Peace, Be Still
I spent several hours last night with my daughter, Holly, on Skype. Until about 2 a.m. when she dropped off. Her power probably went out. Because…

Yeah, they live right in the path of hurricane Michael. It had by then been downgraded to just a tropical storm.
“Just” a tropical storm.
I guess I can be thankful for that, but Mama bear is irrational. Grandmama bear is worse. And there’s nothing either can do about it except fret and worry and pray.
So for anyone out there who is affected by this (or any!) natural disaster… or unnatural disaster… I’ll share one of Holly’s comments from last night:

That’s what the Lord said to his disciples so long ago, and that’s what He says to us now. It’s going to be ok. Whatever it is. Peace, be still. It’s what He said to me a decade ago when I wrote this song:
Isn’t it amazing how the Lord knows what we need, now and tomorrow and next year, and a decade from now? He knew I’d need to listen to my own song several times over, for my own comfort. (And also to drive “That’s the night when the lights went out in Georgia….” out of my head… 😉 )
So Mama bear will keep watching for the power to come back on in Georgia; Grandmama bear will keep praying; and the Lord will keep His arms around us all, and keep whispering, “Peace, be still.”
Update: The kiddos are fine, very little property damage, and the cats have stopped screaming. I guess cats feel the pressure drop worse than humans do!
Update 2: I was in such a fog this morning that I forgot to add the links box so here ya go…
Links to material in this post:
Can I get In a Manger Bed on satb with flute & pianoDon
Sally: A very good friend of mine has just been diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. Due to the situation, he cannot have chemotherapy or radiation. He has been given from 6 months to a year to live. Being a Christian, he is leaning on God for strength, peace and comfort. I gave him a copy of the words to Heaven’s Embrace. I know they will minister to him. My heart has been touched by these words as well and I enjoy the solo rendition on your site. Thank you.
Gary, I somehow failed to respond to this message last month when it was posted. It’s hard to know what to say, but I do sincerely hope that song and others like it will give him the comfort he needs. Prayers for your friend!
I pray your babies are ok.
They are! Thank you! <3
Sally, you and your grandbabies are all in my prayers. If it’s OK with you, I’d like to add you all to our chapel prayer list requests. I have 4 grandbabies, the oldest of whom just turned 5 on Oct 6. I know that this Grandmama Bear would feel just like you if they were in the path of this hurricane. We all live in Rhode Island, so hurricanes that actually make it this far north are few and far between other than remnants of rain bands.
I must also tell you that I have been guest soloing at different churches in CT, MA and RI (as well as almost every weekend at my own chapel as soloist). Parishioners have been so deeply emotionally affected by the songs of yours that I’ve sung – especially “Make Us One” and “He is There”. The organists are now introduced to your amazing music and they have comments like “This is the most beautiful song I have ever ever heard!” (organist from a Baptist church in MA where I sang in Sept) and “What an incredibly beautiful and so powerful piece of music this is!” (organist from a Presbyterian church in Providence, Rhode Island and “This music is emotionally so charged, a delight to play, and need I say more as you heard the applause from the congregation when you finished Make Us One?!” (Congregational church in Connecticut.
What more can I say but “Thank you, Sally. Thank you.”
Thank you, Chrys! You are always so kind. My babies are well and safe, but there are so many others who have lost so much in this disaster, that I think maybe they would be the ones who need your chapel’s prayer list most. (Though I’ll certainly take all the prayers I can get! 🙂 ) <3
Done! I know the pastor will pray for those who have been in the path of hurricane Michael. Both he and his associate pastor are always adding earthquake/tsunami/fires/hurricane/tornado victims to the prayer list. So much of it lately. Numerous members of the congregations where I’ve sung “He Is There” have said, “I can’t tell you how much I needed to hear exactly that message today. It’s like it was the work of an angel.” I’ve often thought of you as an angel of God’s messages. Bless you, Sally.
“I’ll drop my burden at His feet and bear a song away”..,.
It is a truth that grandmothers worry more as they move along in age and through life’s experiences.
May things go well for your little ones.
Your “Peace, Be Still” composition is tender and comforting. Is it available as sheet music? It touches a chord which is common to all, and would be so pleasing and healing to even just sit and play and sing. Please consider it.
Sorry I forgot the link! It’s there now. 🙂
Thank you Sally! So glad all is well. Prayers for everyone in the region!
Our young adult choir really enjoy your music. Will the sheet music be available soon?
Thank you!!!
🙂 Which sheet music in particular are you looking for?
Peace, Be Still. Your Hurricane Michael song 🙂
Ah… well, there isn’t a new song this time. The song linked above is an older one that I thought fit the day pretty well. 🙂
Ohhhh. I didn’t see it on your website. Am I mistaken or is it not a shared piece? Thanks!!
Melissa, I think I’ve got you confused! The title of this post is just a title… it’s not a song. (Well, not yet! Maybe sometime.) The only song referenced is this one: https://defordmusic.com/song-list/heavens-embrace/
And the lights are on, the trampoline is intact (after spending the night roped to the storage shed), the cats have stopped yowling, and best of all, the kiddies are safe and sound. Hallelujah!
Here in little old Davis County, Utah we get the infamous east winds every couple of years or so, with those winds
typically blowing from 75 to sometimes a hundred miles an hour. Once the winds lasted three days, Two or three
years ago a 100 mile an hour wind caused several million dollars damage in our home town of Centerville. What is ironic is my wife is from Orlando. Many years ago, British convert Charles Penrose, living in a cabin in nearby Farmington, wrote a hymn called “Blow Gently, Ye Wild Winds.” On a happier note, early Centerville settler Andrew Dalrymple wrote “O Lord of Hosts,” hymn 178. Peace!
What a future blessing our past points of inspiration can be.
Grandmama Bear’s concern was well warranted.
Exactly. Well put!
This is a wonderful testimonial of your faith. You, your daughter, and entire family are in my prayers along with all others in the path of Michael.
Thank you so much, Glenn!
Thank you. This mama and grandmama bear has her cubs in Georgia also. This is a sweet comforter today.
<3 <3 <3
I am listening to this now. Thank you! We are all in turmoil at one time or another and sometimes it seems it’s just one after another after another. Lay it at His feet.