This was a bit surreal… (cue the Twilight Zone music)
Every site on the internet is under attack. It’s just the way things are.
In the past 24 hours, my site has been attacked more than 5 million times. It happens every day.
Hackers love to use automated routines. It’s utterly impersonal… which is insulting and annoying. Like one of my favorite fictional detectives says, I hate “…the remoteness of the business. If someone is going to kill me, I want him to take a personal interest.” (50 points if you know who said that.)
Since it is so very impersonal, it was surprising to take a quick look at the list of blocked attacks and see that someone (or, rather, some thing) had tried to log in to the back end of this site with a very silly e-mail address my son used when he was eight years old — 20-odd years ago.
As is so typical, my kids concocted somewhat unique e-mail handles, mostly to talk to family. Like “1fish2fishredfishpsychofish” or “dannytheliontamer.”
It was a bit surreal to realize that as I was blithely working on Christmas music, some robot was trying to exploit these old, now-extinct e-mail addresses.
The hackers are definitely trying every trick imaginable.
This year’s Christmas carol is a choral, full of shepherds and sheep and angels and echoing glorias. It’s still in progress. If it pops up elsewhere first, you’ll know the robots got me.
Amelia Peabody Emerson?
And we have a winner!
Was it Hercule Poirot? hahaha!
Good guess… but nope. I’ll give you 5 points for trying though! 😉
I would be less effective as a ward choir director without your wonderful help. Sometimes I’ve had to rewrite parts to fit what Choir I had. Your different voicing make that possible. Thank you!
I’m not surprised that even you are being hacked! It’s a sad world we are living in. Thank heavens for scriptures to guide us through.
I am excited to read that you’re busily working on this years Christmas song! I adore your music, especially Christmas and love to accompany good singers. In the last four songs I’ve had that privilege, three of them are your originals. “Be Still My Soul” was sung by a missionary on his last day before returning home with honor. The accompaniment is the most beautiful I’ve ever played. Thankfully, you have provided the program with which I was able to lower it to his voice. I’ve had to use that same program for a Sister who will be singing “A Heaven On Earth” this coming weekend. She’s a contralto. Also this coming weekend, a mother and daughter will be singing “Write Thy Name Upon My Heart.” Their voices blend so beautifully with the words and music in such a way that I was brought to tears during our first practice. I’m hoping that doesn’t happen again because it makes reading music quite difficult!
Your ever growing song list is such a blessing for me and so many others. There isn’t a person, who is in music, that doesn’t know who Sally DeFord is. That’s a legacy not many composers have. Thank you ever so much for sharing your amazingly wonderful talent, your love of music so freely with all of God’s children! The world is a better place because of you.
Just performed “I Know My Father Loves Me” at a baptism with the flute. The harmonies are simple and beautiful. Everyone felt the spirit during and after this song. Thank you Sally