Primary Music 🙂
Last October, a primary choir sang a medley of “Search, Ponder, and Pray” and “I Think When I Read That Sweet Story.” I was asked to arrange this specifically for the conference, and the sheet music was not then available. Now, thanks to the lovely folks in the Music and Cultural Arts office… ***drum roll*** the score can be downloaded from music.lds.org directly here: Children’s Medley Sheet Music
There is also an MP3 of the conference children’s choir singing it here: Children’s Medley MP3 The children’s choir did not include the optional harmonies in the score.
Because “If I Listen With My Heart” is being used in the Primary Program this year, I’ve had a lot of requests for the story behind the song. I’ll try to word it simply so you can use it in your Primaries if you wish.
Later that week, Amy said to me, “Mom, you know when dad gave us a blessing when we were sick?
I did remember.
“Well,” she continued, “When dad put his hands on my head I felt soooooo good inside!”
Amy had listened with her heart, and I had not. So she heard the Savior’s voice comforting her, and I missed it. That’s why I wrote this song for her–because she had taught me a wonderful lesson about listening to the Holy Ghost.
Many of you have asked for an even simpler accompaniment for this song than the one included in the booklet, so here’s an easier version still: If I Listen With My Heart – (Children’s Voices Very Easy)
I especially love the third verse of this song. I taught it to primary children years ago. I think it so clearly teaches the ways the Holy Ghost blesses our lives. I am now quoting it in Portuguese as we serve a mission in Brazil.
Kia ora Sally. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful talents. I really appreciate your music, and especially the stories behind the songs. Arohanui ki a koe. Xo
Thank you so much! We are singing this for our Primary Program this year!
Thanks, Sally! You are the BEST!
Hi Sally, There seems to be a word missing in the lyrics of the second line of the second verse on the simplified music sheet.
This is a beautiful song and my wife says the primary children love it and have learned it really quickly.
Thanks for all your lovely music.
Peter from Australia
Thanks Peter! All fixed. (You may need to refresh the PDF when it loads.) 🙂
Thank you Sally for that story. I am no long in Primary, but I love learning the Primary songs and I use them sometimes in Relief Society. Children teach us so much, don’t they.
Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your talents, Sister DeFord! This was SUCH a beautiful arrangement! And I love hearing the story behind ‘If I Listen With My Heart’. 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing these. I just listened to the medley again and felt the spirit fill my heart. And it’s always neat to hear the story behind a song. Thank you, thank you.