In Which “Rock of Ages” Gets the 4/4 Treatment
Maybe that should read “…gets the 4/4 treatment one-and-a-half-handed.”
I love the words to “Rock of Ages.” I have always felt though, that the triple rhythm just doesn’t give them the weight and meaning they deserve. So this arrangement is done in 4/4.
The one and a half hands? That’s what happens when you develop carpal tunnel syndrome and ligament issues and find that after surgery you make a very impatient patient. (Recuperating gracefully is not one of my talents.)
The silver lining here is that I have some beeeeautiful scars I can make the grandkids believe I got fighting dragons. (You’ll notice I didn’t post a picture of said scars. Definitely TMI. I gave you a nice dragon instead.)
This arrangement was done as I struggled to play anything correctly–let alone up to speed. (I’m still only good for the mildest hymns played rather slowly.) It was a sort of personal challenge, to see what I could come up with almost-one-handed.
You will find it (especially the left hand) very simple. You’ll also find it both very easy and somewhat challenging. Setting a familiar hymn to a new rhythm can be tricky until you get used to it.
Here’s a solo recording, with vocals by James Loynes:
There’s also an accompaniment track available on the song page.
As you can hear, the solo covers quite a range. I have provided the .pc files, as usual, so that you can transpose the music as you choose. If you transpose the solo, you won’t be able to transpose it far–a couple of notes is about all you’ll get. The chorals assign those low and high places to the appropriate parts. You don’t get that luxury when you’re singing alone. 🙂
The “cover” art for this one is backed by a lovely photo by my friend Jeff Carter. See it full size here, along with more of his amazing work. (Ten points if you can spot the photo that looks like it came right out of “Frozen.” 🙂 )
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Hi Sally! Long time fan…..I mean a really LONG time……….Do you have some arrangements yet using a cello? How about a viola? I introduced your music to my Mission Elijah Choir back in 1997 ish. Both religious and secular. all kinds….solos to all parts. Love you! My youngest daughter (now a grandmother!) and heavily into music has a card that I love, because it applies to me also AND to you!!! “Music is not just what I do, It’s who I am” Prayers and gratitude always. Dorothea
Thanks for the arrangement to a wonderful old hymn. Will be singing this in church and in nursing homes in my area. I really appreciate your giving of your talents for God’s work and glorification.
This is so beautiful. I like it much more with 4/4 timing. Can’t wait to use it as a solo and with the choir. Thanks so much for sharing your talents.
Know in your heart that you are held in healing prayers. I know how challenging it is to be recuperating from surgery that involves the healing of the very tools that are your soul’s work. Also know that I downloaded this new arrangement of “Rock of Ages” to work on with our choir. You are such a blessing and amazing gift to this world.
As always, Chrys, you are so very kind! Thank you. <3
Wonderful as always. So touching. The Lord richly bestows you with such amazing talents which you unselfishly shares with us. You’re quite a blessing to all Christian communities. I thank God that we have access to all your works & they are a big help to me as a music leader in our church. The Great Healer will always heal you. More blessings Ms. Sally DeFord.
Thanks so much for the re-do of a great old hymn. I love it. Will sing for services during the summer choir break.
What a beautiful arrangement. But you need to be careful when dealing with dragons. Remember you are crunchy and good with catsup!!! 😎
As you can see by my scars, I won. Anyway, catsup has wayyyyy too much sugar in it. 😉
I love this arrangement! I am having All my grandchildren and children learn this so we can sing it for Sacrament Meeting when they come for our “Surprise” 50th wedding celebration in July!
Hoping your wrist gets better!
My hands have arthritis and I can reach an octave–barely and I couldn’t manage repeating octaves (Battle Hymn of the Republic comes to mind) any more😪
Thank you for all the Beautiful music over the years. It ALWAYS warms my soul.
This is amazing!! Beautiful! Sorry about your surgery… but don’t we live in a wonderful time that we can actually get things fixed… if only partially! Love all that you do! May you continue to be blessed for so willingly sharing all that you do. What a gift!!
Do you ever have free downloads of music?
Always. 🙂