New LDS Church Music Submission Guidelines
Jan 27, 2018
For any of you looking to submit your music to the LDS Church Music Submission, the guidelines have been updated.
Highlights of the changes:
- Members may submit to up to three categories of their choice.
- Members under 18 may submit with parent/guardian permission.
- Music may be submitted entirely online, though there’s still a hardcopy option available
- Categories have been changed, and a couple of new ones added
Take a look, and happy composing!
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I sent a comment and am not sure it went through. Could you let me know?
I see it 😉
Dear Sally,
I wrote a song for/about my mom over 20 years ago; by ear and by The Spirit.
I have the top hand and cords but I don’t know music theory so I’ve never been able to write an accompaniment for it. I don’t know how to finish it.
Do you have any suggestions for me?
Sue Madsen
Sue, at least you got to do what most composers consider the “fun” part . What remains is the “work.” A couple of things you could do… If you have a friend or family member who can do this, they might be persuaded to help you out with it in return for, oh, I dunno… cookies for a year or something. 🙂 Or you could hire a professional arranger, which is a more sure bet, but definitely pricier! Good luck!
You could try asking on Facebook, there are groups for latter day saint music composers, get a helper 🙂
I’ve been the choir director for nearly five years and collected a lot of my own creations for the purpose with the intent to submit them when I was released and hopefully have more time. I’ve perused the Submissions at great length and received a lot of inspiration from the work of others. Does this mean the Church Music Committee is back to competition submissions? Does it mean anything submitted with be published in this great resource? I have so many questions. Thanks for any light you can shed.
Connie, the Music and Cultural Arts department is over the annual submission. The submission has been going strong for decades, and as far as I know has never taken a hiatus. I’m sure that not *everything* submitted will be published. That would make the library absolutely unusable since they get hundreds and hundreds of submissions each year. This is all just as far as I know though… I certainly don’t speak for them!
Sally – Thanks for your swift reply to my inquiry. I hope the Music Committee will be as quick. Since not all songs on the Submissions sight look very professional, i.e. hand written, notes on them, etc., I got the impression it was a place intended for members to share. I guess I’ll find out eventually. I had serious hopes of sharing. I’ve submitted pieces for their annual submission in the past. I haven’t gotten past the “Thanks, but there were lots of other really good entries” letters in return.
I don’t know what I’m trying to say. I’m just a little disappointed. Bottom line is I need to look for a good webmaster to bring my website operable again. You’ve been my inspiration. I don’t want to leave this earthly existence with a box full of music that will never be used.
Thanks for listening. Connie
They only publish the winners as far as i know. If you’d like a place to publish one site is (my wife’s) sacred sheet music.org . Good luck!