How’s about that? I didn’t break the internet!
Here’s the brand-spankin-new site… which is pretty much just like the old site. Only greener. It may not stay green, but for now, welcome to the Emerald City.

My husband is painting the house, so in sympathy I chose the same color. I had the easier job.
There are a few cosmetic changes, and some things on the back end that you (hopefully) won’t see.
More importantly, I Photoshopped my current hair onto my old pictures because I’m too lazy to get new ones taken. 🙂
I guess there actually are a few meaningful changes other than hairstyles and paint colors.
Here’s a summary of the differences:
Finding Stuff:
- The “Alphabetical List” is now called the “Song List.” It’s a fancy-schmancy table that lets you search for topics, voicings, keywords, etc. Because it’s so clever and cool, I keep going back to play with it instead of doing real work.
Listening to Stuff:
- The “Playlists” page now includes YouTube as well as Soundcloud. The playlists open in a new browser tab and the music will continue until you close the tab.
- The Soundcloud players on the individual song pages have been acting up a bit. You may have to hit reload to get them to display properly. (If you right-click them and reload the frame, it works even better.) Soundcloud is looking into it since quite a few of us howled at them. Fingers crossed.
Aaaaand the Sheet Music:
- ALL of the individual songs have been reformatted. 531 scores. FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY ONE OF THEM. By the time I finished I was ready to chuck my computer off a convenient bridge and take up knitting.
- But they’re done, which means ALL the Personal Composer files are also available for those scores, so transpose and/or resize to your heart’s content. There’s a post here with instructions on transposition, and one here with instructions on resizing.
- Cantata scores are NOT done. They look just like before, which is sad.
They’re next on the list, but I’m not likely to hurry through them. There are at least 500 scores in that batch as well. Knitting is looking better and better…

Mufflers! And scarves! And… um, yeah. That’s probably about it.
Other than that, things work pretty much the same. I expect a few glitches. If you see anything amiss, feel free to mention it in the comments below.
That hefty sigh of relief you just heard… yeah, that was me. 🙂
thank you for making the world a better place Sally. things in this world are really chaotic but with your music it makes me calm when i played and listen to it. love lots….
Sally, Honestly, there will be a special section in Heaven for all you composers who have blessed so many of our lives and congregations. Your music and arrangements have testified with the spirit, causing the heart to ache and rejoice at the same time. Your talent and willingness to share with the rest of us has not gone un-noticed. How does one repay you for the hours upon hours spent in service. Thank you, sincerely from every micro unit of my body. (RN speaking now)
You nurses… when it comes to paying it forward, I think you do your fair share! Thanks for your kindness, Sue!
Hi Sally,
Thanks for all of your work. Many lives are blessed by it. I am really struggling to get my transposed copy of one of your songs. I finally got the pcdemo downloaded but I have no way of downloading any of the .pc files from the website. If I click on it, the file opens in a new tab and its written in code. If I right click, it only gives me options to open in a new tab, open in a new window, save the target link, etc. but no download option. I am working on a time crunch and I know its not your emergency, but I would really appreciate your help on this. Thanks!
Just choose “save target.” 🙂
I love you piano solos, I play & practice them all the time, thank you for your desire to serve & share your music..
Sally, I can’t tell you how much “discovering” you and your incredible gift of music has done for our ministry of music at our chapel. I am the soloist and I sing every Saturday evening and Sunday morning service. The pastor and congregation have repeatedly told the organist and I how your music touched them in deep emotional ways. I feel it to as I sing. As a vocalist, I especially love that your pieces feel much more like a duet between voice and piano/organ as the accompaniment almost never plays what I’m singing; it is truly a partnership. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have blessed so many with your gift. (And I LOVE your sense of humor in your blogs!). Much admiration…….
Thanks, Chrys! That’s so good to hear. You’re very kind. 🙂
When do you sleep? You are so dedicated to filling the with wonderful music! Please, don’t stop!
Your hymns are a wonderful addition to any choir.
We look forward to your future blogs.
Thanks again.
Sleep…. hmmmm…. well, there was this one day, back in 2015… 😉
It’s just wonderful! Thanks for all you do for us, Sally!
🙂 Thank you!
Congratulations on the new site! I can’t wait to check out your playlists section. Your new site looks easy to navigate. I’m no IT Expert, but I can manage this. Thanks for sharing your taste in music.
Thanks! I’m no IT expert either–I just stumble about until it looks usable. 🙂