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State of the Site 2014: A big “Thank You!”

Jan 1, 2015

Another year, another set of statistics. My site stats always surprise me. Nothing goes viral, nothing makes a big splash, and yet the end of the year numbers always leave me scratching my head. For instance:

October Calendar SmallIt would appear that there were 600,000 or so unique human beings out there who dropped in to visit 5.5 million pages.

Sundays were the biggest days as you might expect, the busiest one logging 30,000 visitors.

The Christmas season usually scores the most traffic, but this year October actually beat out December as the busiest month. (Could this possibly mean we’re actually preparing Christmas music in advance? Nah….)

Cat and mouseThe most downloaded songs for the year were: “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” “Oh Holy Night,” “If the Savior Stood Beside Me,” “Be Still, My Soul,” and “A Believer’s Prayer.”

All told, the mouse clicks added up to 2.6 terrabytes of data transfer for the year. (I still haven’t wrapped my head around exactly what a gigabyte is… don’t ask me to explain what something 1024 times as big might be… 😉 )

What do all these useless numbers mean to me? Well, simply this: it blesses my life to know that so many of you out there love the Lord. It makes me feel like a part of a huge, wonderful, unseen community who know and love the Savior.

Thank you for that. Thank you for helping me to know that in a world of noise and confusion and violence and unhappiness, there are so many of you out there who know where peace and surety and happiness and love are found.

Wishing you a wonderful, blessed 2015!

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