About those YouTube ads…
YouTube. **sigh** Such a love/hate relationship I have with that place. But where else would I find so many cat videos?
The other day my own mother posted one of my videos to Facebook, and apologized for the advertising. I think she was annoyed. So let me give you the scoop on those things:
Once upon a time… not so long ago, actually… I found that my videos had “copyright claims” and ads (or adverts, if you please) slapped on them by people (..cough.. Universal… cough) who had no rights in them whatsoever. Especially arrangements of public domain material. (“Hey, we have an arrangement of ‘Oh Holy Night’ ✨ … this one must be ours too!!!”)
I complained through YouTube’s designated system, and my plea was summarily rejected. I guess the Big Boys have all the clout. Grrrr. In a snit, I pulled down all the files that were producing revenue for the interlopers.
However, an increasing number of people –some claim around 47%– prefer music delivery via YouTube. So for their sake, I needed to continue to use it.
❓ What to do? ❓
The answer was simple: let CDBaby upload to YouTube and slap on copyright claims on my behalf. They pay me for the ad revenue instead of letting someone else claim it. Problem solved. Or at least, temper tantrums solved.
The revenue it generates actually keeps the site self-sustaining. I guess I don’t mind letting advertising pay for your free stuff. ✔ (Giving stuff away is remarkably expensive.)
So there you have it. If you use “YouTube Premium” you won’t see ads. If you have to endure them, you can at least skip them after a few seconds. If they annoy you, just use the Soundcloud audio files.
FYI, my YouTube channel is here: http://youtube.com/c/sallydefordmusicvideos. I use it mostly for linking, and I don’t promote it, but you’re welcome to subscribe if you like.
BTW, you will hopefully not run into inappropriate advertising on my videos. Google owns YouTube, and supplies the ads based on your perceived interests and browsing habits. Fingers crossed!
Your free music and the church hymns were the first stuff I ever downloaded and put on my brand-new Christmas present: an iPod (1st gen!), back when I was a poor college student about 15 years ago.
I gladly put up with a few ads to support your site. I know that free things aren’t really free. Everything has a cost- if not $, then time.
This is sad and annoying at the same time. I hope you received the CD I did of your music. I’d been singing your wonderful works for almost 10 years, and have always taken downloads from the website.. they are of excellent quality, and taking them to the professional studio went as smooth as banana pudding.
The Good Lord guided me to this place of singing, and steered me away from leaping into the NYC racket that I never could have withstood, and I am grateful. I’ve been fearful of YouTube and have never posted anything…because once it’s out there, is there forever like a high school yearbook photo! Sorry for the techno abuse. It’s so difficult to catch and do something about. However, I will certainly stomp all over anything I might run into out there in cyberspace. Blessings and joy sweet Sally.
Thanks, Nick! Yes!!! I received your lovely CD, and it’s really beautiful. I’m just super behind on replying. I hope to post a track here as demo material. Thanks so much for sending it!
Sadly, there’s a lot of censorship on YouTube, as well as Facebook and Twitter if you’re a conservative. Because one group was summarily shut down on ALL of those social media bullies, they opted to create their answer to YouTube; Brighteon or real.video. it’s free and no ads!
Fortunately I’m the world’s most a-political being, so I don’t run into that. 🙂
I am so sorry to hear about the misuse of your songs. I have enjoyed and used them often as I served as Stake Music Chairman for 9 years and all the times before that. Your name is a household name concerning music and it has always been freely given to us to use. Thank you so much for sharing your talent and creating the perfect mood for so many occasions. Just know that you are valued and we should all protect you for the willing spirit you freely give to all of us.
Thank you so much, Verla! You’re very kind. <3