Because you asked: General Conference Music
This lovely rendition of “If the Savior Stood Beside Me,” performed by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in the Sunday morning session of General Conference, was arranged by Sam Cardon. The sheet music is, unfortunately, not available. (Neither is the conference center organ, or those amazing organists… so it’s probably for the best. 😉 )
This adorable Children’s choir is singing a medley of “Search, Ponder and Pray” and “I Think When I Read That Sweet Story” that I was asked to arrange specifically for the conference. (They titled it simply “Hymn Medley” in the video. No wonder. The two titles together are quite a handle!) The score will be available in the LDS Music Library as soon as the poor overworked staff in the music office has time to get it uploaded. The score includes an optional harmony that the children’s choir didn’t include.
Aren’t they great? It’s so cute when they can’t keep their eyes off the cameras. I probably couldn’t either.
The piece is now uploaded to the church’s website. Visit music.lds.org and search in the Submitted Music 2012-present folder. The piece is titled “Search, Ponder, and Pray / I Think When I Read That Sweet Story (DeFord, Children’s Choir)”
Was this piece taken down? I’ve spent the last 30 minutes looking for it in both locations. I even searched “DeFord,” and it didn’t come up. Anyone know where to find this?
You are unfortunately correct… it’s not currently showing up on the music.lds.org site search. I know that entire site is being reworked, so at this point we’ll have to hurry-up-and-wait… **sigh**
Jared Pierce here from the Music and Cultural Arts division of the church. I submitted the arrangement to one of our website producers this morning who will be generating links and posting the piece to the website soon. Look for it in the Submitted Music 2012-present and Music for Children folders. It will be titled “Search, Ponder and Pray/I Think When I Read (DeFord, Children’s Choir)”
Wonderful, Jared! You just became a minor hero. Thanks for all your good work!
Aw shucks, thanks Sally 🙂 I’ll send a post when its online.
Dear friends… I so wish I could help you.
This arrangement uses materials that are copyrighted by others, so I can’t make it available here–not without getting a license and charging you for the copies. The Church Music Office will be posting the score, but I cannot tell you when. I know they hoped to have it available immediately after the conference, but that hasn’t happened. I have checked with them (as recently as yesterday), and I know it’s on their to-do list.
That’s all I can do… unfortunately. It is possible that the CMO might send you a copy if you call them–they have done that in the past–but no guarantees.
I really am so very sorry that I can’t help you. I will post a link to the score the minute it becomes available.
Hello! I am trying desperately to get the sheet music for the search ponder and pray/ sweet story medley. Is it anywhere besides the LDS Website. Im trying to get it for our Primary Program. It goes so well with the Primary 2016 theme. Thank You!
I, too, would love the sheet music for the Hymn Medley from General Conference. I apologize if you’ve answered the several requests somewhere that I did not see, but would like to know if I can obtain it somewhere besides lds.org as I check almost daily and do not see it yet. We would like to use it as well in Primary and would like to start practicing it. Can you tell me if the sheet music is available elsewhere? Thank you! I love your music!
That medley was amazing in Conference and goes so perfectly with the Primary’s 2016 Theme…I don’t see the sheet music yet. Do you know if it is available yet?
Hi Sally,
Thank you for your wonderful arrangements! My daughter was fortunate to be one of the children in the choir this last October and it was a wonderful experience for her:). So much so, that with the new them of Scriptures for primary music, we were hoping to use the medley as one of our songs with our primary this year for their program just in our ward. I looked on the LDS website, but I can’t seem to find anything other than the audio recording. Do you know if they will publish the sheet music as well? If they will, but not for a while, is it possible to get a copy another way?
Hi, I would really like to use this for the presentation this year, any chance of getting a copy of the sheet music -search, ponder and pray/I think when i read that sweet story medley?
Thank you! I’ve used your music in ward choirs for years and can’t believe that you keep making so much available to us for FREE! Our Ward Choir is singing “My Grateful Spirit Sings” in November – so amazing. Thanks so very much!
Sally, you are amazing!!! I love your music and I love you!