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Herding Cats

Aug 1, 2017

Herding cats

Best. Analogy. Ever. Or at least the most accurate.

From the front end, it looks like my site is just sitting here, toodling along without a hitch. On the back end, I’m in a bit of a panic. That’s what you get for doing things yourself.

Apparently the theme I use (the thing that makes my site look like it does) is no longer up to the exacting standards of WordPress, and… skipping all the boring details… I have to redo the entire thing. (300+ pages. Okay, I admit it. That’s a plea for a little sympathy. Chocolate will be fine. ? )

Galileo asleep on the piano bench.

When our cat isn’t napping in weird positions, he’s jumping off walls. Which pretty much describes the state of this poor site at the moment.

It’s a blessing in disguise, really. After decades of adding scores and pages piecemeal there’s no uniformity in the content here, so that can be fixed. After the change all the Personal Composer scores will be available so you can transpose to your hearts’ content. The fonts and sizes on the scores will all be updated. This is all a good thing. *she tells herself*

Golden lasso

Fortunately I found one of these for sale on the internet.

The project is in progress, and will (I hope) (fingers crossed) (fingers really crossed) be transparent when the changeover happens. However, I do anticipate the site being offline for a couple of days, hopefully in late August, while I make the switch, so be sure you get what you need before then. I don’t want anyone waiting until the night before a practice and finding that the score they need is temporarily inaccessible.

One thing to note: I am discontinuing the use of Soundclick (since they refuse to move on from Flash-based players), so any recordings found only on Soundclick will be unavailable, some temporarily, some permanently. If there’s something there that you really like, download it now.

I’ll give you a couple of days notice once everything is ready.

There are a few new things in the pipeline… I’m working on a children’s album with two new songs… Katherine Wright did a lovely new setting for a hymn-text I wrote… and a new Christmas choral is running circles in my brain… but I won’t post them until after the switch. No use doing the same work twice.

Happy Tuesday. I’m off to lasso a few more felines. ?

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