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New Music: “Holy Is the Lord”

Jul 25, 2020

Every time I attended (or slept through) a 7 a.m. class in college…
Every time I had to drag myself out of bed to get to work on time…
Every time my babies decided that sleep was optional after 4 a.m…


I wished I had been born a morning person.

Alas, I am not a morning person. It’s kinda sad, because I remember…

…driving home after teaching Seminary and seeing the gorgeous colors of dawn…
…working in my flower garden while it was still cool and fresh…
…watching the sun suddenly vault into the skies over the ocean east of O’ahu…

…and feeling thankful (and a bit surprised!) that I was awake enough to see it.

The new song this time, “Holy Is the Lord,” is a song about morning. The actual physical morning, certainly–but also the things that morning symbolizes: light; guidance; the coming of Jesus Christ; and the hope of eternal life.

Here’s a recording of the medium-voice solo, with vocals by James Loynes:

The song is available for medium- and high-voice solo. As usual, “high” is relative, and we didn’t end up with a “low” version because the accompaniment started growling at me. 🙂

Happy singing!

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