A Friday Post in Lieu of a Friday Favorite: That Primary Medley
Since I’m off visiting my parents this week, I don’t have my nice, organized (oh, very!) stacks stash of music handy. So in place of a Friday Favorite, I’ll give you the scoop on the SSAA Primary medley I did for last October’s General Women’s Conference of the LDS Church.
This arrangement ended up with a bit of backstory which has nothing to do with the arrangement itself. Well, except for one chord.
Late last May I received the assignment to arrange a medley of “I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus” and “He Sent His Son” for the October Conference session. These are two of my favorite Primary songs ever, so the idea was intriguing and downright fun. The assignment had a July 1 deadline, and since June was already pretty full I divvied out the month, reserving the last week for work on this arrangement.

Then on June 23, a wildfire of epic proportions broke out in the forest near my home, and I spent the last week of June being evacuated along with 32,000 other residents of Colorado Springs.
So much for my nicely-scheduled life.
After the danger was over, and we were allowed back into our homes (ours was fine–we had friends who weren’t so lucky) I spent the next few days playing Frantic Madwoman Arranger, trying to overtake July 1st. Which didn’t happen, but considering the circumstances, I didn’t miss the deadline by too much.
I listened with delight to the beautiful YSA choir that performed it during the Conference (and they really did a fabulous job!) until they got to the chord at about 4:35. Which wasn’t a chord at all. Which meant that in my rush I had omitted the harmonies from the score, and missed it in the proofreading. (Oh, and it was such a glorious chord!) Can you spot it?
It’s an interesting feeling to watch a broadcast happening hundreds of miles away and find yourself actually ****blushing****. Oh the poor altos! It was a nasty jump to a rather high note, and I hereby officially apologize.
Jackman music has published the score, complete with the harmonies that belong in that measure. (I didn’t publish it on this site because it was an arrangement of several other composers’ work and I really don’t want to deal with royalties. So Jerry did it for me. 🙂 )
The score is available here, as either hard copy or PDF download.

I can’t find sheet music for this lovely Primary Medley……can you help me?
Thank you
Sally–I found your “Primary Medley” (I’m Trying To Be Like Jesus/He Sent His Son) performed in conference Oct. 2017, sung by mixed voices (youth choir from Midvale & Sandy). Do you have this voicing available? Or did they just use your SSAA arrangement and work it out for their particular needs for this performance?
This was a separate score, but it’s unpublished. The only published one is the SAAA. 🙁
How do I find the SSAA score?
To God be the Glory. You’ve done a good Job. I am praying that the heavenly Father will continue to give you the wisdom and the knowledge of composing songs that touch the heart of many christian to draw near to our heavenly father as we wait for His return.Thank you again. I am not an LDS member but your songs makes a difference in my Life. I am from Philippines. God bless you. Mayme mticobay@yahoo.com