State of the Site 2014: A big “Thank You!”
Another year, another set of statistics. My site stats always surprise me. Nothing goes viral, nothing makes a big splash, and yet the end of the year numbers always leave me scratching my head. For instance:
It would appear that there were 600,000 or so unique human beings out there who dropped in to visit 5.5 million pages.
Sundays were the biggest days as you might expect, the busiest one logging 30,000 visitors.
The Christmas season usually scores the most traffic, but this year October actually beat out December as the busiest month. (Could this possibly mean we’re actually preparing Christmas music in advance? Nah….)
The most downloaded songs for the year were: “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” “Oh Holy Night,” “If the Savior Stood Beside Me,” “Be Still, My Soul,” and “A Believer’s Prayer.”
All told, the mouse clicks added up to 2.6 terrabytes of data transfer for the year. (I still haven’t wrapped my head around exactly what a gigabyte is… don’t ask me to explain what something 1024 times as big might be… 😉 )
What do all these useless numbers mean to me? Well, simply this: it blesses my life to know that so many of you out there love the Lord. It makes me feel like a part of a huge, wonderful, unseen community who know and love the Savior.
Thank you for that. Thank you for helping me to know that in a world of noise and confusion and violence and unhappiness, there are so many of you out there who know where peace and surety and happiness and love are found.
Wishing you a wonderful, blessed 2015!
I, too must thank you, Sally, for sharing your enormous talent! Taking what is in your heart and transferring it to paper in beautiful music is truly a God-inspired talent from the beauty of your soul. Since stumbling on your site several months ago, I have sung 2 or 3 of your songs at my church worship services as well as a duet. That is my favorite so far…Because He Lives. We are going to be singing it twice more at different worship services.
When I am asked by our music director to sing a solo, I often have to search for something that strikes a “chord” in me. Not any longer. I have told her that I have music to sing as often as she would like. I now have a long list of your beautiful songs that I look forward to singing.
Thanks for being a beacon to the world!
How kind you are! Thank you so much!
After several years away from solo singing, I was extremely delighted to pop onto your sight to find just the right song to share my love of the Savior and His gospel. So many choices I am still narrowing them down but what a beautiful problem to have!
You expressed your thanks. “Thank you for helping me to know that in a world of noise and confusion and violence and unhappiness, there are so many of you out there who know where peace and surety and happiness and love are found.” To which I respond…
Thank you! Thank you for sharing your gift and light with all of us! Thank you ever so much for making it easier to fill our homes and hearts with His beautiful “peace and surety and happiness and love” through the incredible spiritual power of music! Thank you for collaborating with incredible other musicians to even provide files that we can listen to when we have no ability to create the music for ourselves! Thank you Sally for all you do and how you do it. You are truly one of my heroes!
Our Choir is singing “Come Unto Christ”. I wake up in the morning hearing that music and those beautiful words wandering through my mind. I just finished reading the last chapter of 2 Nephi and thought again of this music and just wanted to say thank you for sharing this wonderful spiritual gift that the Lord has given you. Your gift is a blessing to us all! And thank you for this particular song which is such a beautiful testimony of our Savior and his love and desires for us to have joy and peace. It brings me peace.
Thank you Sally so very much for the amazing music you give to us all! God has blessed you with such a gift and for you to share that freely with us is an incerdible loving gift. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am not LDS but my pianist who is, told me about your site and I am so grateful she did. I have visited many times and have thoroughly enjoyed your music. I have not found a Christian site like yours and that to me is very sad! You are a generous spirit and I thank God for the gift He has given you and for your kind and loving heart! I am learning many of your songs and sharing them with others who have not heard of you but are truly touched by your music. May you be blessed by our Heavenly Father always.
Your music is so inspiring. I think it’s so generous of you to bless us with it and also offer it for free. That’s a great blessing! thanks so much! I have a notebook filled with your music. I love to play your music on the piano.
I am very grateful to you. Our choir director was out sick this season, and I was fortunate to check your site for some new ideas. We had a lovely time rehearsing and performing, and just as you said, we felt the Lord’s love for us in our offering. It may not have been perfect, but it was our offering. Keep up the good work.
So very grateful for your Inspiration, Sally. You are very blessed to be able to put that inpiration into words, into music. How can it be suffient to just say “THANK YOU” for your willingness to SHARE YOUR TALENTS with millions of people, even to those of different Faith as you and located all over this world? I don’t think that two words are suffient. But I truly do say “thank you, Sally” from the bottom of my heart! I LOVE your beautiful music!! ❤️ Have a continued inspiring New Year!
(Vermont here)
Thank you so much for inspiring us through your music,and also helping us to get closer to the Lord, as well as developing a better relationship with Him through your lyrics. For me personally, your music has put me in tune with the Spirit in a way that I can distinguish better what is right and wrong. Also, the lyrics has helped me ponder more about the scriptures, and as the lyrics get stuck in my mind, it has brought me tears of joy, better understanding of the gospel and my purpose as a daughter of God. Thank you so much for being such a great instrument in the Lord’s hand and for being willing to share it with us.
As soloist at a chapel in MA, I want to tell you that the songs of yours that I sang at Christmastime were the biggest hits. The organist,congregation and pastor love your works as much as I do. I sang Born is the Light of the World, On a Still and Starry Night, and Lying in a Manger. As wonderful as the old classics are, we are loving your fresh new pieces. Thank from the bottom of my heart
Thank you for your beautiful Christian music and your generosity in sharing it with others. I have found many Christian music sites, but most are for profit sites. Thank you for making it possible for me to enjoy your music.
Thank your so much for sharing your amazing talents. I love your music and arrangements and have used them as a stake and ward choir director and also as a pianist for choir. I also love and have used your music for solos and duets and young women. Your music blesses the lives of those who hear your music. Thanks again!
Love and miss you, Sally. Your music is well used and sung here in the Washinton Seattle Mission. It is a blessing to know you. Thank you for blessing the lives of so many! Sister Allen
I think you are a delightful and generous person. Thank you so much for your music.
A big thanks to you Sally for the music you give out so freely for us to use. You are a source of inspiration and joy for many choir’s who’s sincere desire is to Praise Our Lord Jesus Christ. The simplicity and beauty of your compositions and variations add grandeur to our performances. Your music is much appreciated and loved. My choir which is that of Christ Church, Byculla (India) has performed some of your music and every member of the choir takes sincere joy in singing your pieces. Some have been uploaded on YouTube. I hope we are doing justice to your works. Thanks and God bless you