Fun and Games, and a Missionary Choir

Best friends. Most of the time. 😉
It’s a busy week–the grandbabies are here to play. They are a very picturesque pair. Also nice, well-behaved, smart, creative, (insert virtues of your choice here)… No bias. Nope. None. Since my attention will be elsewhere for a while, a few things waiting in queue will have to be patient a bit longer. In the meantime, here’s a fun missionary choir for you to enjoy.
What makes this rendition most appealing to me is the choir–sister missionaries just setting off to various parts of the world where they will spend their time teaching of Jesus Christ and serving in any way they can.

That service often comes in unexpected ways… hence this picture–my adorable niece (the one the in the closet) and her fellow missionary compatriots helping with cleanup during the recent flooding in Colorado.
I loved looking at the faces in the choir–so happy, so beautiful, and they sounded great. The incredible thing is that they had the music memorized. I know how long these ladies had (or didn’t have) to learn the music and what their schedules are like. I’m well and truly impressed!
Happy Wednesday! I’m off to enjoy Dueling Action Figures and Other Very Important Things. 🙂
Hello, I am just wondering about the sheet music for the Go Forth with Faith/Sisters in Zion medley. Is that sheet music available. Asking for the library at BYU, and especially on behalf of a Spanish sister who is looking for this music. Thank you.
Myrna, I wish I had an answer for you… but I don’t. The music was an assignment specifically for that presentation. Both the songs used in the arrangement are under copyright or I’d post it here, and it’s not on the Church Music website library. I think maybe your best bet would be to call the Church music department and see if they will distribute copies. Sorry I’m not much help! Best of luck. 🙂
Did you ever release your medley of Go forth with faith and As Sisters in Zion?
No… unfortunately. That one is an arrangement of copyrighted material, so it won’t appear here. 🙁
hi..love the songs. Where I can I get a copy of the sheet music sang by the missionaries, the As Sisters in Zion and Go Forth with Faith medley?
Thank you 🙂
Thank you so much for your beautiful music Sally! My daughter is one of the missionaries that got to sing at the Women’s conference. She left a week later for the Philippines. She told us it was an incredible experience to be able to sing with the other sister missionaries.
Gethsemane has become my new favorite Easter song. I did it with my ward choir last year and my daughter played the violin. It was so beautiful and so powerful. Thank you for your contributions to Christian Choir music. I have done so many of your pieces on a ward and stake level. I even use them with my community children’s choir.
Alissa Wakefield, ID
Thank you so much for sharing this. I love your music, and the beautiful melodies you create. I have sung many of your solo and duet pieces. If you keep writing them, I’ll keep singing them. 🙂 Many of the memories that I hold in my heart involve sharing your music at Christmas and Easter. Our Young Adult Choir is just about to start working on your “Peace, Peace, Peace” piece for our Christmas Eve Service. Thank you so much for sharing your music with all of us. It is truly a blessed gift.
UNBELIEVABLE music …I just loved this one, “Gethsemane” !
I have a true alto voice and these songs for low voices are perfect for me . I have sung several in Sacrament meetings.
Thanks for all you do with the music, and the opportunity that you give for us to print this music…you are a DEAR!!
Linda Cooper Hemet , CA