camera setup.) The beauty and variety are amazing. They also look a bit unreal, don’t they? Like something you’d find made of acrylic hanging on a Christmas tree.
I think the beauty and variety found in the human voice is equally amazing. No matter how many voices you hear, no two are the same–each has its own unique characteristics and expression.
I’m lucky–I get to hear quite a lot of beautiful voices. Here’s an example… a solo version of “There Within a Stable,” sung by Jamie Williams of Mesa, Arizona, USA. She’s a mom with 6 kids, and a fellow music-lover with a gorgeous voice. I hope you enjoy her rendition. (The accompaniment has been updated for the solo version, and is available on the song page.)
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/122108398″ params=”color=0066ff&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
Where can I find more from this artist? I googled Jamie Williams but there are so many other people with the same name that come up.
Wow Jaime your voice is like an angels I love it 😉
Jamie! This song is so beautiful. You do have the voice of an Angel! I love you my dear Sister in law!
I am so proud of our daughter-in-law and her beautiful voice that she has been blessed with by our Father in Heaven!
This is beautiful! One of my favorite Christmas songs.
Beautiful voice, beautiful song
Jamie–loved listening to your beautiful voice singing Sally DeFord’s beautiful song. In the Ward Choir I direct, I use many of the lovely DeFord arrangements. At our upcoming Stake Musical evening we’ve chosen the lovely “Born is the Light of the World” as our Ward Choir’s selection.
Thanks for posting this. Beautiful song, beautiful Jamie! I use your arrangements often with my ward. What a treat to find this one with my cousin singing!
Love it! Love you Jamie, and thank you Sally DeFord for all the beautiful music that you have given us! I know that I speak for many church musicians!