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Happy Mother’s Day to Me

May 11, 2014

I think that for this Mother’s Day (in the US at least) I could not do better than to re-post a poem written for me by my daughter Holly.

Quite often I look at my babies,
And notice the features we share.
Could I choose just what they’d inherit
This would be my sincerest prayer:

To witness creation’s magic
And the pain a brother hides
To shed the tears of compassion
Give them my mother’s eyes.

To offer the lonely friendship
To patiently fill life’s demands
To gracefully carry their burdens
Give them my mother’s hands

That they may always speak kindly
Sing praises to Him and rejoice
Share truth and hope with all nations
Give them my mother’s voice

Let them accept, love and welcome
Let them learn the great Master’s art
Give them charity, courage and passion
Give them my mother’s heart.

(Holly DeFord Wilson, from “Only Fools Are Positive“)

Is there a mother in the world who wouldn’t melt at having such a thing written for her? I’m thinking that with a few little tweaks, that sounds like a Mother’s Day song. Ya think? 🙂

Happy Mother’s Day!

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